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Everything posted by Conodo12

  1. Jeff - I would eat that mistake all day long! I seared mine at the front of the cook then removed as the cooker came down in temp. In went the heat deflector and meat back on the main grill. Up to 135 internal and where the center of mine was more rare than your cut, the outside rim and ends were more done. Interesting how the techniques change the overall result of the cook. I have to agree with FM - bone down was not the culprit - definitely the dwell. Usually I would say live and learn (as I am obviously still doing!) but in your case I would say live, enjoy!, and learn. Great looking cook! Just out of curiosity for all those reading - I read that bringing the rib roast up to room temp before cooking was the single most important step towards a successful cook. Would you guys and gals that have cooked up a standing rib roast agree? I've only done one and liked the result. Just curious to find out what your experiences have been... Thanks
  2. "Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder"! Jasen - That is classic!!!
  3. Gerard - It's hard to believe that you could draw a parallel from this: to the work of art that Dennis has created and posted at the beginning of this thread. I do believe that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but in this case, there is zero comparison! In fairness, I can see where you might think that black is uninspired compared to some of the other tile choices offered, but for me black is classic and timeless.
  4. If I weren't so attached to my KK, I would cheat on it and cook on that cooker in a second! That KK is going to turn some heads Dennis! Very nice!
  5. I'm in the same boat FM. The inside of my KK looks just like yours only seasoned. My sense is that any KK could have this applied to the interior once the interior was properly prepared (cleaned). However, having seen the construction of the KK up close and personal like, this coating appears more cosmetic than anything. I'll bet you can't tell the difference between the inside of my/your KK and the newly coated units after about a dozen cooks! Now put that bad boy to work for you! I'm curious to see what your first cook will be!
  6. Thanks for the link DJ - That's pretty slick stuff they have going on at the BBQ Guru! It will be interesting to see where they set the price on this unit. This will no doubt be the new big dog on the block, but will it bring down the price on their other powerdraft devices?? Guess we will see....
  7. I am finding myself to be in the same company with Jeff, FM, and Syzygies regarding the KKEC. Jeff has mentioned using the starter bricks to get his lump going. Syzygies didn't make reference to having any issues lighting his KKEC. So I am in the camp with FM on the lighting issue. I use a MAPP torch. I like to get things burning in a hurry so the hotter the better. I have to say that the KKEC will get lit if it is the only fuel in the basket, but it takes some prodding! I find some regular lump (y'know, good ol' Royal Oak) sprinkled in with the KKEC gets things going and saves on MAPP fuel. When I say sprinkled in with the KKEC, I do mean just that. I have taken the time to actually stack my KKEC "in little chimneys" as I have read on this forum until the basket was just about full. Then I sprinkled in some lump over top of my neat piles, and then neatly piled the KKEC for one more row to make out the top. Of course the lump lights first, but it takes the KKEC right along with it. After a little experimentation I have found that about 90% KKEC and 10% lump makes for a good fire in a fair amount of time. It's a bit of a pain counting each and every piece of KKEC that I add to the basket and then figuring out what that 10 percentile number is to add the lump, but it works every time! Seriously, if you are sitting there thinking that I actually do this, go get another beer! The point of the story is, a little lump with the KKEC will do ya! I do believe the KKEC burns as close to neutral as I have found. I'd like The Whiz to jump in here and see if that has been his finding. For my purposes, I would never cook a light piece of fish (or maybe any seafood) over anything but the KKEC. This allows the natural flavors of the fish to come through. If you want a little more smoke flavor, just add a little lump or a piece of smokewood. Lastly, the ash production may have been more than Dennis would have liked, but I'm not complainin'! Enough people have talked about how great it is on low and slows so I will just agree with that statement. I have found that it holds the temp rock solid for many many hours and without the aid of the guru. KKEC is pretty good stuff - I am very curious to see what is around the corner to best it!
  8. Jeff - great title to your post! (funny) The picture was a no-show earlier this evening when I looked at this post but it is here now. Safe to say that you cooked that bird direct Jeff? I do need to break out my rotis and will probably do so early next week. The wife is going out of town this week so I'll wait for her to get back for the Rotis debut! Just going to have to suffer through Ribs and Steaks with the kids this weekend and serve her up a nice plump and juicy yard bird next week! My guess is that Rotissing is going to be a learned skill using the clock and the weight of the meat to approximate the end of the cook. From there it is back to good 'ol peeking and putting in the Thermapen. (Thermapen... yup, still need to get one of those!)
