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Everything posted by Conodo12

  1. Here you go Dan - http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ The first selection on the left is "Create Avatar" At least you're not drinking Tusker or Lion Lager...
  2. I brine also in a varied batch of beer, apple vinegar, rub, etc. It's rarely the same twice! How 'bout you guys, any favorite brines (particularly for ribs?)
  3. Welcome Dan! Everyone on the KK forum should google the word "Braaivleis" if you are not familiar with the term already. Dan, are you from South Africa originally?
  4. Swalatee that looks fantastic!! Nice work!!! Can't wait for first cook pics!
  5. Thanks for the links from some of your past cooks Rick - Two of my favorite by the by! So, I get that Fibrament has some options but let's give Dennis a chance to chime in here. In his last comment on Rick's pizza thread (from May) Dennis mentions that he has stones available. Everything that I have received from Dennis has exceeded my expectations (and I have a lot of toys!). My sense is that the pizza stone will not disappoint. Typically I would just email Dennis about my request but there appears to be a lot of interest in making pizzas and Dennis has a solution for the KK. So, Dennis - what's the scoop on the pizza stones? Details please! (size, cost, instructions for use, etc.!) Thanks!!
  6. Hmmmmm... Somebody needs to call these guys and get some clarification. When looking at the "Info" page for the BBQ Fibrament they mention that they come in the sizes from my previous post. When you go to the "Order" page, the BBQ sizes change to 14 1/4" and 16 1/4". The 19" is still cheaper but it does not come with the metal pan. Per my earlier post, do you guys cook pizzas with the heat deflector in the KK or do you rely on the metal pan that ships with a stone?
  7. I checked out the site and they offer quite a few different sizes. Interestingly, they recommend a metal liner for use on the grill. This is to avoid the direct flame on the Fibrament. The two sizes for grilling are 13 5/8" and 15 1/2". However, they do offer a 19" round Fibrament. If we used our own heat deflectors, couldn't we order the largest round size for less money than the two "grilling stones" and get more cooking space?
  8. Conodo12


    OK, so now I gotta ask what each variety of 'mater you have in the pictures? I like the looks of that last one, but am curious about what each variety offers that is unique? Big 'maters!
  9. Conodo12


    Is that totally boned out or Spatchcocked? Good looking cook! Love those 'maters too!
  10. I keep the gas burner support in just to keep the holes that it sits in from becoming clogged with ash and other cooking debris. But, I must admit that I also clean out my ashes with a shop vac so that I get all the loose gunk from inside the KK out 'til the next clean!
  11. Hmmmm... My vote is that Otto just got a bad cut of meat. I would suggest either wrapping the heat deflector in foil for easy cleanup or do as our resident Pimp Monkey does and flip it each time you use it. Also, is that deflector resting down on top of the charcoal basket handles? If not, it should be. Lastly, a drip pan can be nice for collecting drippings (gravy!) but not having it in did not adversely affect this cook (IMHO). Keep at it - it gets TONS better!!!
  12. All of the sudden I am very, very hungry! Nice cook and I'll be trying this one soon! Thanks!
  13. One has to wonder if Doc ran up onto that porch, cracked the top, and ran back to take the pic so he could use that caption!!! But seriously, having used an offset cooker before, are we loading the back tank with fuel and cooking on the throne? Or is it the other way around?!?!?
  14. Very nice Hitman! Your backyard looks like a place where you would want to spend a lot of time - that KK will help!!
  15. I voted that I had another million dollar idea - that idea is to buy the removable trap door that Dennis just showed us - does that count??!?
  16. I'd send a pic looking out my office window but the window wells in my basement office block most of the view!!! I do get the occasional frog, bunny, etc. But I rescue those guys and it's back to the dungeon for me! Fortunately I have developed some coping skills to help me deal with my hermit-like office dwelling...
  17. The grill looks great but I must admit - I prefer to keep mine "seasoned" That's lazy-man's terminology for "what the grill floss does not knock off, stays!"
  18. Congratulationa Ickkey! That KK looks great!!
  19. Interestingly - the KK burns whether there is food on the grill or not! Rather than risk your first overnight cook on trial and error, why not set up your KK for an overnighter doing a dry run? Make sure the ash compartment is empty, Load up the basket full of lump, light up, put your heat deflector in and let it go. You'll have your draft door wheel open about 1/8" or so and your top open about 1/4 turn or so. This should get you dialed in around 225 - 235 F. It will stay rock steady at this temp burning away for many, many, many hours! Let us know how you make out!
  20. Welcome aboard! Just check the forum for posts on what other toys to get with your KK - The shopping and comparing products alone will keep you busy 'til your KK arrives!!!
  21. Can't say that I have personally, and have not even heard of it being mentioned on the forum just yet.... Can't wait to see pictures and hear how it goes/went!
  22. Thank you Sir! I will look forward to it -
  23. Can someone just post the Owner's Manual? I am sure it is revised from time to time and keeping posted on the forum would keep us all current! Thanks!!
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