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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Had to try the egg clouds. This is what I made Mrs skreef for mother day. I also made a fresh raspberry compote for the toast. Of course I took the pictures, took a bite then realized I forgot the purple crack.
  2. I'm not sure about that statement @CeramicChef It's up to 138 views on Guru. They may not be commenting but they are reading it.
  3. Yay - dang it that was a seriously long trip. So glad it finally arrived. I'm even more glad I had that awesome wine bottle box. Kept those bottles safe and secure. The peach balsamic I could do shots from the bottle it's so tasty. And the Neapolitan Herb Balsamic is good for so many different things. I found an interesting recipe in my cooking notes for the Neapolitan Herb, I'll post after I get home from work. Of course I had to send the Zatarains since you originally thought it was some kind of animal - LOL. Those little packets of balsamic dressing herbs you would think they were some kind of rare jem they were so hard to find. Anyway just glad it finally made it. I was going to add this product list from the store where I bought the vinegars/oil. Got the box all taped up and realized I had left it out. Wasn't about to untape the box. It's an awesome store down by my sister's house in FL. They have everything on the list available to taste and I've probably tasted them all. Could seriously drop a lot of coin in that store. Next time I order from them I'll grab you another couple of different flavors. Hope you enjoy it all.
  4. Dang it McKenzie that looks picture perfect. Looks like tony not only did you right with the recipe but also with some purple crack. Definitely going to try this recipe sometime this weekend.
  5. I think everyone is really excited about the challenges starting back up. I've changed my mind about 3 times now on what I want to try. At this point I think I've figured it out. A mix of a few different recipes with my own personal twist. Tested one component out last night. The basic idea was right but will require a bit of modification. Hopefully will do the cook Saturday night. Looks like you're off to a good start. Don't forget to put a flower of some sorts in the money shot.
  6. Never seen thar type of egg cooking before. Nice breakfast.
  7. To foil or not to foil and what temperature to foil at? Also foil or butchers paper? All more factors that effect the stall. Best not to ask me about brisket. One piece of meat that I have never had spectacular results with. Although admittedly I haven't tried to many times.
  8. Every piece of meat and cook will be different. Different stall temps for different times. Has to do with the amount of fat and temperature you cooked at. A higher cooking temperature with less fat will give you a shorter stall.
  9. I never use a grate probe for any cooks. Only dome temperature but I did replace my Tel-tru dome thermometers with Thermoworks Smoke probes to give me remote monitoring of my dome temperatures. A totally lazy enhancement on my part. Wouldn't want to put down my adult beverage to get up and look at my dome temperatures - LOL
  10. They are sort of a pain to clean but I really like them for grilling. Gives a nice even heat distribution. One day I'm going to buy a new set, weld them together then custom cut them so they sit in the 16" without having a grate installed. I'll also have the ribs running front to back. Yea you could say I like them.
  11. A mixture of melted butter, Neapolitan Herb Balsamic Vinegar and feta cheese. First time trying this mix. Tasted pretty good.
  12. LOL - I was referring to Tasmanian Pepper Berries which turn your food purple and are almost as addictive at crack. It was a catchy title, wasn't it?
  13. TY Bruce - I originally only intended on posting the potatoes but everything looked good so I snapped a couple more pictures.
  14. A really easy cook. Ghee in the bottom of the pan. Thick potato slices sprinkled with fresh ground Tasmanian Pepper Salt. Served with fresh, herb marinated green beans and the last of the dry aged ribeyes.
  15. I've seen that color before. I believe that was an earlier color that is no longer available. But I could be wrong.
  16. That is totally awesome. I had basically given up and was going to look into an insurance claim this week. Almost as bad as Bosco's slow boat to Canada. Really glad it's going to finally make it. Maybe the weight of the box got it on the LA circuit compared to past boxes which went straight to Dubai. The box is labeled which end you need to open. Also when making the peach dressing use 1/3 cup of the peach component not 1/4 cup. It'll taste more peachy. Yay!!!
  17. What tony b said is spot on. Definitely start out using parchment paper. When you find a dough recipe you want to try cook at the recommended temperature. Not all doughs can handle high heat. Go easy on the toppings. With thin crust more is less in the toppings department. I would count on 2 hours for fully heat soaked.
  18. I was off of work Thursday due to rain so pizza night came early. Another round of calzones and all new batch of marinara sauce. The marinara sauce was a huge improvement compared to the first batch. It's really close to where I want it to be. I used a whole new dough recipe. Better but still not there. I do have an interesting theory about dough manipulation and stretching but I want to test it out next week before posting my theory. Only one picture so a sort of boring post but definitely made good progress in my quest for the perfect calzone.
  19. 4 years from now when my son graduates college and is set in a career path me and Mrs skreef are going to visit @Aussie Ora, no worries were going to visit you too - LOL. And hopefully another Aussie KK owner or two along the way.
  20. You missed @bosco's shipping adventure. His KK bounced all around before finally heading to Canada. We harassed him the entire time with pictures of container ships on fire - LOL
  21. Welcome to the family. You're table setup is gorgeous. I think a rolling cart with underneath storage is a great idea. Eventually Dennis can give you the name of the boat that your KK is on. You can pull up tracking for the boat. Post the link then we all can watch as it comes to you.
  22. Peach Rosemary Pork Tenderloin. This is one of my goto recipes when I have guests over. Easy, fast cook, that is almost impossible to screw up and it tastes really fantastic.
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