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Everything posted by primeats

  1. Re: What is your KK's name? My first one, the Terra Blue OTB V2R2, is named Godzilla, the second, the Terra Cotta Gen2, at the shop is called Enterprise, as it was the first working model on display in the US, and an reminder of great things from Dennis to be distributed in the future!Also, Enterprise was the second unit to be shown on live TV, the first being Godzilla a few weeks earlier!Enterprise was the second KK to be featured on national tv,WGN,a day or so after Chris Lilly was on GMA!I think Chris had a bit larger viewing audience .
  2. Re: High Heat Brisket Pics Excellent work with the brisket! That smoke ring is perfect! It's funny, before I bought the KK I was always trying to duplicate the results of so many fine steak joints,like Ruth's Chris or Gene and Georgetti's. Now when ever I'm away from home, or asked to cook at a friends party I find myself trying to duplicate the results from the KK. How did you like that rib eye? Just about the best steak you've ever tasted I bet! Keep on Grillin!
  3. Re: Foreign objects in lump charcoal And do they use a battery operated air-hammer to pound in the spikes?
  4. What is the strangest thing you have found in your charcoal basket after burning a load of lump charcoal? Aside from a nice collection of rocks, I just found a thoroughly burned D cell Battery! Yep, you read that right! hopefully I didn't poison anybody with any toxic cast off! I never used the pork butts we cooked(all 4 of them) Wonder if the folks at Royal Oak will reimburse my for the food, or am I just being paranoid? Any thoughts?
  5. Re: KK question I think she could run for public office. Sounds like some of our Chicago politicians!
  6. Re: Smoking tips I think Dennis would say "Please do not burn wood as a fuel source!" Use charcoal for the fuel and wood as the smoke generating source, and with the KK you don't need much. Depending on how smoky you like your food to taste, you really only need a small handful or half a handful. I used to soak the wood , but with the KK I no longer need to control the burn due to the reduced airflow, I've also used a "smokebox"(search the forum for this)with great results. Even over a campfire, you generally don't want to cook over burning wood, you use the coals to prevent severe flame up as well as a more even cooking surface. I guarantee if you use lump charcoal or hardwood briquettes you will find success every time!
  7. Re: First anniversary of my 50th Birthday! As always Dennis, happy birthday, Can't wait to hear of the fruits of your labor!
  8. Re: are cloth awnings over a KK ok? I love my Coolaroo at home!Gives a lot of shade, and catches lots of leaves, but not the rain! For what it's worth, I've had a KK under an awning at my shop for 3 years, the awning shows no signs of smoke or grease damage.
  9. Re: Smoking tips A lot of questions, how much wood do you use,what kind of wood, do you soak or use dry wood, what kind of charcoal?
  10. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! "I'm still shooting for sending out a few tons this month. When all is rolling our current capacity is about 1,600 lbs a day but we can of course run more than one shift." AWESOME!
  11. Re: Best Cut of meat for "Pulled Beef"?? I think you might be referring to the "porno pork roast episode" from a couple of years ago. I learned a valuable lesson during that segment! Anyway...back to a pulled beef cut, Texans are proud to call the beef clod their own, actually brisket too. I recently ventured to a Chicago suburb a month or so back and enjoyed some excellent beef clod at a place called Austin Barbecue in Wheaton, Illinois. They nailed the beef clod, the exact counter part to pulled pork in texture and juiciness. It was better than the clod I experienced with Mr. Raichlen in Colo. Springs last year. The bad news is I've never done this with less than a whole piece, around 20 lbs.The cut you used is from the blade section, boneless it's called the chuck roll, again I've only used a whole cut of the same size, it was great, shredded nicely but was not the melt in your mouth texture profile I wanted . The strange thing is that the clod is the same cut as the picnic ham from the front leg of a pig, I tried using the picnic a couple of times and came away disappointed, didn't melt away like the Boston butt. Life is full of mysteries aint it!
  12. Re: First Butt and Ribs on the KK Bri, I'm with the other guys, I seldom cook with a sauce anymore, we serve it on the side.
  13. primeats

    Top Sirloin

    Re: Top Sirloin One of my favorite cuts. The whole primal piece can be transformed into a couple of superb roasts!
  14. Re: Perfect Brisket outstanding job!
  15. Re: Just figured I would ask... Just remember...when the Zombies emerge don't forget the double tap!
  16. Re: Newbie 101 I would have to add that although you don't NEED a draft inducer(Guru or Stoker) there have been times i have had the coals go out during an overnight cook, due to my fault not the KK. I have one at home and have used it numerous times with nothing less than perfect,precise results. I no longer use it at home and wish I would have brought it to my shop months ago to eliminate the "delayed" results. I can't use it either way now due to the fact my DigiQ is not very forgiving in the rain apparently,and no longer functions. When I get around to it I will probably reorder one, or talk DJ into guiding me into a homemade version with wifi!I have to agree with the Doc on this one...can you have too many cool things?
  17. Re: KK on Best in Smoke Doc, that is the only reason for me to have watched,seeing Chris and the twins. A friend of mine (Gary Wiviot) once commented as to why he never participated in BBQ comps...." "why would I depend on the judgement of some guy who just ate breakfast at Denny's?"
  18. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! I wonder what air freight to O'Hare would be? Nice central shipping for the whole country!
  19. Re: 10.6 lb Butt done waaaay early, need advice The pork butt is easily kept in your oven at the lowest setting. I've kept them in the oven ,covered or in foil for 6 to 8 hours, you've already done the best thing in the world on your KK, it holds up well !I wouldn't be to afraid to keep it warm, but next time try cooking at a lower temp, 230 or so, for 12 hours. Hey, if your cooker is empty, fire it up and keep the temp low, put the pork butt in a pan(stainless steel for easy cleanup)and cover, it'll do the same thing as your oven!
  20. Re: First Roti Chicken Amen to that Doc, I cooked a 14lb. turkey direct on the rotis. for Mother's Day, the skin was crispy,problem was we had to hold the bird in the oven under foil for two hours. Skin was no longer crispy, but was still delicious!
  21. Re: Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details This was our Mothers Day cookout, forgive the link to Facebook, but it was the easiest way for me to do this, I even cooked some (gasp!) vegetables after the rotisserie turkey! Ran out of room for the lamb on "Godzilla" so had to fix it on the gasser! Everything that was cooked to perfection( of course, ahem) had to be held for two hours because all those who did the 3 mile Walk for the Cure were beat! It was still pretty good though! The meal consisted of everything up to the asparagus. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater
  22. Re: Chris Lilly's Championship Pork - how long for rub? I used Tony Chachere's injectable garlic and herb marinade in a 14 lb. turkey on Mothers day, did it the night before and cry-o-vac'd it . turned out incredible, would have even been better if we'de have eaten it when it was done instead of two hours later! But hey, it's all for Mom, right!? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater
  23. Re: KK on Best in Smoke I missed the show! Checked the food networks website and you can't watch previous episodes,or at least I wasn't able to find them.
  24. Re: Multiple Small Boneless Boston Butts Susan, just got to this post, the bone in a Boston Butt is only gonna weigh around 8 oz.,give or take, pretty inconsequential. Sounds like you nailed another one !
  25. Re: Getting the KK to 500 degrees Or (the crowd sighs deeply) Bacon grease!
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