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Everything posted by Geo

  1. Spaghetti for dinner this evening. It had a chopped-up burger that had been previously cooked on the KK, but REALLY! :mad:  It's just plain WRONG to have that KK sitting out there all alone, and feeling "unused"! 

    1. MacKenzie


      But spaghetti is good once in a while.:) I think I must be getting close to making some.:)

  2. Thanks, Bruce. With what I've learned, I'll nail it next time! Sure appreciate the help.
  3. Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I really appreciate the wealth of your experience. Some time ago, I suggested to Miss Jean that we should get a SV cooker. To-date, I haven't gotten her past the fear of the unknown. Will keep working on it. For now, I won't be able to try those recipes. I've decided to try the KK recipes one-at-a-time. Tonight, I tried the one suggested by Bgrant3406. Will try the others on future cooks. Here are my thoughts about tonight's cook... Had difficulty getting temperature up to 600*. Had full basket of RO, hand loaded. I'm thinking that either I was just impatient, or I should have made sure to get some large lump at the bottom. Will do better next time. Shut it down at 550*, and did the approximate 4-minute cycles. Cooker cooled off quickly, and I had to leave the chicken on a lot longer than the 12 minutes that Bruce had suggested. This left the chicken a bit dry, but still good. Also tried asparagus in ci pan with EVOO, onions, and garlic. That turned out WONDERFUL! Also tried some asparagus directly on the grate. That was good, but not like the spears cooked on ci. I'll try that recipe again with the things I've learned. Before you ask, here's the visual evidence. :>) I'm anxious to try the other recipes that were suggested. Looks like a lot of chicken meals at Geo's house in the next couple weeks. ;>)
  4. I have two boneless skinless chicken breasts, and feel unsure about how to best cook 'em. How about some advice from those of you who have done it before... Method? Temperature? Sure appreciate your wisdom.
  5. Great looking meal & cooker. Looking forward to lots more pictures of cooks. Enjoy!
  6. You've outdone yourself... AGAIN! Yummy.
  7. My goodness MacKenzie... Did you really need to post that picture!? How's a guy supposed to lose weight? I wasn't hungry until I saw that! :>)
  8. You can also click on "Browse" and all of the "Topics" on the right hand column that are in bold, are ones that you haven't read the latest post.
  9. I'm with you, Glen &Marilyn... Any change in format requires change for users. I haven't been reading this forum nearly as long as you, but when I first saw the new forum, I didn't like it. Here's what I do to read the new stuff... Near the top of the page is the Komado Kamado title. There is a dark bar beneath that. On the right side of that dark bar is a place that says "Unread Content". Click on the "Unread Content", and you'll be taken to a list of recent topics that you haven't read yet. Click on any of the items to read the topic. I've found it nice that I can read a topic, and the next time I click on Unread Content, It won't be included in the list (Unless of course, someone responded while you were reading). Hang in there. You'll get used to the new format, and probably find yourself preferring it. Best of luck.
  10. I don't have anything to add to the discussion about the deck, but I simply MUST say "That's one lovely cooker!".
  11. Thanks for the info and ideas, Wilbur. I wouldn't have thought to look it up on the Internet, and make my own. The way you explained it, makes it seem pretty straightforward. I'll give it a try! Thanks again!
  12. Congratulations on your new KK. Looks like you have your hands full. Hope you have time to enjoy it all.
  13. Thanks. I'm guilty of going to the store with a shopping list, getting what is on the list, and leaving. This new hobby is opening my eyes & mind to new possibilities.
  14. Thanks for the idea. I haven't noticed these in the stores, but will take a look for them. Looks like some really good and quick meals.
  15. Did my first cook on my KK on Friday. Decided to do pork ribs because I have done them several times on my pellet grill, and figured I could compare results. Decided to cook two racks so I could compare my favorite rub from past cooks with one I saw on Amazing Ribs website. (Obviously, it is a personal preference, but since I'm just cooking for Miss Jean and me, what's important is which WE prefer).

    Washed ribs, removed membrane, applied mustard to hold the rub, and applied the rubs. The darker of the two, has the rub that was my favorite from previous cooks. image.thumb.jpeg.bf14c8523033b91f1b9adbd


    Lit the 23" Ultimate KK, and got it settled at 225*.  Put the ribs on. 

    After cooking for perhaps 30minutes, I realized that I had forgotten to insert the heat deflector! Bummer!!! Covered deflector with foil, removed meat, and inserted deflector. At that point I realized that I had a cold deflector, but figured I'd be able to tell when the ribs were nearly done by watching for the meat to pull away from the cut end of the bone (That was always the case with my pellet grill). Continued the cook, and watched for shrinkage. Here's what they looked like after inserting the heat deflector... image.thumb.jpeg.70e862387092192c11f075d

    After they had been cooking for about 2-more hours, I started periodically opening the dome to check for doneness. After quite some time, I checked the IT, and found they were way over-cooked. (I've forgotten what the IT was). Pulled the ribs off the smoker, and cut into both. They were dry on the outside, but very moist on the inside. Here's what they looked like...image.thumb.jpeg.4336a888a12f018134dfa6bimage.thumb.jpeg.cd416e0bd62d3b699fc2c8a

    The ribs were edible, but not as good as I have cooked in the past since I didn't have the heat deflector in place at the start of the cook, and also because they were over-cooked.

    Although they didn't meet my expectations, I learned some things...

    1) Think through the cook before I begin. The KK is so different from my pellet smoker, that I need to give it the extra thought.

