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Everything posted by primeats

  1. "Hey Primeats, would your local codes allow for placing the drill in a seperate bucket with a hole cut in it? Someone in another forum suggested that." I was thinking of a flexible drive that could be attached to a Dremmel up and out of the way. If you don't over do it you should be able to remove most of the solid fat chunks...I think!
  2. Don't forget that aging not only improves tenderness but it tends to intensify flavor as well .
  3. Brings back many memories of butchering with my Dad Most of them pleasant! I haven't seen that much back fat(lardo) on a hog since I worked with my Dad back in Iowa. He used to freeze all the back fat for me if the farmers didn't want any lard, and I'd use it to cover all our whole beef tenderloins during the year. That's all gone now as is he, we had a great resource at the time and everyone here loved it.I'd like to think it made the holiday meals a little bit more special for the folks on the North Shore.
  4. Holy Hog Parts! All parts have their function. Tenderloins grilled right are amazing, as are the boneless loins. Some would say the bacon is best, some say the shanks. And of course what about the casings! The only thing that is useless on a hog is the squeal! But remember, I grew up in Iowa, and spent many a day on a farm "plinking" the boars in their Rocky Mountain Oysters with my trusty bb gun( Confession? Yes, someday I will before I die)
  5. Same here Tucker, gonna have to give this a go. Heck if I ruin it the first time I can probably find something else to use the next time. And truthfully, my 17 year old son will probably inhale it anyway( sorta like my Airedale!)
  6. Stock owners? Crap, it always seems like I'm a day late and a dollar short! I'm probably the only guy who lost money on Yahoo stock when it was going through the ceiling!
  7. You're gonna fit right in here! Great pics! No messin' around with pork buts or briskets... you jumped right in with the grilling ! Looks great, looking forward to more of the same!
  8. After shredding 3 every Saturday, this device looks very handy! Now to find an NSF cordless drill to use in the store! As you all know, those baby's are REAL hot straight off the KK! This could save a few burned finger tips as well as the outbreak of foul language from the staff ! On a side note, most of the fat that I have noticed has been melted away during the long low and slow, as well as nearly all of the connective tissue. If any has remained it is usually in one or two large clumps and can be removed before the carnage begins with that device. Ranks high on the gadget list!
  9. This weekend I'm "cooking" some Kansas City Wild Wings,actually reheating them. This batch came to me frozen and already fully cooked. So I guess I'm going to slather them with Uncle Dougies Wing Sauce, and some with Sweet Baby Ray's for the timid. Hope to enjoy them at the beach and set sail on our Hobie for this season's maiden voyage. Fortunately I will be seen in a full wetsuit(hides a multitude of sins-actually two...gluttony and sloth!),water temps are probably only around 60 degrees. Update: thunderstorms all day, the seams on my wetsuit are safe for another time, gotta cook anyway: The Spread The Sassages! On they go! KansasCityWildWings with Franks Red Hot Sauce Before the Sweet Baby Ray's... Godzilla puffing away!
  10. My family grew up with Mr. Linkletter, he truly defined an era. We are the sum of our ancestors,and it's evident in you.I'm grateful to have experienced his nuggets of wisdom. Dennis, my family extends our deepest condolences to you and your family. It's been a rough couple of years for you. No words can soothe the loss, we will all remember him with you. Bless you, and peace, Dave and Denise.
  11. Totally agree with you Doc! It's usually seafood for me, or duck! Nobody can fix a steak the way I like it at home!
  12. A former employee of mine, now deceased, once told me" Dave, we're not in the meat business, we're in the making friends business. When you make good friends, good business will follow"-Edwin Fine.
  13. Are you kidding, do we mind? what a great post! This is what the KK Forum universe is all about! Great photo.Nice background, very jealous! It's damn near snowing temperature here! One should never be sorrowful when sharing a thing of beauty!
  14. Larry, I think you made the right choice. I was ready to write what I was really thinking, and then I thought" why should I tell someone that they shouldn't try something, it could turn out surprisingly well". That being said I think you may have been disapointed in trying a Wagyu brisket.There are several levels to Wagyu based on marbling score, and I don't think everyone is on the up and up when it comes to that...it's not a USDA certification, only select,choice and prime are worth your time from lesser to greater.I've gotten a fair amount of Wagyu that didn't look any better than the USDA Prime that we sell everyday.But,THAT being said, a wagyu brisket will have a different flavor profile than other breeds,if you've ever been fortunate enough to taste some. I find the flavor to be a bit more intense,a bit mineral like, not unlike what dry aged angus beef can obtain. Craigslist may be a viable option if you want to split a bag 'o brisket! One thing that isn't well known is that Wagyu is generally higher in Omega3 fatty acids, so more fat=lower cholesterol...according to a few University studies, and if you're concerned about such speculation. Have a great weekend, Dave
  15. primeats


    Sounds great,this is what I'll try for Father's day, Mothers day,uh...no.
  16. Me too P.C., Mapp torch works VERYwell.
  17. I find myself telling people almost on a daily basis why some people will buy a Sears Kenmore oven/range and some will buy a Wolf. They will both bake cookies and bread, but the wolf range can be passed to a future generation. The green egg is a fine cooker, I saw a Bayou Classic cooker at Lowe's the other day, and it's not put together very well at all. In fact it looks like a toy! Dennis has overcome all other cooker shortcomings on the market today,including the Egg and every Chinese made knock-off kamado cooker on the market .I researched buying a ceramic cooker for two years and had to do a great sales job on my wife to even consider a KK. My friend and fellow BBQ enthusiast across town from me sells the Egg...nice unit, too small for my needs and, to be honest, are butt-ugly.Dennis can fill you in on the details of why the walls of the cooker are so thick, the firebox is in two pieces, the grates are 3/8ths SS, and there are only two options to add on to the unit besides a rotisserie basket from another manufacturer. Look at the forum directory to find a local owner and they will be happy to show you what it's all about.
  18. Larry, I have seen what a Wagyu brisket looks like after it has been corned, and it was fabulous. Ronnie_Suburban also transformed some into Pastrami...sublime! Let us know how it turns out!
  19. It looks as if the boards are doweled as well as having cross members underneath. If they aren't I'd be concerned about the table warping and coming apart.
  20. Jeez, all I've had to worry about has been a power outage for a week. Never had to worry about my product sinking to the bottom of the sea! But hey, it's all insured right? How's the ulcer?
  21. I know you always get a few stones from the charcoal, and I know it wasn't from the KK. I've been noticing a greater frequency of rocks lately, and usually from the 20 lb. bags, not so much with the 10lb(now 8.8lb.) bags. I'm guessing it's from the ground when they scoop up the charcoal.
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