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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. @mguerra For when you don't directly quote them but want them to get a notification so they go read what you wrote (hopefully).
  2. Great meal, great carrots. Will have to grill some carrots this weekend.
  3. That would be wonderful. I'd win the challenge but loose my job over a random drug screen. But hey it would be one hell of a cook and one hell of a night to follow - LOL
  4. @Aussie Ora please make sure you post this thread and entry in the Guru challenge. Down to one last day and the challenges won't be the same without you.
  5. So Sunday night I made a mop sauce. I didn't measure anything but here's basically what I did. About 8 cups apple cider vinegar. Salt, fresh cracked Tasmanian Pepper Berries. A good bit of brown sugar, some ketchup and yellow mustard. I cut up a lemon and floated the pieces. Brought to a boil then reduced to a consistency of about thick chocolate milk. Strained and refrigerated overnight. While cooking the ribs I basted them every 30 minutes with the sauce. You're slowly building a glaze one thin layer at a time. This is my favorite method for ribs and butts. You can make the sauce with any flavor combination you like. This is old school style BBQ. Used a lot in BBQ pits that are more direct heat. Mostly people have gone away with this method due to the extremely moist environment a kamado offers. I just like the flavor profile you can obtain using a wet mop sauce compared to a dry rub.
  6. Unfortunately GA had a late spring freeze which wipped out 80% of the states Blueberry crop. So bad farmers can apply for federal agriculture disaster assistance. 80% of my Blueberries died, can I get assistance? This was a really mild winter so my two large Blueberry bushes flowered early (like all Blueberry bushes in GA did). Then came a late spring frost warning. I went out and covered the bushes. Didn't help. Turned into a one night hard freeze and the next day I cried looking at what wasn't left. Oh well there's always next year.
  7. Love those perfect grill marks. Just makes it look extra yummy.
  8. Best ribs I've done in awhile. Unfortunately no pics so I guess it didn't really happen but my tummy says different. Old school with a vinegar mop is really the only BBQ I like. No more dry rubs for me.
  9. 45* - try 90* today. Currently sitting out by the pond in shorts and a T-shirt sweating.
  10. Where I live last day of school was a week ago. You all are slacking. LOL
  11. Great looking cooks but...... What's with "Almost Summer"? It's been summer for the last month+ .!!!
  12. As for grill grates - you don't want to clean them like new. The goal is to form a non stick pantina like you would with CI.
  13. Yes a bugger to clean but I really like my grill grates. For grilled food it evenly distributes the heat over the entire grill so there are no hot spots. Also when cooking burgers and whatnot prevents all the grease from dripping down in the KK.
  14. That does look delicious.
  15. I did figure out tonight's dinner at about 5:00 pm while wondering around Publix on my way home from work. Apple sage pork Tenderloin in a DO. One night down. I also got 5 nice looking premium crab cakes. They'll get cooked sometime this weekend. Maybe tomorrow I'll figure out memorial day dinner.
  16. ckreef


    All this strange lump sorting. Way to much work and worry. With RO I always dump straight from the bag. I usually dump from the bag until it's empty, smalls, fines, dust and all. The only exception to this is if I'm doing a long low and slow in which case I won't dump the very bottom of a bag.
  17. I don't know what's on the KK for tomorrow night let alone Memorial Day - LOL
  18. I checked World Spice recently. Have been listed as out of stock for the last couple of years.
  19. Link to the article?
  20. ckreef


    Unfortunately by the time I got in on that sale I could only find 5 boxes. I burned through 2 and I'm saving the last 3. For the sale price I was prepared to buy every box I could find.
  21. ckreef


    I've used that before. On sale it was a good deal, full price not so much. Better quality than RO but about the same size distribution. I have 3 boxes left I'm saving for Yakatori cooks.
  22. Congratulations to you and your daughter. Food looks fantastic.
  23. Yea I let the crack sit on the cheese for a couple of minutes before taking the picture so the purple would bleed out a bit - LOL Most of the manicotti recipes I've read use an egg binder so the cheese doesn't run out of the large sized tube.
  24. ckreef


    I do a lot of high heat cooks and grilling. Coco char is not a good choice for those types of cooks. I use Royal Oak. It's cheap and readily available. I burn through a 15 lb bag a week so price counts for me.
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