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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. That's a good looking alternative chicken cook. Will definitely give that a go. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  2. I blame CC (ceramic chef) for mine. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  3. I recognized that as a 16.5". I have one and love it. I use it more than my 19". Almost every time I fire up the 19" I also fire up the 16.5" to get a second temperature. There are plenty of nights where I get home late and just fire up the 16.5" for a quick cook. I know everyone is really happy with how fast a 23" will come to temp but the 16.5" is just faster and when I come home from work and only have a couple of hours to cook, eat, and shower before bed that extra fast Startup counts. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  4. Great looking sandwich and great pictures. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  5. I understand and one day I'll get one. But this cook wasn't about the perfect egg. This was just a really good tasting cook with the tomato sauce. I didn't need a perfect egg I just didn't want hard yellow yolks. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  6. There is one but just one. Dennis posted the picture. But after knowing how crazy hot I got my 19" that one time (and the basket didn't warp) the person with the warped basket tried extra hard at being stupid - LOL. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  7. That cracks me up. You are right it is a very famous KK. A lot of people have talked about it on the forum and on the phone with Dennis. That is a really great story you posted. I'm glad it's going to you. You're a great kamado chef and I'm confident you will put it to good use. More than happy to deliver it and help you set it up. Will be a fun day trip for me and Mrs skreef. On a side note: it really needed to leave my yard. If it would have sat there long enough I would have been tempted to buy it and I really don't need a third KK. You're basically doing me a favor. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  8. I made this last night except I used Italian seasonings instead and added some mushrooms to the sauce. I served it with a small cheese crusted steak. Sort of a steak and eggs dinner. I really liked it and the flavors were fantastic. Unfortunately I overcooked the eggs for my liking. I want my eggs to have a runny or at most creamy yolk. These yolks were hard yellow. Both Hawke and Mrs skreef was happy with the yolks but I consider it a failure because of the yolks. It was an easy weeknight cook. I also forgot to take an in pan picture so I skipped pictures all the together. Will make this again soon so I can get some decent pictures with runny/creamy yolks. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  9. Awesome pictures. Looks like a really good time. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  10. Unfortunately the couple plated shots I tried to do were so crappy there was no way I was going to post them. Never fear I'll come back to this cook again in the future. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  11. Yummy meal. So many things to try, so little time. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  12. Awesome looking breakfast. I'm going to try this one day. Some of the best recipes are found while searching for a different recipe. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  13. Very nice cook. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  14. Pictures are not working. In tapatalk don't use the img tag instead use the picture icon and browse to the file and upload directly from your device. We all really want to see the pictures. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  15. Wanted to try my hand at Beef Wellington so I followed the recipe and directions in Kamado Wellington Step By Step a post by guru member jackjumper101 The only thing I changed was I coated the meat with A1 Thick and Zesty instead of mustard. http://www.kamadoguru.com/index.php?/topic/25562-Kamado-Wellington-Step-by-Step Beef Wellington served with rosemary potatoes, sweet balsamic brussel sprouts and a Shiitake mushroom sauce. Cook turned out good. Mrs skreef really liked the presentation. Sorry no plated shots as those pictures were really bad. It did end up md and would have rather had it on the rare side of md rare but still nice and tender. I really need to buy new maverick probes. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  16. I have some of that. Will try it on my next salmon cook. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  17. Don't feel bad about the rotation. I-devices have issue with orientation on forums. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  18. It didn't come with it? On both Prometheus and Cassiopeia my upper grate also works as a lower grate. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  19. Great looking steaks and potatoes. Love your lower grate - now I don't feel bad about my lower grate - LOL Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  20. Very nice, congratulations. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  21. My son scarfed that entire pie down before the second one was finished cooking - LOL Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  22. Tapatalk use the picture icon not the img tag. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  23. They tasted good just not top of the game for me. Family thought they were great. Of course this is after working a very long 14 hour day and we didn't eat until about 10:00 pm. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  24. Pictures from last night's pizza cook. I made a double batch and divided into 3 balls which made proper sized pizzas. I used 00 flour with 4 tsp Vital Wheat Gluten instead of King Arthur AP flour. The first 2 I used parchment paper. For mine I built it straight on a wooden peel sprinkled with Semolina. Hawke's pizza was Shiitake mushrooms and anchovies. Mrs skreef's pizza was Italian sausage and green peppers. Mine was sliced tomatoes, Shiitake mushrooms, Bulgarian Feta (a strange, very strong and moist feta) and fresh Basil. They came out decent. The crust definitely had a softer inside. But compared to using King Arthur AP flour: Didn't stretch as well, Took longer to brown, Didn't have as airy of a crust. (oven spring) I know there are many factors that are in play effecting the outcome and only one test run of the 2 different doughs is hardly enough to come to any serious conclusions. Next batch will go back to King Arthur AP flour and see if my conclusions seem valid. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  25. Owning KK's I thought this was sort of kewl. We had a special project at work Saturday. Me and Mrs skreef were down at this plant. She goes here everyday but I only go down on special occasions. While there I figured I would snap this picture. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
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