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Everything posted by bosco

  1. Thanks CC it was a good meal and I am sure that I will appreciate the leftovers even more today. As for the rub recipe it's very simple yet packed with flavour bosco's Santa Maria rub 1 tbsp kosher salt 1 tbsp fine ground black pepper 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp oregano 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp sage powder 1 tbsp of dried rosemary or fresh chopped
  2. for my 23" 350 is always the same for me. open the bottom left damper half way so it looks like a 90 degree angle and spin the top 3 turns. That will hit 350 every single time I use it. for 225-250 I am open less than a 1/4 on the bottom and 1/4 turn up top. Best advice above was to play with it and find what your KK likes
  3. nice looking cook. My parents leave to visit my aunt in New Brunswick today. They always bring a cooler full of lobsters back with them. Cant wait
  4. I was in Vegas two weeks ago and when I hit a local supermarket I was shocked to see all the tri tip and how cheap they were. Fast forward to yesterday, I stopped by my local supermarket yesterday in Ontario Canada and they started carrying tri-tip again for the summer at double the price that it was in Vegas.... but I don't care. This is my absolute favourite cut of meat so I took two of them home with me and some fresh corn on the cob. I mixed up my recipe for Santa Maria rub that I have missed. It is a mix of salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, rosemary, thyme, cayenne Loaded up the 23" and got it to 400. Added corn that was soaking in a sugar water bath all afternoon to the top grill to start. Added one tri-tip first then about 15 min later the second. Everything finished perfectly and it was an awesome meal last night. The only issue was that I had one too many drinks by the pool and wasn't able to fully appreciate the meal. Out cool by 7pm last night lol. Fun day with the family and I hope the leftovers will still allow me to appreciate the taste that I have missed for over a year.
  5. bosco

    KK moisture

    those look great and congrats on the engagement!
  6. bosco

    KK moisture

    this was the first thing that I noticed when I upgraded. I did ribs in December for my first low and slow, and when I opened the lid to srpitz I was hit in the face with steam lol. The minimal airflow and the vacuum that is created keeps all of the good moisture inside where it should be. I was shocked with the amount of liquid that dripped from the dampers.
  7. Robert you are my go to for ribs and brisket buddy!!!
  8. I unloaded the 23" and 32" all by myself. once you bust the pedestal it is sitting on it really isn't that big of a deal. That looks gorgeous and will look even better in its forever home. Congrats Shuley you are next
  9. CC what am I.... Chopped liver? LOL I think you need to take these celebrities for what they are worth. SR was doing what we do on the forums in book format well before it was popular. His cooks are inspirational and get your creative ideas flowing. That is how I approach all BBQ these days. I know a lot more than I once did, but have a long way to go, however, with videos like this.... I get ideas and try to incorporate them into my own style and taste profile. Yeah he looks raw a bit, but we also know way more about BBQ now and he appeals to the average joe BBQ guy. He markets his stuff for the weekend griller that really has no knowledge about Q. But watch the videos and think of his methods as an idea to build on. That pork loin is in my future with a few tweaks to make it more bosco friendly
  10. very interesting. I have been finding a strange smell and taste to my grilled food when I use EVOO... maybe this will be the solution
  11. I agree on the rutland and cut them in half. The KK needs very little to get things going. Its all about the airflow
  12. That looks fantastic. I am excited to spin a bird this weekend. I need to go and get some butchers twine first. His video just inspires the mind to get creative
  13. Incredible article Dennis Congratulations on all of your hard work. The masses are seeing that Komodo Kamado is deserving of the title "The BEST"
  14. I really enjoyed that show. There are a lot of people that do not like him, but I must say, that man knows his stuff. He is unconventional and tries things others say are a no fly zone. I think that is what makes it work for me. Most of my cooks are unconventional. I like trying different things other than the standard butts, ribs, brisket. I have taken a few things from this episode that I will incorporate into my cooking and a few materials that I want to purchase, (the stainless trays) That chipotle BBQ sauce looks like the bomb! I want chicken now and I want to do a pork loin And... I believe that we all own the best grill on the market and the upcoming episodes will proved that
  15. i have a map torch but have gone back to the Rutland fire starters
  16. We moved here in 2010 to this house. My buddy built it for a couple that split halfway through the build so we got it for a good deal. The yard was just dirt and no fence. I fell in love with the property and told my wife that instead of buying a vacation property we could invest in a backyard setup. It has been a long haul getting the yard to where it is now and we do a bit every season. The KKs are my show stoppers though... Look how good they look
  17. May 24 long weekend is a big holiday weekend with fireworks.... But more importantly it is the weekend where most Canucks get their yards cleaned up and many open their pools. I opened mine a few weeks ago and sealed the concrete and began landscaping. Today is a holiday day and the first official backyard relax day. I made some chicken and sausages for lunch and we chilled by the pool. These KKs just make this backyard. Dennis you make such and incredible product that is so elegant. Thank you for your innovation and creative mind Dennis! Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canucks!
  18. Oh wow! We will have to meet up this summer with JonB as well. He is in Syracuse
  19. So awesome. You won't regret this decision to purchase a KK. The burn in is nothing at all don't even think twice about it we will get you through it. I didn't name my KKs either, however, I love them like my kids lol. I refer to mine as the 23 and the 32. I too am very curious to know what accessories you went with. as for opening... Take your time there is tons of stuff and to say that Dennis over packs the KK for safety is an understatement. I was so impressed with the packaging and everything was labeled. Congrats Congrats congrats! Lots of pictures please on arrival!
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