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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Next weekend batch 2 will have a more intense smoking session. I'll know after the comparison taste.
  2. This video is in Italian so you'll have to read the subtitles but a decent video just the same. I've probably made all these mistakes once or twice. Nice to see the mistakes and the results from those mistakes.
  3. Yea, yea, yea. I fully funded the Meater with 4 probes and the Block. Yup I paid for you bottom level backers to receive your product. Meanwhile I have nothing. Will never do another kickstarter. Maverick 732..... Went through probes about every 6 months. A few sets of new probes and I was done with that. Moved onto the Smoke. Use it constantly for over a year now. Same probes. Left it on when I went on a weeks vacation - still going strong when I got home. That is now my default KK dome thermometers. Thermoworks is the only company I'll go with now. ThermoQ products are my latest and are the bomb. A huge selection of different type K probes, stand alone, wifi or Bluetooth. An app that will graph and alarm multiple units. If I had to do it over, ThermoQ from the very start. Expensive but like everything in life, you get what you pay for.
  4. I love Konro skewers. This weekend I ordered 2 more LG bags of Marabou lump for future use. Within the next few days should be receiving a care package from a new found friend that lives in Japan. A bunch of different stuff used for making marinades. I'm really excited about this as it's all stuff you can't buy readily in the states.
  5. The old recipe is posted. Give me one more weekend and I'll update the recipe. If works cooperates we plan on doing another large picking at the local Blueberry patch tomorrow.
  6. Disaster at work yesterday led to me working 17.5 hours so I saved the tasting until tonight. All I can say is........ Hell Yea!!!  I've been making this for a few years now and this is the best to date. This is a finishing/dipping sauce. Chicken or pork sounds right to me. Next weekend I'll make another batch but do a slightly different procedure with the smoking phase. This has KK cold smoker written all over it, unfortunately I don't have one yet. (one day I will)  @tony b unfortunately it was a bad one. 2 people hospitalized overnight for observation. They should be alright but............
  7. We had an accident at work at the end today that I had to attend to. Currently 2 hours from the house and can't leave for another hour or so. The tasting might have to wait until tomorrow.
  8. You got that spot on. For freezing I line a 1/2 sheet cake pan with parchment. Fill with berries and put that in the freezer. Once frozen solid vacuum seal. I'll even do that with cut up peach slices.
  9. We're going to find all those answers later this evening when I open a jar. When Mrs skreef saw my post about tweaking the recipe she wasn't particularly happy as she really liked the original version.
  10. I'm betting it will get a big thumbs up!! I think so too but I also think I could slightly improve it with 2nd batch next weekend, we'll see.
  11. With the over abundant Blueberries I have at my disposal this year I decided to can a batch of my Blueberry BBQ sauce. I did tweak the recipe a little bit. We’ll see how it turns out.  I started by lightly smoking 5 cups of Blueberries at 200*. Here they are after about an hour. Some of them lost their color but that's OK. The juice is in the bottom of the pan (you just can't see it) and they'll all get there color back once you start cooking it.  After an hour or so I dumped them into my pot and smashed them a bit with a potato smasher. Bring to a full rolling boil. Mix up the other ingredients and add to the blueberries. Return to a full rolling boil. After the second rolling boil jar up the mixture and water process for 10 minutes. Check back tomorrow night. We’ll open a small jar and see what we got.
  12. Back from vacation. That is awesome. Should give me some different flavors for my Konro grill. Will be on the lookout. TY
  13. I have a shallow plastic pan of sorts that'll hold my 19" main grate flat. I just need to buy some brewers wash (?)
  14. ckreef


    Really great post. This is just a beginning thought in our brain. We've done a little looking on the internet but figured later this summer (after vacation) we would start more serious research into this idea. If you could start a new thread when you post a few pictures I would appreciate it.
  15. ckreef


    We both think it would be totally awesome making our own ceramic cookware.
  16. ckreef


    @KismetKamado why are you confused by my post? Yea a bit off topic but custom made ceramic dishes would be the bomb. Home kilns are only marginally expensive. Compared to all the high end outdoor cooking appliances I have a home kiln and everything needed to make custom ceramic would not be that expensive.
  17. ckreef


    @Syzygies I would love to see some pictures of your clay cookware. Me and Mrs skreef have recently contemplated buying a home kiln so we can fire our own custom sized cookware.
  18. That is a beautiful setup, I love it. The KJ looks a little sad in the background although I'm sure it served you well in the past. Can't wait to see some cooks. BTW he did an excellent job on the cutout.
  19. Great trick. Bread looks awesome.
  20. That's my son's pie. I'm not a fan of anchovies.
  21. I hope so too because I know they spent a bunch of money on this adventure. They even have irrigation running through it. Plus the daughter said behind one of the tree lines is another LG field of bushes that I haven't seen yet.
  22. It is a Blueberry pie. It was a bit of a failure. Anything with a bottom crust doesn't work well in a WFO. The problem is as soon as you put something like that in a WFO the deck directly under the pie dish starts to cool down. The end result is the bottom crust doesn't properly cook. Lasagna, meat pies, things like that work well with no worry about burning the bottom. Fruit pies not so well. I'm learning.
  23. I guess Sunday lunch is becoming pizza time. Slowly getting better each week. Also learning what works good with residual heat and what doesn't.
  24. I finally learned the story about an upcoming local (5 miles from the house) Blueberry farm.  A few years ago an older couple planted about 100 Blueberry bushes. After the first year the husband's health took a turn for the worst and weeds took over killing about 1/3 of the small bushes. For the next couple of years the remaining bushes did okay but there was always a weed problem. Finally I drove by there yesterday and their daughter was out picking berries. She said they wanted to clean it up and start up a U-pick next year. Since there are so many weeds this year anybody can come by and pick as many berries as they want for free. We went back yesterday afternoon and picked a whole bunch of berries. That is a really big bowl and has 18 cups of Blueberries in it. We're going to be canning a bunch different Blueberry things this year
  25. Awesome looking whole hog. Really great cook.
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