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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. He did do a really good job. I am officially his first customer. So far he has 100% five star rating - LOL
  2. Basically yes. He's perfecting his method, and his quality is going up with every run he makes. CKTG has placed an initial order with him. I talk to Ben daily about handles. I know he's got some kewl ideas in the pipeline and I can't wait to see them. As for the question I asked - that was meant for myself as to what knife to get next. I'm not done yet with this adventure. Whatever it is it will have a custom handle. Working with Ben on new ideas.
  3. Ben did an excellent job with these. The question is - what's up next?
  4. Ben, a friend from the Guru (Mewantkj on Kamado Guru) started making custom knife handles. In his original thread I joked about him making handles for my old crappy knives. Well one thing led to another, the idea expanded and the Bistro now has 2 new Japanese knives with custom handles. This first knife was part of the handle deal. I actually bought 2 of these and gave Ben one for his personal collection. Tojiro Shirogami Yanagi 270 mm (10.5") White #2 core, softer iron outer layer. Right handed single bevel. Custom handle: Ferrule/end cap - Wenge Stripes - Mapple Body - Red Palm This second knife was a surprise knife for Mrs skreef. I wanted to get her something special for being such a good sport about this whole knife adventure. She knew she was getting a knife and picked out the wood for her custom handle, she just didn't know exactly what knife it was. Shiro Kamo R-2 (same as SG2) Gyuto 180 mm (7"). R-2 core. Damascus layered stainless in a matte finish. Custom handle: Ferrule/end cap - Wenge Stripes - Mapple Body - Cocobola Fantastic additions to the knife board. Ben did an awesome job with the custom handles, it really makes the knives pop. He has lots of different woods to choose from. I actually have two more handles that I will post once I have them mounted to a knife. One of them is going on a old crappy knife to give it new life.
  5. Can't wait to see how it works out for you. A lot of people have used that tutorial with great results.
  6. The most complete unboxing pictures to date. Great looking KK. I did a wooden deck reinforcement similar to yours. No worries you'll be good to go.
  7. Can't wait to see it. The before and after pictures should be stunning.
  8. Glad to see you back. Was worried about you.
  9. Never heard of them before.
  10. Gives a whole new meaning to gold panning.
  11. Not sure I would have admitted that - LOL
  12. Zatarains makes a lot of different seafood spices and flavored rice. Mostly with a Cajun taste. This is the version Mrs skreef used. I'll put a couple different versions in the next package heading your way.
  13. It would have had to be a really small plate because the three of us tore threw this like it was going to be our last super.
  14. LOL - well all the individual ingredients were at the grocery store or in our freezer anyway. She definitely hit a home run with this one.
  15. That was classic at the very end of the video - had me LMAO
  16. Still looks good to me. They look more like monster thick cut pork steaks.
  17. Not a KK cook but awesome just the same. Early today Mrs skreef told me what was planned for dinner. I wasn't thrilled so she snuck out of the house and went to Kroger. This is what she came up with. Much better to start off a long week of work. Low Country Boil - shrimp, crawl daddies, crab, corn, sausage, potatoes and some Zatarains. It looked like a huge amount of food (that's a lg serving plater not a plate) but we tore it up. @Aussie Ora this will be on the menu.
  18. Yes, from the pictures it looks like it's cotter pinned in place to eliminate this problem.
  19. It's irrelevant which way it spins. One side or the other is always going to want to unwind. Blue loc-tite wrenched down with a 24 hour cure time solves the problem. Of course the new pinned pieces from Dennis solves it better.
  20. They look totally awesome together. Really happy for you. Looks like I missed dinner time - bummer - LOL
  21. Yup looks like a really good match. Bummer on the rotisserie. You did check the spare parts kit?
  22. I'd be game just don't see the point of it. Now if you were suspended over the Grand Canyon or similar scenic view I would understand.
  23. I think you need to get exact instructions from Dennis on how to lay down the grout. It's a bit different from normal grout.
  24. I'll put on a skirt on if that gets me in the running for the Primo Jr. That and one of those go setups would be perfect for vacations.
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