    2) Don't expect the finished product to look like it did on my other cooker. Since there is so much moisture in a KK, I'm thinking that there won't be nearly as much shrinkage.

    3) Use my Thermapen. That will need to be my gage as to doneness.


    Let me add that cooking on my KK is the most fun I've had in recent memory. I suspect that I'll be cooking on it much more regularly than I did on my pellet smoker. I couldn't be happier with it!

    (Fixed burgers for lunch today. They were waaaaay too good... Some of the best I've had! I'm obviously on the steep part of the learning curb!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MacKenzie


      Soooo your burgers were fantastic, that is just like they should be coming off the KK, great job.:) BTW what happened to the burger pixs?:)

      Sounds like you think you have ideas to make your ribs fantastic also.:) I don't do a lot of ribs so you might want to take the following with a grain of salt:) I find that the heat deflector is not really necessary for low temp. and if I was going to use one I would use the stainless steel one that came with the KK. It looks like a serving tray, at least it did to me.:) The few times that I have done ribs I did them with no deflector and on the main grate. To keep things moist I refrain from opening the lid any more than necessary. I don't want all that moisture to escape. Mine certainly took a lot more time maybe 4-5 hours. The good news it that even if we don't get things perfect we can still eat them.;)

      I'm glad you are having fun and I expect you will be having a whole lot more. :) :smt023  :smt023

    3. MacKenzie


      BTW, did you check the calibration of your grill thermometer?


    4. Geo


      Thanks for pointing out the need to check calibration on the thermometer. That was one thing that I did remember to check before diving into my first cook. This is an exciting learning process.

  16. What a great addition to your home, and so very practical. It will be a great sitting area for the two of you. Enjoy! Now... As to "painting it later"... I'd hate to tell you how many "Paint it later" projects I have had. Wish I could "paint" my projects before moving on to the next one. Somehow it never works out that way! :>)
  17. There are several hours every day when I can't access this forum. Is everybody experiencing this, or am I doing something wrong?

    1. MacKenzie


      Geo, I wouldn't say you are doing anything incorrect but I am not experience any problem getting on except Tapatalk. Can't connect there at all. I have been wondering where is everyone though???

    2. Geo


      I'm expecting Dennis to return my call today. Will ask him if others are reporting a similar problem. Thanks MacK.

  18. Did the "Curing Process" today. I wanted to avoid, as much as possible, any chance of bubbling or tile lifting. So I took 11-hours, and waited for the venting to stop before moving up to higher temperatures. I finished with several hours at 600*, and had only a very slight scent when I finally shut it down. I found the process gave me lots of time to just relax and enjoy being outside. No problem at all.

    1. 5698k


      Nuthin to it. 

  19. Sorry about the extra & duplicate pictures. I'm learning how to post pictures along with learning to cook!
  20. My brand new 23" Ultimate KK arrived on Thursday, and my son Dan, came over after work to help move it. The delivery driver was kind enough to set the KK just outside the entry door. While waiting for Dan to get here, I removed the screws that hold the pallet cover to the pallet. While the cover isn't heavy, it is awkward to lift by myself, so at that point, I waited for Dan to get here. Once he arrived, it only took a few minutes to uncrate the KK, move it into & through the house, and onto the back patio. The process was very easy... There is one 4" step up at the front entry to the house, and another 4" step down to the patio. Here's the KK as delivered to the front door. I asked the driver to place it that close so we could go directly from the pallet through the front door. The KK was through the front door in a flash! I has has two partial sheets of 3/4" plywood. Thought we'd need it to protect the tile floor, but about mid-way thorough the house, we decided to just push it without the plywood. We didn't experience any problems doing it that way. Since we didn't have to lift the KK, we had to find another use for the ropes... Once we were finished clowning around, it was an easy matter to push the KK through the back door, and down the ramp to the patio. The KK in position on the patio. Isn't she a beauty! The he move went EXTREMELY smoothly, and only took perhaps 15-minutes. I couldn't be more pleased!
  21. Congratulations. Looking Gooooood! Thanks for the idea to make smash burgers during the burn-in. I'm hoping to do my burn-in tomorrow, and will make some smash burgers then.
  22. It's here!!! Yippeeeee!

    My son is on his way here to help me remover the top from the pallet, wheel that beauty through the house, and onto the back patio. I'm thinking the KK should come with some kind of warning... Something like "May be too exciting for an old man". :>)

    For his help, I ordered a take-out pizza for my son. It'll likely be our last take-out pizza!


    1. MacKenzie


      I've been waiting all day for this delivery, now I'm waiting for your son. :smt077  :smt046

      It is looking just fine so far.:)

  23. Got a phone call earlier today... My KK is arriving early, and will be delivered tomorrow (Thursday) between 10:00~2:00. Can you say "EXCITED"?! I already had a ramp that I had made to the height needed to go up/down the two short steps involved in getting it through the house, and made a "dry run" leap-frogging scrap plywood I cut to cover the flooring as I move that 600 pound beauty through the house. Can't wait!





    1. MacKenzie


      No sleep at Geo's house tonight. :) The dog is even getting into the excitement.:) Please make sure you have lots of space on your camera card and that you have an extra battery ready for the camera.:) :smt031

    2. 5698k


      Looks like you're ready to go! It's amazing what proper preparation can do!

  24. It's Wednesday... "Humpday" for many of you, but for me it's the day before my KK gets to Dallas! Funny how a cooker can control my thoughts!


    From reading your posts here, the bar is set really high... Could it possibly be that good?

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