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Everything posted by Conodo12

  1. Hmmmm... You make a good point Sanny. Hey Tucker, I'm going to need you to go over to your inlaw's house and screw up some more of their granite tops! I really like that cart!
  2. Hey, after the Sound of Music you can watch S.O.B. and see some Julie Andrews breasts!! On second thought, Ewwwww....
  3. What a great piece of furniture! Since I know you have thought of a few improvements now that it is done, would you care to share your thoughts? Also, any plans to build to sell??? Nice work!!
  4. All right Larry - I've been playing poker long enough with guys whose first names are major cities: Detroit, Chi-Town, Los Angels, etc. long enough to know when I am being shnookered. Give it up, how long you been cookin' on that K? For a newbie, you got it down with hints for us to boot!!! lol Everything I've seen posted from you looks great! If it is beginner's luck, so be it. My sense is, you been practicin' for a bit!
  5. Syzygies - I'm just havin' fun! I hope you are too! God knows I appreciate a serious cut of meat now and then. I also just like to pick a piece of meat that many would pass over and turn it into something they cannot believe!
  6. You say you're not fancy Deej, but I noticed the patterned plates and fancy sprig to dress up that meal!! 'round here, the only sprig is mint - and that goes in our drinks!!
  7. Hey Trish - Where does one purchase a 264-pound tri-tip?!?! Glad you mentioned the special order at Costco. I'm going to be talking with my Costco butcher very soon!
  8. Man o' man - I can taste that turkey now! That recipe is one that is going to get exercised before Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Heh heh, "high quality" was supposed to insinuate higher price... Hey, folks are winning Grand Championships using cuts of brisket that cost less than that! Although, they cook their meat for a living!
  10. FM - Can you PM me the name? Do you think there would be a place like that here in Harrisburg, PA? We have a huge SYSCO food distributor. Thanks!
  11. It's been an interesting education regarding meat cuts and qualities. Some of you folks have got some expensive taste! lol It seems it's more of the sear cooking that gets the higher quality meats, right? After all, who would cook a high quality piece of meat lo and slo? That type of cooking is for us simple brisket and pork butt types, right!?!
  12. heh heh - Anyone swinging a paddle that hard on a kid deserves what he/she gets! Do you guys pick up the lump "not for retail sale" at restaurant supply warehouses? Is it a better price? Thanks!
  13. Lifetiles - eh, not so much... MovingColor - Now that is just very cool!!!!
  14. um... OK. er, good find Gerard! uh, yeh... that's all I got.
  15. Is that "Hmm..." like you are considering the possibility?!?!? I was kidding Sanny! Don't go eatin' your bunnies!!! lol (on a side note, it looks like we got moved... the editors are at it again!)
  16. Well Sanny if you are THAT allergic to them, well... you still need to eat, right? RABBIT FRICASSEE Source: Adapted from American Heritage Cookbook (1964) Serving Size: 4 1 Whole Rabbit -- quartered As Needed Flour -- as needed 1/4 Cup Butter Salt and Pepper -- to taste 1 Medium Yellow Onion -- chopped fine 1 1/2 Cups Red Wine Zest from 1/4 lemon 2 Sprigs Parsley 2 Stalks Celery 1 Bay Leaf 1 Tablespoon Butter 1 Tablespoon Flour Chopped Parsley -- garnish Directions: Cut the rabbit into serving pieces and dust with flour. Heat butter in a skillet with a tight-fitting lid, add rabbit pieces, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Fry until nicely browned on all sides. Now stir in onion and cook for a few minutes. Next, pour in the wine. Tie Lemon rind, parsley, celery, and bay leaf in a little cheesecloth and drop into the skillet. Cover and simmer gently until meat is tender - takes about 1 hour. Lift rabbit onto a hot serving platter. Discard seasoning bag. Work flour and butter together until well blended, then add to liquid, and cook, stirring constantly, until sauce bubbles. Pour over rabbit and sprinkle top with chopped parsley.
  17. $58.00?!?!?!?! C'mon fess up - who won the cradle from the eBay auction?!?!?
  18. Congratulations Joe! IMHO - I would not set up the KK in your enclosed patio. Too many variables with fire and an enclosed space!!
  19. Welcome Jocko - You can learn alot just reading through the tips and techniques section. Of course if you have questions, just ask away!
  20. Hate to send you all to the same place for this basket which starts at just $4.99 but that is the spirit of eBay! http://cgi.ebay.com/NIB-VIKING-ROTISSER ... dZViewItem Happy bidding! Maybe Dennis will post a Komodo on there and you can pick up both items!
  21. Great detective work guys - that thing is all over the net! No more having to wait for EZ Que! Now that's the value of the forum!
  22. I gotta tell you Jackie - I like your tenacity and your resourcefulness. Heck, if the Viking avenue works out, we may all have another avenue to go when looking for rotis baskets!
  23. Hi All, Subject asks it all - What's goin' on the grill this Labor Day weekend? For me it is some pork butts for sammiches, wings, ribs, and I might just do a packer if I can still move after eatin' the haul just mentioned. Gotta get the energy level up for lots of college football action! Go Nittany Lions! (and) Go Navy!
  24. Interestingly enough, that tile pattern is very close to the tile pattern Dennis just debuted on his new 19.5" OTB. Here is the link: viewtopic.php?t=2633
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