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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. They love my food but they just aren't into cooking like I am. They have a gas grill but that's probably as far as they are going to go. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  2. Really excited for you HalfSmoke. Spring 2017 shure came early but we all knew it would Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  3. TY MacKenzie - we had a really good visit. My sister and BIL are easy to cook for as they like everything. . But next vacation we go to their house down in FL. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  4. Great looking KK. Awesome she had it unpacked for you. Can't wait to see the first cook. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  5. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  6. Friday sister and BIL just wanted to chill around the house. Me and Mrs skreef went for a motorcycle ride. We stopped by a small food truck gathering for lunch. I had Cuban pork served over corn risotto and topped with a Cuban Cole Slaw. The concept and taste was good but the execution was only so, so. It did give me something to go on and will make this dish in the future. . I had a few more fresh peaches left so Friday night I experimented with pork loin chops stuffed with peaches and rosemary. Also a new recipe to try. Pepperoni au gratin. Great recipe will definitely make those again. . Sister is leaving to go back home this morning. Had a really good time during her visit and she loved all the food. TY everyone for the great comments and following along. . Now back to your regularly scheduled program Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  7. Thursday we went to the Warner Robins Air museum. It's a pretty decent air museum. (and that's coming from someone who lived for 30 years just outside Washington DC, and went to the National Air and Space museum all the time) . At the request of my sister we had Pinwheels for dinner (flank Steak stuffed with provolone, spinach and sweet peppers). My sister has been a guest sou chef the whole time and doing an excellent job - TY sis . We also made fresh peach ice cream (pictures tomorrow night - maybe - LOL)
  8. Wednesday we decided to sleep in. When we finally got up and moving I had a quick project that needed me to take a measurement in the crawl space under the house. While down there I figured out my 15 year old hot water heater had a leak . Spent the day going to town getting a new hot water heater and installing it. Now there's a fun way to spend a vacation day - NOT - LOL . With that done it was time to make some pizzas. Got my sister involved. I stretched the dough and she built the pies. . Ham and black olives. White Margarita. Pepperoni. Sliced tomatoes and Jalapeño. In the haste to get eating I guess I forgot to take a picture of the last pie (sliced tomato and Jalapeño). . Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  9. Tuesday we went to the Atlanta Aquarium - a true world class aquarium. First time for sister and BIL, they loved it. . My sister mentioned that she had not had my mom's chicken and dumplings for a few years now (since before my mom passed away) so I figured I would whip up a couple of pots worth. I used leftover chicken from the rotisserie chicken cook. I did this cook inside - it's just easier than on the grill. After dinner we were sitting out in the garden letting dinner settle before desert. At around 9:30 pm Mrs skreef pointed up to the sky, "Hey I think that's the International Space Station!" We watched it cruise across the sky. I then Google searched it's fly over schedule and sure enough that was what we saw. BIL had never seen a fly over and thought it was really kewl. . At about this time Prometheus (16.5" KK) was up to temperature so it was time to whip together desert. Peaches stuffed with cheesecake. One of my favorite deserts during peach season. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  10. Warning it's really picture heavy - one of my bigger threads to date. . http://www.komodokamadoforum.com/index.php?/topic/6718-King-Arthur-Artisan-Pizza-Tutorial- Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  11. TY shuley - great looking pizza. You are the 4th or 5th person to follow that tutorial with excellent results. It really is a great recipe and not hard to do once you get the hang of it. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  12. We live near where hwy 96 and I-16 intersect. We go into Warner Robbins all the time. We have been going to Lane Packing once or twice a year for over 15 years now. I love going there and seeing the Peach packing system in action. My sister and BIL thought it was really kewl. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  13. I have a 19" and a 16.5" I cook mainly for 2 or 3 people and use the 16.5" more than the 19" especially on weeknights. Check out any of my cook threads and the majority is on the 16.5". . It's a fully capable KK and works great for quick protein cooks on the fly. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  14. Maybe you just need different friends Come on down I'll feed you a true Bistro meal. . I bet when you feed them they get a world class meal. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  15. Special peach desert on the menu for tonight - I think. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  16. If I would have bought my 19" first I would have never bought the 16.5". I would have just been creative and made everything work on the 19". . By getting the 16.5" first, I needed just a little more space and Mrs skreef knew it. Mrs skreef was full on board at that point, it was half her suggestion to go ahead and get the 19" . Got to think of the end game. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  17. I don't have a major OCD issue so I don't see the problem with plan B. In some respects I wish I would have bought clashing KK's - would have made life a little more interesting. Even if you want matching KK's you don't have to buy them at the same time as long as they are an in stock available tile/pebble - the difference will be close enough and Dennis showed me 4 different 19"s to come up with a match for the 16.5". . My only suggestion is buy the smaller one first or you may never get a second one. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  18. Monday we went to Andersonville, Civil War POW camp. We then swung by Lane Packing to grab lunch and let my sister and BIL check out the Peach packing system. . We came home and cooked plain risotto, green beans and rotisserie chicken. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  19. OK I've only casually looked over this thread but..... . A fellow KK'r sent me a bag of Counter Culture beans - Sipacapa - San Marcos, Guatemala. Roast date 7/21 . So do I store it in the freezer? Should I vacuum seal a few different pouches of it? We'll probably go through that size bag in 2 weeks. . TY Nuprin can't wait to try a cup tonight. . Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  20. Direct at 500* with a good bed of coals. 4 minutes per side (for these md sized tails) and no more for a perfect md well. Any longer and you start entering the rubber stage. If it was a large tail 5 minutes per side Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  21. There is a large pork only butcher/smoke house not far away that sells smoked pork chops. Work buys them from time to time when we're doing a retirement party etc... and gets a really good deal. Me and a guy I work with ordered a bunch under the special work deal. . 70 smoked pork chops cut 3/4" thick for $120. I took 20 of them. Grill for about 5 minutes per side. The best tasting smoked pork chops I've ever bought. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  22. Today (Sunday) we went out to eat lunch at a Mexican restaurant and had a really big lunch. Everyone wanted a nice light dinner. . Stuffed scallops on Cassiopeia and dwell in the shell lobster Tails on Prometheus. Served with a side salad. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  23. I really like cooking for my sister as she really does appreciate the effort. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  24. My sister and BIL came to visit so me and Mrs skreef took off work for a week. I'll use this thread to chronical what I cooked for them. Won't be a lot of pictures but I'll try and take a couple for each cook. . Friday night me and Mrs skreef where home alone so I started our time off work with a pizza fail. Pepperoni looking good. . Had the Blackstone at 500 so I figured 4 minutes. At 2 minutes everything was looking good. Then I stepped inside for a moment and got distracted (it's at this point I blame Mrs skreef for the distraction). When I went back out it was at 5 minutes and the pizza had burnt. Lesson for the day - Never walk away from the Blackstone when there is a pizza on board. . Saturday sister and BIL arrive. I had baked beans going on Prometheus. We grilled some smoked pork chops on Cassiopeia and served it with a summer coleslaw. . More pictures coming as the week progresses. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  25. That is a thing of beauty. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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