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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. My problem is me or Mrs skreef keep adding ideas to the projects so they never really end.
  2. This is my first time trying Bison ribs. Nice meaty flavor and the Merlot reduction sauce was the best I've done yet.
  3. On vacation over Thanksgiving we toured a free range Buffalo ranch and picked up some Buffalo Ribs. Here's the cook. Buffalo (short?) ribs. Marinated for a few hours in the refrigerator. The other ingredients. Pan seared the ribs and other ingredients. Dumped it into a DO then on the KK at 300* for a few hours. Served with mashed potatoes and a reduction of the left over merlor/paste liquid from the DO.
  4. Maybe one day I'll learn how to finish projects - LOL
  5. I will say last night's dinner was one that blew my own socks off. Fantastic flavors all around. Everything was done perfectly and everything was done at the same time. These are the meals I strive for but only occasionally achieve. P. S. Getting that before dinner cocktail just right was a lot of fun.
  6. Not a problem but you have to take it in a red solo cup - LOL . . . . . Tonight's dinner. White wine lobster scampi, peach brandy sizzle corn, mashed sweet potatoes and Key lime flat iron steak. I switched lens to the standard 16-50 mm that came with the camera. It does a bit better job on the large farther out shots. I should have had it a few f stops higher. The picture towards the side could have been a little more in focus. The focus and white balance of the picture could have been better but the meal was killer.
  7. Before grilling cocktail. Of course I had to test out the picture first so I made a test cocktail using my 3 oz Bistro shot glass. It took 3 tests before I was ready to pour the drink and take the picture. Needless to say I had a nice buzz by the time the picture was done and I fired up the KK's - LOL
  8. Awesome surprise from your daughter. I've only been to one book signing - Myron Mixon. (not exactly the same fame) They handed out slips of paper that you wrote down what you wanted him to sign. You didn't get to have a long conversation but a few words back and forth at least.
  9. The right crowd would look at the little dingy I could afford and throw me out of the party - LOL
  10. Yea I have to say that is top notch. Not only did Dennis stick up for his position to sell the KK he helped him sell it. Most companies would never do that they would try and work something out so the customer bought a new one. Glad it's going to a good home. Maybe the new owner will join the forum.
  11. Me too. Only have that one small plate. Going to go back and get the full size plate and bowl that matches. They also make a blue version I want to get. Funny I buy nice plates to take pictures with and eat on crappy plates - LOL
  12. Awesome can't wait for it all to come. We're going to have an Aussie Christmas this year
  13. Great story, great pictures. Seems like you owe a few people a major feast - just sayin ..... The ramp down the stairs looks much scarier than you described.
  14. Last night's dinner was a chicken dish. I got the recipe off of the back of a Stove Top Stuffing box (chicken). It was a really easy and tasty dish. Will definitely make it again (with a couple Bistro Tweaks). Will post as a full cook thread when I do. For the camera test the overall composition was a decent idea but the execution was lacking. Will try this again. I do need to get some more backgrounds and dish ware probably this weekend.
  15. Awesome - what color/tile choice did you go with?
  16. That's what I was thinking - time for a swim.
  17. Very tasty looking. Great cook.
  18. That seems like a better idea. You could run 2x4's through the straps for the actual walking of dome. Would definitely want the smaller straps to make sure that larger straps don't slip.
  19. Setting the rotisserie up is less than one minute. Cleaning the basket is another story.
  20. I think when you rock the lid down onto the board you'll have a moving pressure point on tiles from the back to the center on both sides until the dome sits flat. If it was me I would use two people per side while a 5th person works the dome up enough to get everyone's fingers under there. Then lift straight off.
  21. Last night I was trying out a few different food photography ideas. Some worked, some did not, but either way a decent test. Dinner was vegetable less stir fry - oops we thought we had stir fry veggies in the freezer. We did not and it was getting late so I wasn't going out to the store. A couple of different angles.
  22. I would just go with the 4pm05 it is more than adequate to handle anything you put on the Komodo (45 or 50 lbs unbalanced). It is also built really well. Definitely need to go with the KK adjustable mounting bracket from Dennis. The adjustable feature is really needed to facilitate inserting the small motor shaft while mounting the motor.
  23. Great pictures and great story. Can't wait to see it in it's final resting spot.
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