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Everything posted by bosco

  1. I always grill at the main grate level. One the 23" I usually only have my main grill in by itself For the 32" This will be what I do most of the time as well I always grill around 375. The nice thing about a KK is that the fire to main grate level is greater than a standard Kamado. That means less flare ups. Now an interesting set up for me with the 32 will be to have the lower grate in and the half main grate. That could be a pretty cool set up with the splitter basket in to create two zone cooking Also, a trick I am learning is to light the left side of the basket on the 32" by itself. It seems to ignite quicker, slowly bringing the flame to the right side. Creating a hot and cold side.
  2. Those look really good!! First In reality you need to place an order for some peach wood from fruitawood.com. Freed shipping in the US and buy the 50 Lb. Chunks. You can thank me later for the tip to use peach wood chunks from here!!!! Second Hickory is a pretty aggressive smoke for pork (in my opinion). I reserve hickory for more beef cuts. Because you used chips, the flavour probably wasn't there. But if you use hickory chunks with pork it can be a tad aggressive Third 3-2-1 SCRAP it!!!! That method is for people that don't have the right tolls for the cook. It ensures that they do not dry out. When I switched to a Kamado a few years ago, I abandoned the foil. Now that I have a KK, it is like they are foil cooked without foiling do to the moisture retention. Next cook try 225 low and slow with 4 chunks of peach wood Back ribs cook 4 hours at 225 then do a bend test. If they are not ready let them go another 1/2 hour and then bend test again. If still not ready go another 1/2 hour but no longer they will be over cooked. Side ribs cook 4 hours at 225 then do a bend test. If they are not ready let them go another hour and check again. If still not ready go one more hour but do not exceed 6 hours sides take longer to cook, and backs can quickly dry out as there is more meat than fat on them. I like to spritz every hour with a 2:1 ratio of apple juice to cider vinegar. I find this to be the magic for me. I do not like my ribs glazed so I serve sauce at the table. If you sauce do the last 30 min of the cook so that the sauce does not burn ** bend test take the rack by the thicker end, with the tongs grab about a 1/4 of the ribs (about 3-4 bones). Let the back 3/4 bend downwards. If it goes almost 90 degree bend they are done. If it is stiff they are not ready. If they break they are over cooked. You almost want to see a small tare in the meat but not enough for it to fall apart. I am not critiquing you're ribs as they look fantastic. You have the best Kamado on the market and the foil crutch really isn't needed. I find the foil adds a softer mushier meat personally. when you cook them without foil they are a tad firmer, but you get a clean bite off the bone as opposed to fall off the bone. But to each is own!! For you're first rib cook these look great
  3. Yup me too I'll need two one for the 23 and one for the 32
  4. You were given two kidneys to give one away!!!
  5. how can one mix their love for grilled cheese and turkey club sandwiches and make it work??? I took some turkey breasts and hit them up with Lanes BBQ Sweet heat and Signature blend. Serious combo of rubs!!! Cooked the turkey direct at 375 until an IT of 165 Next, I took some thin sliced sharp cheddar from my local deli and made some grilled cheese sandwiches using texas toast. Once they were cooked, I wiped on some mayo and stacked turkey, bacon, avocado, tomato and lettuce. then I added another grilled cheese and repeated the order Sliced it up and plated it
  6. I would love this too!!! I have some roti baskets that require a straight rod!!
  7. It's called diffraction grating. I just googled it so this is not jeopardy smart bosco Wilburpan hit the nail on the head with the cross grain cutting. "when cooked beef is sharply sliced against the grain of the muscle fiber, this, coupled with the moisture in the beef, creates an excellent surface for producing rainbows. The reason it shows up in roast beef is because the cuts of meat that are used in most roast beef are more prone to iridescence, particularly in the round".
  8. I was flipping through Instagram and found some photos of a KK live on set of Project Smoke Season 2 with host Steven Raichlen. I confirmed with Dennis and learned that KK was chosen by Raichlen to represent the Kamado cooker. The photos being published show some very high end equipment and the on set staff seem to be in love with a 23" Ultimate!! This is really cool stuff!!! In this episode Raichlen cooks a pork belly on the KK!! Can't wait to watch this!!!
  9. I am an expert in trifecology.... And I deem this to be a trifecta based on all of it having the same colour. That looks incredible Dennis!!!!!
  10. looks good buddy!!! nicely done!!
  11. Rak after fire is out I back the damper off a 1/4 turn. No need keeping it tight once fire is out. I think it will help the gasket not compress so much too.
  12. I'm starting to get comfortable with my KKs
  13. In the spirit of preparing for the week ahead, I decided to throw a 10 LB boston butt on yesterday and would portion the pork into food saver bags for future meals. I used a rub that tiny fish gave to me to rub it down. The rub was fantastic, just don't know the name of it lol!! Anyways, I got the 23" Komodo Kamado up to 225 and placed the butt on around noon. I cooked at 225 for 10 hours, then decided to raise the temp to 250. I woke up at 5am, and the KK was still rock solid at 250 degrees. I used peach wood for smoking and the aroma was outstanding!!!! This butt hit an IT of 203 and it was so juicy and tender. I think the bark set better than any other butt that I have ever done. The smoke ring penetrated deep into the meat, giving it a beautiful red hue to the meat. After 17 hours of cooking, I still had some lump left in the basket, and added a little more. I got the temp up to 375 and did two spatchcock chickens that I rubbed down with the Slabs birds and bones (my favourite rub to date). I was able to seal 3 bags of pulled pork for future cooks and left some out for dinner tonight and lunches this week!!! The chicken was puled at 170 IT and the skin was crispy and flavourful!!!
  14. bosco

