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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Looks tasty. I will add they butcher meat a little different in Australia then in America.
  2. I figured out the exposure bracket shots last night. A very kewl function. Not sure if I'll ever need a differ view finder. This camera probably won't ever leave the house. If I go somewhere I'll take my point and shoot which does a good job and has served me well for a few years now.
  3. Changed my lighting around a bit and definitely got my brain more together. Getting better but not there yet. These were last night's pictures straight off the camera with no editing. The only thing I did was resize them down to 1024 x 682 to be more Internet friendly.
  4. The big thing is they need to be really green. If they started to turn yellow they are over ripe for fried green tomatoes. I figured with Australia coming into summer somebody should have a few green tomatoes you can grab.
  5. Whistle Stop is the best fried green tomato batter I've used. Sort of hard to find. Should be enough in that box for 2 cooks. Mix with water until the consistency of a thin milkshake. We had the present and Whistle Stop gathered up. Wanted to add a few other items but then Mrs skreef's accident happened so I had to punt with some easier items to locate. We do like the grill mates packets. They make for fast, easy and tasty cooks. Anyway enjoy. Can't wait to get your package we are really enjoying the last one we received. P.S. The Steakhouse Mushroom is really strong stuff. That packet is good for 2-3 lbs ground beef.
  6. Looks delicious all around. Nearest Trader Joe's to me is 2+ hours. I've never been there.
  7. Wow - fantastic cook. Really interesting how everything gets stacked. I need to try this one day. I don't usually subscribe to threads but I'm going to subscribe to this one.
  8. Three Suns Ranch in Porta Gunda FL, a little North of Fort Meyer. Was an informative tour but not really visually exciting. I got to hand feed and pet the cattle. The Buffalo came close but too skittish to hand w feed or pet. The Owl picture was the best picture as far as I was concerned. I did buy some really nice looking Buffalo short ribs. Might cook them this weekend. Will post a couple more pictures tomorrow.
  9. On this tour of the Buffalo Ranch we were driving through pastures in a large open sided, covered wagon pulled by a pickup truck. When we drove near the hole he came out and flew 100'+ and landed in the grass. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough on the camera to get a picture of him coming out of the hole. Fortunately my point and shoot does a great job. I hit the zoom button, pointed in the general direction and snapped 3 pictures. This was the best one. Not bad for not really seeing what I was doing and bumping along in the covered wagon.
  10. I had 2 to choose from. I think this was the one I used. Just a little editing - mainly a crop and to try and get the exposure better. Overexposed - my bad - I'm learning - LOL
  11. Yup, it's got a lot of settings and options. Makes your head spin. Slowly figuring it out. And it does remote shutter and automatic downloading through an app on my tablet or smartphone - took me a little bit to work that out. They have a decent PDF manual I've downloaded but even that doesn't do a lot of in depth explaining. Gives me something to work on.
  12. Was on a Buffalo ranch tour and spotted this little guy. Never heard of these before. He stands about 8" tall and lives in this hole.
  13. It does do video and what I've read pretty nice video. Will have to play with that one day.
  14. TY Bruce should be interesting to see what I can do with it in the end.
  15. @bosco I didn't use the on board flash but I do need to work on my lighting setup. I did manual focus and aperture priority letting the camera auto everything else. The white of the bun was definitely washed out and I just couldn't work It out with editing. I was also doing spot metering and I should have set the camera for a more broad metering. It does have a top shoe for aftermarket flash units. This was taken with overhead daylight bulbs with 2 other supplemental daylight bulbs. I would rather get a better daylight setup instead of flash.
  16. Have you taken her to a race track yet? I know Atlanta Motor Speedway has days where you can run street cars around the track.
  17. On vacation at my sister's house for Thanksgiving. Was looking through the Black Friday flyers and Best Buy had a camera I've been looking at for a decent price. About 8:00 pm on Thanksgiving I went to Best Buy with the thought - if they have what I want I'll pull the trigger - if they don't I'll stall until some future time. Well they had what I wanted. Hopefully this will improve my food pictures a little after I figure out what I'm doing. Played with it a bit at my sister's house. After a long drive home Sunday I figured I needed some actual play time. I WiFi connected an old tablet to it, set it up on a tripod and cooked me a quick snack (a brat and some beans). Here is my first official test of the new camera. Not a bad picture. It can only get better from here.
  18. Happy birthday Aussie Ora - gifts in the mail - LOL
  19. Welcome @beermachine nice to see another familiar face. Mrs skreef was not thrilled with my first KK. I sold a few things to help the bank account sting. After it arrived she quickly warmed up to it especially after trying out the finger touch opening and closing. The second KK was partially her idea. At that point we were both using the KK and having to shuffle around dishes to get the meal done. The second KK just made sense. Two KK's are definitely better than one. A technique some people use is start talking about the BB 32" and it's price. Just keep taking about it and letting her say no. Then when you switch down to talking about the 23" the cost seems much more resonable.
  20. How did I miss this post before. A car of my dreams. I've been looking at everything on the Internet about new vettes for a while now. Unfortunately I'd have to win the lottery to get one but I guess I can dream. Very jealous of you.
  21. Great looking chicken. I too had to pry my tabs open a little. Yup loc-tite needs to set up overnight in order to work.
  22. ckreef

    Pulled Beef

    Both Mrs skreef and Hawke are pretty good sports about eating what I cook even when they are not thrilled with it.
  23. ckreef

    Rack of lamb

    Great rack of lamb cook. Cooked perfectly for me. The last restaurant where I had lamb should take lessons from you.
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