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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. Does she own a bakery? That looks seriously professional
  2. Man that looks good. And happy Father's Day!
  3. That does look good. I think a touch of vinegar in an adult beverage would have potential to be delicious.
  4. Wow that is an amazing yard. You're going to have a blast with your kk. I'm going to echo others here and say do your burn in with something cheap. It will also help you figure out how to use the vent settings. A little different than other Kamado's.
  5. Happy Father's Day! That is a monster looking cut of meat
  6. The time I made pork belly burnt ends it was love at first bite.
  7. I have never heard of them either. But they look delicious
  8. Thank you very much. It was fun. My son seems to be recovering nicely. Luckily it was a relatively minor procedure, just he got a very severe antibiotic resistant infection from a hospital when he was two weeks old so now I am extra paranoid about infection. Anyway- so far he is doing well
  9. Thank you. Those are my two favorites as well. it was delicious and this was my first attempt at semi classy plating.
  10. Thanks for the input. I was leaning towards this one also but was worried that it made the portions look a lot smaller than they actually are.
  11. This will be my entry in the kamado guru "something fishy" challenge. My husband played photographer as most everything was really quick cooking. He has also mentioned several times how he thinks it would be fun to do videos. However, I don't think I have thick enough skin to deal with the haters. Or creepers. Anyway, I'd love some opinions on money shots before I post over on the guru. Before coming up with ideas on this challenge, I was thinking I wanted to do something I wasn't as familiar with. I like to take these challenges as an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and use my family as guinea pigs. So, I began reading about the feast of the seven fishes hoping to find inspiration. I kept seeing a marinated squid salad. I really really really wanted to try it, but knew this wouldn't count as a "fish," so I headed out to various stores to see if I could find anything to go with it that I felt inspired by. I ended up deciding on seared ahi. I have done this in a pan before and gotten good results, but I had a feeling I could up my game and do it in the grill and with a fancy marinade. First I got some ingredients for lightly marinated cucumbers to put the ahi on i wanted these to be relatively simple, clean and crisp. Then I set them aside for about an hour and a half. then I got my ingredients for my ahi marinade together. this was simple, just soy sauce, brown sugar and Sriracha. Honestly, I marinated for an hour but I could have marinated for 30 minutes. The fish really soaked up the marinade. It was very tasty. As I set that aside I got the dressing ready for the squid salad ready. Also, I had a change of heart before mixing up the ingredients and only used one half of one Serrano pepper in the marinade so my boys would eat it I just tossed the squid with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and headed out to the grill. roughly chopped the tossed with the dressing made up a rub for the tuna, rubbed with a few drops of sesame oil, sprinkled and headed out to the grill with a well heated cast iron griddle only about 1 min per side and slice immediately. This is one of those rare things where carry over cooking is something you really have to fight by slicing as soon as possible. Whew! Didn't mess it up!!! now, put it all together. I have about 12 money shots to choose from but here are a few. this was a fantastic meal. We all scarfed it down and the only left overs we had was some rice and two teeny strips of tuna. My hubby and boys and seconds.... and thirds of everything.
  12. I like old bay- just not in beef. My kids love it on their burgers though! I have never done beer can burgers. looks like a fun idea
  13. Looks like you are already hanging tons of fun!!!
  14. It's a great idea, I just think I produce better results regular kamado cooking. Could be that I enjoy the process, though.
  15. I have to say- I have a sous vide machine- and I definitely do not prefer the results to more traditional methods of preparation. I guess it just isn't for me
  16. Shuley

    Pork Pot Stickers

    I love good potstickers. I used to make them in big batches and freeze them for quick snacks. Yours are far prettier.
  17. I thought about that too- but thought I'd see how much it rendered before trying without. There was so much fat. The entire drip pan was probably over two inches deep. Seems like that would significantly increase my odds of a grease fire
  18. Interesting. I had always head mackerel was very oily tasting, and I didn't know there were sub categories. I'll have to keep that in mind.
  19. Funeral potatoes are potatoes with sour cream, bacon, cheddar cheese, cream of chicken soup, green onions, garlic powder and a little salt and pepper. They probably have a different name, but that's what everyone I know calls them
  20. Thursday was my last day of students so we celebrated this weekend with a little BBQ. I tried out pork belly burnt ends (super fabulous). I pretty much followed John Setzler's timing, just made me own rub was the only difference, a 12 lb brisket, used my new homemade coleslaw dressing, funeral potatoes, Aaron Franklin's "regular sauce" - my older some helped me with this, and cheesecake from the cake bible- my younger son helped me with that. Lots of fun and we had hardly any left overs! I was shocked. Apparently I took no pictures of sides or the finished brisket. Dang it. Trust me it was moist. I mostly wanted to document the pork belly as that was new to me.
  21. Looks like a lot of fun. I don't think I've ever had mackerel.
  22. That sounds like an awesome glaze
  23. Do you have kids? I was adamantly against naming my kk but my then two year old took care of it. He was unable to say Komodo kamado and instead said KoKo kamado. The name was endering so it stuck. Kids are cool like that
  24. I almost always cook with the intention for leftovers (except maybe fish). I don't like to eat out for lunch much, and leftovers help with that
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