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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. The chimichuri ribs look awesome. Great cook.
  2. Looks good. Yea the 16" KK can get away from you in a matter of minutes if your not careful. I tend to do more grilling on the 16" and baking on the 19" although I've done the opposite in the past. Sometimes I'll do my low-n-slow on the 16" and save the 19" for sides.
  3. I always used chop sticks never knew there was even a slicer guide device. Way kewl.
  4. One day I'll get a cold smoker. Maybe after we get through the holidays and Mrs skreef's issues.
  5. @Bruce Pearson I've done it one time. Use sea salt and you really have to put a lot of smoke to it for 4 to 8 hours (dense white smoke). You would think it would come out acrid tasting but it doesn't. My one attempt wasn't really enough smoke for long enough (very mild smoke taste).
  6. @MacKenzie fenugreek that is a new one on me. Had to look that up. So was it dried leaves or crushed seeds?
  7. I tried making homemade hash browns a few times and just couldn't get it exactly right. Would love to see some homemade tater tots.
  8. Sounds like a fun time with some tasty food.
  9. Fair warning - my next post in this thread is sort of gory. You can actually see the bone. Plus an x-ray picture. If you don't want to see it don't scroll down to the next post.
  10. It's filed under workman's compensation insurance. Pays all medical bills plus 66% of her pay. Should be enough for Santa not to totally pass us by.
  11. TY everyone. I read Susan your responses. She appreciates your concern. We figure it's going to be a long recovery. Once she gets fixed up a bit she'll show us all up with some one handed cooking - LOL Will post an update in a few days.
  12. I'm willing to give it a try next steak.
  13. I've done that with a handful of fresh rosemary before.
  14. Through strange circumstances Mrs skreef got her middle right finger smashed at work. It cut her finger down to the bone on both the top and bottom side. It also broke that bone. She went to the local emergency room where she was at which is located about 2 hours from the house. I rushed down there as fast as possible. We were up for 24 hours yesterday and finally made it home at 4 am this morning. We are now up and about waiting on a call for an appointment with a orthopedic surgeon. She's in good spirits despite it all. Will post an update later on.
  15. Oh just wait I have more laziness I should be able to post Friday evening - LOL
  16. The twist is looking good.
  17. Great looking grilled carrots and the burger is not to shabby either.
  18. Those are what a smoked chop should look like. Great cook, great post.
  19. TY MacKenzie - now we can get back to our regularly scheduled program.
  20. The last cook number 20. Meatloaf and another test of muffin pan potatoes. The next night I looked inside and cleaned it out. I burned about 35 lbs of RO over the 20 cooks. I never Stired, shook or disturbed the lump during this time. I only dumped straight from the bag on top of whatever lump was leftover from the night before. The ash on the sides towards the front is about 3" deep. The ash in middle was all the way up to the lump basket. In the end air was coming in from the back side of the lump basket and over the last few cooks reaction time after a vent adjustment was slowing down. Dug through what was left and pulled out the standard "Free rocks with every RO purchase" - LOL. There are 3 design features which makes this long no stir run possible with a Komodo Kamado: 1) no gap between the firebox and outer shell so all air must go up through the lump basket. 2) uses a lump basket which is really hard to clog up even with small lump pieces and leftover ash. 3) has a fairly large ash collection area. In conclusion (for me) stirring between each cook is a waste of time and sort of messy. From here forward I will no stir and just dump straight from the bag. Cleaning it out about every 20 lbs. The only exception will be doing a long (over 8 hours) low-n-slow in which case I'll clean it out first. Hope everyone enjoyed this experiment - it was tasty and fun for the Bistro.
  21. The last cook number 20. Meatloaf and another test of muffin pan potatoes. The next night I looked inside and cleaned it out. I burned about 35 lbs of RO over the 20 cooks. I never Stired, shook or disturbed the lump during this time. I only dumped straight from the bag on top of whatever lump was leftover from the night before. The ash on the sides towards the front is about 3" deep. The ash in middle was all the way up to the lump basket. In the end air was coming in from the back side of the lump basket and over the last few cooks reaction time after a vent adjustment was slowing down. Dug through what was left and pulled out the standard "Free rocks with every RO purchase" - LOL. There are 3 design features which makes this long no stir run possible with a Komodo Kamado: 1) no gap between the firebox and outer shell so all air must go up through the lump basket. 2) uses a lump basket which is really hard to clog up even with small lump pieces and leftover ash. 3) has a fairly large ash collection area. In conclusion (for me) stirring between each cook is a waste of time and sort of messy. From here forward I will no stir and just dump straight from the bag. Cleaning it out about every 20 lbs. The only exception will be doing a long (over 8 hours) low-n-slow in which case I'll clean it out first. Hope everyone enjoyed this experiment - it was tasty and fun for the Bistro.
  22. Looks very tasty. That Magic Mojo is a really good rub for all around use.
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