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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Congratulations on the KK purchase. I'm not a home brewer but that setup looks impressive.
  2. Those look delicious. Cooked perfectly. First steaks since getting a kamado - wow - you've owned a kamado for a bit of time now. Bet you won't wait that long for the next ones.
  3. @MacKenzie delicious looking fish dinner. I believe you've become a fish convert. I remember the day, not too long ago, when you said you really didn't like fish - now look at you.
  4. It's individual magnets epoxied behind the black felt and wood. I though about just hiding a magnetic bar but once you cover a store bought bar the bar magnets don't work so good.
  5. Definitely not ridiculously sweet. Just sweet enough to support the Blueberries. A good fresh fruit desert.
  6. TY MacKenzie - the pictures really don't do it justice. A coworker stopped by the other day and asked me how much I paid for it and where I got it. I had to laugh but it was a great compliment.
  7. I wanted a nice magnetic knife bar to display my new knives so I built one. I was happy with the outcome and hung it on a wall just outside the kitchen, between the kitchen and game room. Unless I have the lights on in the game room that area is a little dark especially at night. I started looking at picture frame lights but didn't like what I saw so decided to add a light bar to my knife bar. Here is the final outcome. The knife bar in daylight. (please excuse the unfinished drywall behind it - we'll get to that later) Here it is at night with game room lights off. Hard to get a good picture but you get the idea. The inside of the light bar. A closeup of the LED strips. Two different versions but essentially the same thing. These LED's have a life expectancy of 60,000+ hours of continuous use. That's around 7 years. I'm sure I'll go through a few power supplies before I have to change out the LED's. The bar is adjustable on three axis. Up/down, in/out and the angle is adjustable. Now I just need to buy more knives to fill it up.
  8. TY Steve M - I'll be honest I was just winging it. I didn't measure anything just added what I thought was right. I have a good idea of how much I used of what. Next time I make it I'll actually measure things out and make a proper recipe.
  9. ckreef

    Pork Rack

    Pork rack looks fantastic. Whenever I can find them I buy one or two racks. Sometimes I'll cook the whole rack like you did. Sometimes I'll cut them into pork Lollipops before cooking.
  10. Very exciting news. I hate my current pepper grinder. Will go out and get me a better one just for those berries. Was just waiting for word from you. Will also get my act together and order the salad dressing ingredients. I know you'll love it and I'm currently out and missing it.
  11. TY Bruce - between 3 of us it was gone in seconds.
  12. I love my sweets. With a little perfecting this one is a top notch desert and really simple to cook.
  13. I had some fresh Blueberries and wanted to make a desert so I thought I would try a Blueberry Pizza. Cream cheese spread - cream cheese, whipping cream, powdered sugar and vanilla. Mixed to a smooth consistency. Set aside. Blueberry paste - Blueberries crushed, sugar, and water. Heat and reduce until a jam consistency. Set aside to cool. Before dinner I made some Cracker crust dough. Rolled it out then par baked both sides on the Blackstone. Pull when crispy and shut down the Blackstone. After dinner I spread the cream cheese mixture on the crispy dough. Spread the Blueberry "jam" on top of that and finally sprinkled some extra fresh berries on that. Put in a cold Blackstone and cook on md high heat for just a couple of minutes. Serve warm fresh from the Blackstone. I was very pleased with this creation. Just sweet enough. Only thing I would do differently is roll the dough thinner and parbake a little longer so it's even more crispy. Everything can be done in advance with the final build and cook when dinner is over. Any fruit should work. With a little modification could easily do this in a kamado or oven.
  14. Very nice. We want to see more pictures of the KK but we also want to see more pictures of the outdoor kitchen. Looks like a fantastic place to relax and cook.
  15. I'll give it that. It would have been a good entry in the veggie challenge.
  16. Only sort of following this along - if you haven't already throw the pizza pan in the trash. 10 minutes is far too long for a thin crust pizza cook. Crank the heat up a bit more. You should be able to get a KA Artisan dough pie cooked in 3 maybe 4 minutes max.
  17. BTW - that's not a burger. Total sh........... Carnivores rule, vegetarians drool - LOL
  18. Here's my version. Basically followed what you did except used some Quandong sauce instead of plum. Served with carrots from the DO and some wild rice. Took all the liquid from the DO, put it through a fat separator and reduced to a gravy consistency. Made an interesting, slightly sweet, gravy. I loved the meal, something different. Interesting - a large Walmart (of all places) in Warner Robbins has a fairly decent selection of lamb. It's all American lamb but I'm good with that. They have loin chops, cutlet chops, shanks, shoulders, ribs, ground. Never see this in any other Walmart. A better selection than any other grocery store around including Kroger and Publix.
  19. I guess that means you have to own 4 KK's - quadfecta - you'll be the first - LOL
  20. From idea to serving at the table - 20 minutes. I love my KK's but Reef's Cracker Crust on the Blackstone Pizza Oven is probably the fastest homemade pizza one can make.
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