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Everything posted by primeats

  1. It's too bad you had to pony up the cash for a new unit, but you won't be sorry about this purchase! Dennis is still a young guy( couple months older than me) so he has no urgency to make a quick buck, comes from good stock, as we all know, and is honest to a fault! And this forum greatly benefits from your expertise! As we all know these cookers revolutionize the way we Grill/BBQ/Smoke. Here's a pre-welcome to the KK family, and more than a few of us recognize you from more than one other bbq forum! I know I always look forward to your input. I'm sure Dennis will respond to your call at least as fast as he has called us all back! Good BBQ to you!
  2. Remember the pork shoulder is comprised of two cuts really,the Boston butt and the Picnic. The Boston butt is the blade section, rather fatty, perfect for pulled pork, and the picnic is the arm sesction, pretty lean, and maybe a little unforgiving as pulled pork, nnot too say it won't work well. Especially in a superior outdoor implement like the KK.If I were to bbq a picnic I think I would brine it according to Syzygiess specs.
  3. The little plate bolted onto the inside of the unit opposite the large lid spring. The number is stamped on it. Couldn't tell you what mine is anymore!
  4. Yep, 2 minutes after my post! I'm as guilty as anyone!
  5. OK that's goin' on Facebook!
  6. It's something you can't explain, you just have to experience. This cooker turns out better ribs than I have ever eaten in any restaurant. I may have spoiled myself from ordering steak out before, but since cooking on the KK, even my finicky kids make a comment! Keep up the good work..hey invite some deserving friends over ! (I'm sure you have). Like me, the evidence is long gone before I think to snap a shot of the product. You've been here long enough for us to know that you're not just blowin' smoke. Although I'm sure someone will give you Hell about it!
  7. My daughter's best friend's parents worked for the South African Consulate in Chicago, they moved to Joberg this spring. I was given a recipe for borewoerst(sic) and we had a great fest on the beach last summer! They taste very much like my bratwursts. Welcome to the "family". If you ever travel up north to Wilmette, give me a ring, we'll compare notes.
  8. Sweet Give the man a challenge and he does his best to overcome! Very impressive work from the both of you.
  9. Too bad the guns didn't at least fire off some blanks! Great photos of some a great historic ship!
  10. Look on Google Earth. I'm in Northern Illinois!
  11. Every time I see a new color of tile I want one!They just look so much better with some backround. And then I start mine up and feel better! Nice work Dennis, and beautiful cooker HM. The floral arrangement really set it off!
  12. I tried this rub on some boneless country style ribs. when i mixed the ingredients I didn't have a food processor so I just lightly basted the "ribs" before bringing them home. I actually doubled the recipe thinking I would love it so the other half of the rub I brought home and proceeded to mix it up in my Vitamix. Guess I should have poured it in slowly, instead I just dumped it all in and tried to blend it. Long sory short, it got so hot that it turned into a big mass of what looked like brownie dough! hard as the dickins to clean out too! I used the "dough" to coat a pork butt for the evening's L&S, DEnise took it off the nest morning and said the crust had risen to about an inch or so and was kind of fluffy! The flavor was very intense, I liked it but it wasn't really popular. Back to the "ribs". absulutely amazing, sorry no pics this time, I plan on using this recipe for a news segment next Sat for NBC5 Chicago(around 9:00 A.M.) there will be pics! I altered the recipe a bit and used half chipotle powder and half paprika,could have used even more chipotle powder. I will try to post pics next weekend. And since I can't grill on the NBC plaza it'll have to be a show and tell without the grill.
  13. Wow, nice pics! Things have changed a bit from when I was there.
  14. Tabacon Springs? Real beauty in that part of the world. Denise and I stayed there in April, 2000
  15. Yep, bought mine through Viking as well, actually through a third party, but had the viking name on it.On the box that is.
  16. I kinda like this option, and it looks as if you had this up your sleeve for awhile! I ordered can't remember if I ever got the lower grill for the store or not, but I've been using the one from home in it's place. I'd like to order one of these please, do you need an email to make it official?
  17. primeats

    Second cook

    I don't have much left, gave several lengths away to a couple of friends, I've got enough to make a length for my gasser and my pig roaster.
  18. primeats

    Second cook

    I've been using a insulated black fiber sheath to cover the probe cables I bought a spool of it from Mcmaster Carr. Good up to 1200 degrees if I remember correctly. I'll try to find the listing later.Fits perfectly through the probe hole in the side of the KK. After multiple cooks it gets kind of tar soaked from the smoke and condensation. Works great at protecting the cheap temp probes. I've burned up a few of them even in the oven when they've touched the heating element.The little silicone plug in the end of the cable and top of the probe starts to pop out after a while and I'll get random readings. I even use the sheath on the Guru wires. Here's the link showing the sheath... viewtopic.php?t=2923&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  19. And yet when you roast a whole turkey, the thighs are my favorite . Wonder what would happen if you somehow tied them together for the duration? Low and slow doesn't always work well for poultry, I don't think the flesh has the same collegen content as red meat.
  20. Rarely do I use the lower grill, unless I really load the thing up. I usually light the perimeter of the coals and put the wood in the middle. When at home I use the smoke pot. As you might imagine the third choice above kinda applies to me.
  21. Although I've not cooked one in the KK, I regularly roast bottom round's in the oven at around 350 until the internal temp hits 125..pretty rare. I transfer it immediately to the walk in cooler to rest. We then use this for our deli roast beef. I would guess, because I haven't really checked, the final temp of 135 is probably reached. Slices up very nice! and even if it 's a little more well done, fix up some au'jus and you've got some great Italian roast beef!
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