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Everything posted by bosco

  1. bosco

    More Baby Backs

    Awesome buddy!!! I did some sides yesterday too. I love that the nicer weather is close!! Makes outdoor cooking fun again
  2. Lol!!! Looks like you found a name. A friend came to take a look at them yesterday as he is contemplating purchasing one. My wife seemed to be doing most of the talking about how great they are etc etc. She did brag about how good my food is etc which totally made my day!!!
  3. bosco for the win!!!!!! Just remember this is the hobby that all in the family can enjoy!!! If you are already looking at a KK you will never be satisfied with anything else
  4. man I love that!!! When are you doing a high heat burn in??? I think once its around the 550 to 600 range if you start pushing on them they will suck back down
  5. Will the burn in take care of this ???
  6. I started with another Kamado brand. A KK was never a thought as it was out of budget for me. I was tired of the cracked fire boxes and failed components and finally decided it was time to up my game. KK is buy far the best quality Kamado on the market and you will never regret the purchase. It is so true what you read on the forum... The only regret will be that you should have done it sooner
  7. Looking good Rak!!! Killer meal buddy
  8. I would call them they have been known to send replacements for such issues
  9. John Setzler picked up an avantco SL310 10" slicer recently. It is chinese made but very high quality from all the reviews that I have read. I am leaning towards this one or the 12" sometime this year
  10. and there it is!!! How does one say no to the darkside????
  11. don't you dare pull that it wasn't me act with me Mr. NOLA!!!!! The darkside lives strong in you!!!
  12. I blame Robert 5698k for all of this!!!
  13. Awesome intro buddy!!! Welcome to team KK I want you to cook your favourite meal for your first cook to see just how much better things are on a KK
  14. very creative buddy!! I bet it tasted amazing
  15. ^^ what about bosco ^^ lol the shape of the 23 is really nice!!!!
  16. Geo, not to be the upsell, bigger better type response...... Consider the 23" I came from an 13", 18", and 24" ceramic set and found the 24" to be my best option for most things. I called the 18" my working grill because I was steadily moving things around to make it all work out. If you are considering having one charcoal a 19" alone may not be the best option. As Dennis said to me when I was looking and trying to decide, if you think of the size of a gas grill then go bigger. A gasser is usually a 24" to 30" size. The key here is the word grill. If you break down your cooking habits then you will better be able to assess what works best. For me, I am a griller 90% of the time. I like the grillestate (see what I did there???) for grilling different cuts. May I also suggest because you mentioned rotisserie to go with the bigger belly. I like the larger foot print for spinning meats One of my complaints about a 24" ceramic grill was that they took longer to heat up and stabilize and it had terrible charcoal consumption. When I switched to the 23" kk, I learned quickly that it heated up quicker than my 18" ceramic for one and two the charcoal consumption was incredible. So much so that I really have no need for my 13" ceramic anymore. If you think about it, 19" grilling space for even just 2 people will fill up in a hurry. Throw on a few items, or vegetable and you are jammed for space quickly. Also that extra space helps with long cuts of meat like ribs, brisket etc. without having to manipulate the meat. But.... with all of that said any size KK is a great machine. You will be happy with whatever you decide. Since you are thinking about the tall and not the table top I think the 23" will be a perfect size for you. here are a few cooks to help show grill size for you 23" Cant wait to see what you go with Last thing.... a good friend on another forum just spun a 14 LB. turkey on an 18" ceramic without issue....
  17. tony ^^ please try a bottle of the slabs birds and bones!!!! If you don't like it I will send you a care package!!!!
  18. I have been looking at KKs on the internet for the better part of 4 years. When I first set eyes on my harvest gold pebble at the warehouse, I was blown away with them!!! There are still days when I look out back and cant believe that they are mine!!!
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