  9. Now why can't that particular bee just be into BBQ smoke?!?!?!
  10. Ugh - The outgoing administration will have to let history be the judge. Fair to say that today, the ratings aren't too high. The incoming administration had better get the 2 Million people on the National Mall today to pony up some money. If today's stock market move is any indication of what we have to look forward to... Ugh.... At least we have our ceramic cookers to keep us entertained and our bellies full while the next four years plays out! Well that and beer!
  11. Sanny and John - The pic will show up... eventually. By that I mean, you navigate your way to the post and then just wait until the data transfers from "www.postimage.org". I was reading your recent posts while staring at a grey box. After a bit of time passed, the image shows up! It is worth the wait as this little girl is a cutie! Here's some Eomoticons to entertain you while you wait...
  12. heh heh, gotta love a bee that loves bbq! lol Kinda surprised that the cheese wasn't running right out of that fatty - what temp do you cook that guy to or is it done by time? Good lookin' chow!
  13. A great read - Thanks Jeff! Now go and figure out that Rotis... mine is still in the box from Christmas
  14. I don't think we are "getting" what Zorro is suggesting. He has the BBQ Guru and is more than likely aware that he can control the airflow with the damper on the fan motor. Like Whiz said, it is adjustable from 0 to 100%. I think what Zorro wants to do is attach something to the end of the inducer tube that will evenly disperse the air inside the KK. Perhaps custom cutting a tiny (2.5" x 2.5") sheet of steel and modding it with directional holes would help? Or perhaps finding a "Y" piece of pipe that could be coupled to the end of the inducer tube? These suggestions are an attempt to get the air moving around evenly inside the fire area as opposed to just blowing straight into the fire area. Zorro, another thought - have you tried to light the fire using the gas option from beneath the fire basket? This may solve your problem entirely. The center of the coals gets lit and the remaining coals will tend to light uniformly from the center out giving you the burn you want. If you don't have Dennis' gas option, a weed burner might get you inside the firebox using the ash removal door. Check to see that it fits and that you can point it up before buying! I hope this helps?
  15. 120lbs.? Where's the other half of that deer?!?!? Maybe we grow 'em a tad bit bigger in the Keystone State! In all seriousness, I'm going to try this recipe first chance I get!
  16. Some Chix Tix... Always like to keep some boneless skinless chix tits around the house for salads, lunches, snacking, etc...
  17. A Rack of Spares for Dennis... Apparently the cut of spare ribs in Indonesia is pretty small. I mentioned to Dennis that my spares usually weigh in at close to 6lbs. and he said, "What???"... Here's how we get 'em in my corner of the world... One rack will feed the family, eh Dennis?!?
  18. First Standing Rib Roast Not necessarily an "everyday" cook, this little beast was cooked up for Christmas dinner, but since I am a bit late in posting this area seemed appropriate... Next time I will pull the roast just a bit earlier. However, this was great eating! I wouldn't have thought to try a cook like this before the KK - Thanks Dennis!!
  19. All great replies guys and thanks very much! How about the cedar plank cooking? Do you guys think going indirect is good to protect the plank (they recommend soaking the plank to prevent burning) or going direct? Also, can you reuse the planks or are they a once and done thing? Thanks again!
  20. You won't know unless you try! Got any more meat hangin' around?
  21. Decided to move this question to the "General Area" - Anyone cooking much of anything using direct heat outside of beef (steak, chops, London Broil, etc?) Sounds like just about everything else is getting cooked indirect? Also, how about the Rotis? Is most of it indirect or direct cooking? (I actually thought direct for the rotis) Thanks!
  22. Would these work as a polder plug? Any idea as to the heat tolerance of the rubber used? Thanks!
  23. Cedar plank cooking is definitely one of those things I am looking forward to trying. Can you reuse the planks? It doesn't look like you flipped the fish; no reason to do so? I like a crust on both sides of my fish... Thanks!
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