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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. That makes sense although I don't really get it. I suppose I'm not his intended audience and their are plenty of people doing pizzas in ovens that would like a Neapolitan pie. As for a jump started Sourdough starter - I plan on trying it this Wednesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday to grow the starter. Saturday to start the KA Artisan process. Worst case it's a fail and hits the circular file Sunday night. Won't be the first time. I'll make sure I have leftovers in the fridge - just in case - LOL
  2. OK, OK, you win - LOL. I'm getting close but you have me beat.
  3. Just KA all purpose. For an extended preferment I was thinking about feeding it every 24 hours for 3 days before using. I generally don't like refrigerator rising. The flavor really comes out but unless you have the time to really come to room temp (4-6 hours) it doesn't stretch as nice. I really don't like using a rolling pin and hand stretching requires the dough at its peak.
  4. I'll be a dissenter here - NO Other than Cracker crust I've never par baked a pizza crust - seems almost cheating (although I might try it next time with a 20+ topping pan pizza). If the dough is right, stretched properly and cooked at the right temperature you shouldn't need to par bake the crust. Rather than par baking go back to the drawing board on the dough and method. These slices were crispy enough to stand out on there own without drooping, no par baking required.
  5. @HalfSmoke This is the one that John just did a video on. Has a 12 hour preferment. Next pizza cook I'm going to do the KA Artisan Pizza using a preferment like this recipe had. Was wondering how long I could stretch the preferment? Could I do a 48 or 72 hour preferment to build in a more sour dough flavor without actually using a sour dough starter? I might not know what I'm talking about.
  6. Where I live there is no convenient place to buy good dough balls. Forced me to make my own. Not hard but does require some pre-planning depending on the recipe.
  7. This is a recipe from Ken Forkish. My pizza experimenting days are over but this recipe got posted on the Guru. I trust the cooking ability of the person who posted it so I though I would give it a try. Nice thin and crispy crust. I cooked them in the Blackstone Pizza Oven at 500* dome thermometer for about 3 minutes. Pepperoni. Mushrooms and black olives. Sausage and green peppers. Fresh sliced tomatoes and jalapeños.
  8. Late to this party but great looking pizza. I too have been know to trash the kitchen out a time or three when making pizza.
  9. Maybe we need to start a pantry door obsession thread - LOL. He who dies with the biggest pantry door storage wins ..........
  10. Great cook but....... My grate hasn't been that clean since the first week I owned my KK's. Get busy cooking - LOL
  11. The back of my pantry door is floor to ceiling spice/rub shelves. I have a twirly thing on the counter with only dried herbs, and two small shelves for my Aussie goodies. Still not enough space as far as I'm concerned. I do have an idea to get more space and get the twirly thing off the counter. Just no time to implement the idea.
  12. Nice grinder. At this point I think your package is at the bottom of the ocean - eeeekkk - LOL. I mean it left the Miami airport more than 24 hours ago. An airplane only has so much fuel - LOL
  13. Just checked the tracking. It cleared US outgoing customs (in Miami), then went to the Miami airport. A little bit ago it left the Miami airport. Most likely it's currently on an airplane heading out over the Atlantic Ocean for Dubai. I believe it's going to be on Australian soil before the weekend.
  14. I too was thinking around 2:1. The pre packaged pepper salt seemed more like a 3:1 ratio. Lemon Myrtle pepper berry sound really good.
  15. I loaded the salt grinder up with Pink Himalayan salt. I figured it would be a northern hemisphere meets southern hemisphere blend.
  16. Yea when my Australian tracking number says "in transit", basically already knew that since you told me you took it to the post office. LOL Interesting about Tony's package. My package should go, Tallahassee, Miami, Dubai, Perth and then bounce once or twice around Australia - LOL. There are one or two friends I'm going to make a small bag of Tasmanian Pepper Salt for. Everyone needs to experience Australian gold
  17. USPS Tracking is way more fun than Australian tracking. Got the new salt and pepper grinders poised and ready for action.
  18. Looks delicious. Will have to try this one day.
  19. @Aussie Ora here is your tracking. Might take a day or so to get going but it does list it as received. https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?tLabels=CH016073558US Cross your fingers, this package was a bit on the heavy side. I had a jar of Peachlicious BBQ sauce but alas it all wouldn't fit. And the mystery ingredient is nothing special but it was needed. Also I have the box labeled which end to open. If you open the wrong end it won't be so easy getting the goodies out.
  20. Couldn't remember if it was $1,000 or $100. All boxed up and ready to go. If work cooperates tomorrow I should be able to get it to the post office.
  21. @Aussie Ora I know you've told me before but remind me again. What is the maximum dollar amount I can list without you paying import tariffs? I thought it was pretty high but I don't want to screw this up.
  22. No real issue. I'll get a note in the mail box. Next day I take the note to the post office and pick it up. Depending on where Susan is working that day she might be able to get it same day.
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