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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Looks delicious. In the top picture are those bacon wrapped stuffed mushrooms? Reef's Bistro
  2. No, I have in the past but Sunday we were in the middle of house projects so an electric fry pan made quick work of it. Reef's Bistro
  3. The recipe I used one of the steps is to slowly heat the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. Once dissolved it's dissolved. Finer sugar would probably make that procedure go faster but the outcome should be the same once it's dissolved. I can see where finer sugar would be an improvement when you are not heating a mixture to dissolve the sugar. Reef's Bistro
  4. . I agree and I have relatively skinny fingers. Because of this I work my mounting plate different than most people. I keep my wing nuts set at the position they need to be. I then use the Allen wrench and come in from the top and loosen and tighten those 2 small bolts (they are really the set screws). This is much easier then attempting to loosen and tighten the wing nuts every time. You just have to check the wing nuts every few rotisserie cooks to make sure they stayed in the correct position. . My adapter shaft and basket ends came loose one time at the beginning. I took blue locktite to them and wrenched them tight. I let it dry and set for 24 hours. They haven't come loose since then and I've probably done around 20 rotisserie cooks. I don't use a spring on the adapter shaft - I found it just wasn't needed. . I don't mind the basket but would like a straight rod setup too. Reef's Bistro
  5. BBQ/grilling isn't science - go with the Zen of the cook. It's an art form. Reef's Bistro
  6. That would have been a fine substitute if only you would have grilled the peaches first. Reef's Bistro
  7. Yea not many of these go used. Might be another 5 years before you see another one. . The most recent used one sold in less than 2 weeks. . Just bite the bullet and buy new. The next few years you're going to wait trying to find a used deal could have been spent cooking on a KK. Reef's Bistro
  8. It's all good. When your rotisserie setup arrives, if you can't figure it out (Yea it can be a little confusing) let us know we'll send you down the right path. Reef's Bistro
  9. She's not joking. Finally I just gave up and tucked my tail as I scampered to the porch. . BTW she did pass with flying colors and can do the Friday night pizzas anytime she wants. Reef's Bistro
  10. Yes it's a 3/8" square hole. The bracket and adapter shaft along with Springs and various other parts will come with the rotisserie setup. . Just happens I'm doing a rotisserie chicken tonight. Figured now was a good time to get the KK setup. Snapped you a couple of pictures which should give you an idea how this works. I have the smaller OneGrill motor but everything should be the same. Reef's Bistro
  11. For the sizzle corn I used a Chipotle Mango vinegarette dressing. Tonight we are going to do sizzle corn using a lime vinegarette to test out the different flavor. I'll take some pictures along the way and post them later tonight or tomorrow. Reef's Bistro
  12. Heavy cream, buttermilk, egg yolks, sugar and peaches. Touch of vanilla. . If anybody is interested I followed this recipe and used the Peach variation which is where the buttermilk comes in. I also didn't puree the peaches. Instead I used a potato masher to crush them up. Left them a bit more chunky than the recipe called for. . This recipe/technique got good reviews for not curdling the cream. My cream didn't curdle - all was good. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/07/01/dining/the-master-ice-cream-recipe.html?_r=1 Reef's Bistro
  13. It was a half buttermilk ice cream recipe. Very creamy. Tasted good and mixed and froze right but next weekend I'll try again using more peaches. It's been a while since I brought out the ice cream maker. Reef's Bistro
  14. You are definitely getting some milage out of the meatballs. Looks good. Reef's Bistro
  15. Nice simple meal last night. The stuffed scallops were uncooked but frozen. The shrimp and steak bites were previously marinated then frozen. Fresh Chipotle Mango sizzle corn. All cooked on the KK. Wanted Brunch today. French toast with a fresh mapple Blueberry syrup, bacon and scrambled eggs. Needed to turn this breakfast into brunch so we added a scoop of homemade peach ice cream - LOL Reef's Bistro
  16. Interesting read. . http://www.seriouseats.com/2016/06/best-kamado-big-green-egg-alternatives-smoker-grill-equipment-reviews.html Reef's Bistro
  17. They both look really good up against the house. Reef's Bistro
  18. Welcome aboard Nuprin. Yes he posted it here first. I suggested he would get a better response on the Guru. Congratulations can't wait to see some pictures of it's new home. Ask any questions you might have. This is a small forum but everyone is nice and helpful. Reef's Bistro
  19. Isn't Vaseline a petroleum jelly of sorts? Wouldn't that be like burning oil inside the KK? Since the inside of a KK is a porous surface in theory it could suck up some of the oil smoke coming off the Vaseline. . I think I would stick to a cleaner source. 90% alcohol and cotton balls is nice and clean burning. Reef's Bistro
  20. I wasn't willing to watch the video - didn't need that rolling around in my head all day. Reef's Bistro
  21. . Now that is funny - LOL Reef's Bistro
  22. Awesome looking KK Reef's Bistro
  23. Really sorry to hear that. That is the first time I've heard of that happening. You did the right thing refusing the shipment since the driver was not willing to mark the papers. . Sounds like you're going to make the best of the weekend anyway. Love your ride. I keep working on Mrs skreef for a vette - maybe one day she'll give in to the idea - LOL . BTW great Charlie Brown reference. . Reef's Bistro
  24. Great looking meatballs. Fantastic pictures as always. Reef's Bistro
  25. These challenges are on the kamado guru forum. Here is a link to the Pizza challenge entry thread. All pizzas were cooked on a kamado of some sort. All the entries were really good looking pizzas. . http://www.kamadoguru.com/index.php?/topic/28746-Kamado-Challenge-June-2016-–-"Pizza!"---Entry-Thread . Reef's Bistro
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