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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. The monolith grill they are talking about comes with the new BBQ Guru Cloud so obviously they are going to claim it as the best because it's "powered" by their latest offering.
  2. Dang it man. Never see the black edition, I like it. I must ask, how much for the black edition?
  3. Good looking burger. Did it really live up to it's name?
  4. Doesn't surprise me, that was a really good deal. I should have bought it and sold them individually on ebay.
  5. Sure glad it's not a tasting challenge because using liquid gold would be like cheating - LOL
  6. Great looking steak and nothing wrong with leftovers.
  7. ckreef

    Chook kebabs

    Nice looking kabobs.
  8. TY everyone it was an awesome meal.
  9. Susan got rid of one of the kittens. Meanwhile I went for a motorcycle ride. Ended with this meal. A great day indeed.
  10. Crab stuffed lobster tail doused in white balsamic vinegar, melted butter and sprinkled with Outback Pride lemon mrytle flakes. Pan fried crab cakes. Red wine vinegar and fresh Blueberry feta cheese salad. Served with a sour dough bread bowl filled with tomato bisque and topped with sour dough croutons, crab meat and fresh thyme. The soup was seasoned with Outback Pride Bush Tomato seasoning, Old Bay, fresh cracked Tasmanian Pepper Berries and Pink Himalayan Salt. Really wasn't into taking pictures tonight but I got one. Enough rambling......
  11. Great looking food all around.
  12. I just want to come and live in your backyard - LOL Can't wait to see everything in place.
  13. No those knives average about $150 each normal retail so the block deal that was listed is a really good deal even if the block is trash.
  14. ckreef

    Hair dryer

    "get the inside of my KK spotless", that idea left the building a long time ago - LOL
  15. Let me know when you're going to be around. With Hawke starting college next fall we have decided to forgo any real vacation plans. We'll need a couple of weekend retreats to make up for it.
  16. I'll take your trash any day. Hey I'm thinking - one Saturday this Summer maybe me and Mrs skreef needs to come down your way. I'll bring the Akorn Jr. We can have a kamado feast.
  17. No worries use it up. Just the thought of being out and I'm already Jones'in. Won't be long and the shakes will set in and I'll have to order us another fix. LOL Just as bad as purple crack.
  18. If you buy that buy it for the knives the block sucks. But that's a great deal even if you throw the block in the trash.
  19. I agree next year at the earliest. Yes $164 if I remember correctly. Just send me my probes (before indigo orders). Hit me up with the Meater Block in the future.
  20. This one is for you @Aussie Ora. I saw something similar cruising the internet. A light bulb went off in my head. Never thought to put vinegar in an adult beverage but hey I'm willing to try anything at least once. Besides the Peach White Balsamic vinegar is so good you can sip it straight from the bottle. Bellini's are sort of a girlie drink but add a shot of Voda to man it up a little - LOL Anywho, 1 oz Peach White Balsamic vinegar, 1 oz 90 proof vodka, fill the glass with a sweet champagne. Dang that was good. As I type this a tear is streaming down my face - the last of my Peach White Balsamic but at least I put it to good use.
  21. I agree original orders first. They just sent an update tonight. Sounds like all single probe kickstarter orders will be fulfilled 1st. Then indigo single probe orders. Then meter block people will get the probes to be sent the block at a future time. The problem is i spent big bucks and ordered a 4 probe meter block combination. To fulfill my 4 probe part they have to put off 3 other customers. I image they want to make 4 customers happy before my one order even though I got in before they met their target goal. (indigo people were about $4 million past original goal) This is probably the first and last kickstarter I'll ever do. They are at least 2 years behind schedule and screwing the original backers.
  22. Interesting cook. It all looks delicious. Will be an awesome entry. I am really not a fan of overhead shots. It just doesn't give depth to the food. 1st shot all the way.
  23. It's a good way to create open faced stuffed burgers.
  24. I was thinking the same thing. What's wrong with everyone? LOL
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