    Shrimp Anyone?

    that looks like one heck of a cook buddy!!!
  15. My pleasure buddy!!! I am glad that it all went smoothly and I was able to get all the garbage to the dump for you as well!!! Congrats, it looks wonderful in its new home and the pebble finish looks fantastic!!!! Olive gold is beautiful
  16. bosco

    Fish Tacos

    Time for an intro thread of the new KK!!!
  17. bosco

    T -

    Well we almost dropped it buddy so figured you shouldn't be looking. Muscled it up and in place!!! All garbage to the dump and a happy new home for the KK!! Congrats bud and thanks for the goodies!!!
  18. bosco

    Fish Tacos

    Looking good brother. As we spoke last night my guess is that the KK was saturated in heat and crusted the fish immediately..... However, with that said I have cooked several things over the past month and each time I cook, everyone seems to think thinks are juicier and taste better. My pizza crust was my best to date, my chicken breasts lights out juicy and my ribs that I did was like eating a 3-2-1 rib without needing foil. The moisture content is insane. My uneducated guess has to be that it is due to air flow. So little air in can make incredible heat. I think that with the less air going through the KK, the more moisture remains within. Those tacos are the bomb buddy.... Can't wait to get that sucker in its new spot!!!
  19. I think a high end product doesn't need labels all Over it. I was drawn to the KK therm when I first set eyes on CCs. It was simple yet I knew a high end therm. When you look at a high end Ferrari there is a logo on the front and back of the vehicle. Every accessory isn't labeled Ferrari. It's the quality and craftsmanship that separates it from the rest and identifies what it is. I am a minimalist to an extent and think that less is more with the therm. I don't need to see KK on the therm to recognize the brand. The gorgeous tile job will be in all of those photos and that's what will be grabbing the attention. Running the KK page I know that the tile gets people saying wow I want !!
  20. I think we need to add a section in the poll to Vote for no logo Dennis to reflect what I am seeing here.
  21. bosco

    T -

    Why bring therm in?? I have never removed mine. Am I missing something???
  22. bosco

    T -

    burn that puppy in!!!!
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