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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. I understand the desire to support local stores/vendors but not at the cost of being totally ripped off. If they want people to support them locally they need to be at least a little competitive on the price.
  2. Looks like a tasty meal. I like using grill plates like that to cook shrimp. I have a similar square basket.
  3. @golfpro2301 here is step by step instructions on how to adjust the spring tension on your KK. The instructions are done on my 16" but all KK's are built and work the same although the bolt sizes will be a little different. You can adjust your dome all the way to full auto opening if you like. I have both my KK's adjusted so they are one finger opening and closing and the dome will stay in any position if I let go. This is a quick 5 minute procedure. http://komodokamadoforum.com/topic/5824-165-spring-adjustment/ BTW - totally awesome once in a lifetime deal. You'll have if fixed up and running like new before you know it. Why can't I find deals like that.
  4. @golfpro2301 sent you a pm.
  5. Looks delicious. I have some bison Stew meat in the freezer I need to cook soon.
  6. You don't know what you're missing - LOL In all honesty I had the crab leftover from the night before and needed to do something with it. Round 2 of Crab Rangoon seemed like a good idea. Allowed me the opportunity to try out a couple different things with the recipe.
  7. Sounds like a good first impression. I started with a 16" TT. A very capable grill. My wife wasn't thrilled with spending that much on a grill. Wasn't long before she too wanted another KK (one just isn't enough). We ended up buying a matching 19" TT. I always thought it's easier to buy the smaller one first. If I had started with the 19" not sure I would have bought another one.
  8. Welcome - what is the story behind the KK? - we're all dying to know.
  9. Give it a try guys. A really easy revipe/technique that produces great results. There are a few people out in Internet land that have tried and like this tutorial. Only thin crust I use at this point.
  10. Must have been a really pissed off significant other. I was the one who did a latch fix. It was a really bent up latch. I'll post again tomorrow morning. Time to go to bed. Charles
  11. Shut the city down for a week - LOL
  12. And I'm in GA complaining about it getting down to 32* last night. I guess I don't really have anything to complain about.
  13. ckreef

    Salmon again

    Sorry about the running but dinner looks good.
  14. KK cooking is fine. We don't have a special section for that.
  15. Looks good. And don't worry most of us has dropped a phone in water before. I actually went swimming with mine for a couple of hours once. It was years ago so I won't claim old age but let's just say alcohol was a factor.
  16. @Garvinque post up some cooks. We don't care what you cook on. I regularly post cooks done on something other than a KK - other people do the same.
  17. Yup they all look great in their own way. If I had the money I'd own a different color for every day of the week. A dark blue for a moody Monday.
  18. I do prefer the TT models also. I'm not fond of the look with the legs and they wouldn't work good for my grilling area. I would love to complete a Trifecta with the new 22" TT but I fear Mrs skreef would skin me alive. (but I have planted that seed in her brain - I just need to let it grow for awhile) Stand alone or Table Top - it's really just personal preference. Also note: the 19" has an oblong lump basket. The divider divides it left and right and can't be divided front to back.
  19. LOL - give it a try. Easy to make mainly just measuring out and a little chopping.
  20. Deflector should come standard so it's not going to cost you or save you either way.
  21. That's totally awesome. I'm down to 2 bags. Will have to go by Lowes and see if I can score some. I haven't tried that yet but heard it's decent lump.
  22. If you get close to running out let me know. I'll ship you a few jars. Can't let a brother run out of Duke's.
  23. Welcome @Garvinque I've been waiting for you to show up. I answered the basic questions over on the Guru. Don't forget the double bottom drip pan and cold smoker.
  24. Yes Duke's is the best - only brand we'll buy. And yup a good use for ketchup - you got a good laugh out of me with that one.
  25. Homemade Crab Rangoon for an afternoon snack. Better than last night's version. Getting close but still not ready for prime time yet.
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