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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. That looks soooo tasty!
  2. So, the accessory list is as settled as it is ever going to be. Please shout if I have made any really stupid choices. Otherwise, I'm done and now need to find something to do with my life until the KKs arrive. Category Item 23" 21" Commentary Definite Grill shaped baking stone ✓ 17" baking stone ✓ Spare charcoal basket ✓ Charcoal basket splitter ✓ Cover (Meditteranean blue) ✓ ✓ Rib rack ✓ Check if the rib rack will fit in the 21" 23" ultimate 5/16" SS roisserie spit (hex) ✓ I've wavered about getting a rotisserie at all but, on balance, makes sense to buy it now. Non-Dennis Purchase Rothenberger 30954 Roofers Propane Torch Kit with 5m Hose Looks like UK equivalent of Greenwood. Bought, try it out soon. Smoke pot I am currently high bidder at v low price on eBay - sure to get beaten but finding a good, cheap pot to drill holes in will keep me occupied for a few weeks CyberQ cloud and Pit Viper Fan and two extra food probes I like the fact that the fan helps to automatically control temp. If you are going to be tech assisted, go all the way. Stainless steel cabinet Get this manufactured locally. On wheels alongside chimney Cocochar Most UK supplies are for shisha pipes, sold in 1kg bags and are eye wateringly expensive. Two well priced 10kg bag options are from ProQ cocoshell briquettes and Napoleon coconut briquettes. Will have to get samples to see what they are like and buy in bulk to get better pricing. Motor for rotisserie ✓ Onlyfire BBQ Gas Grill Stainless Steel Rotisserie Electric Main Spit Motor,UK 3 Pins Plug. Dennis picked this out on amazon.co.uk MEATER block I like the wireless thermometers. However, no fan for pit temp control. Waiting list means won't get this until mid 2018 at the earliest. Decide whether to pay and wait. Save for later Octoforks Not sure how many to buy. Three pairs? Milwaukee compact blower Try old hair dryer first No Wings No space Other Dennis furniture Gorgeous but still no space Cold smoker The Husband (and me) not convinced Double drip pan ✓ Improvise 8" rotisserie with 6" reducer ✓ Took advice to go with spit rod and Octoforks 16" round baking steel Use the heavy cast iron griddle that you bought in Nice for smash burgers - better because it has a lip Range dial bluetooth thermometers Seems well priced for multiple probes. No fan. Alerts as opposed to control. Wires. Go with MEATER block instead once available Smoke and Smoke Gateway Lots of gadget and thermometer options. Gateway is new. Wires. Seems similar to CyberQ without added benefit of connection to fan.
  3. Hi there. I would have though it mad to be even considering shipping char across the ocean if not for the enthusiasm that so many have expressed for Dennis' product. He was very kind with helping me with an initial search for potential sources of similar in the UK and did similar for a roti motor. At the end of all this it may well be worth setting up a reference page for UK newbies. The Husband will be pleased to read of @Syzygies' support for Argentinian grilling. Our current grill is old and decrepit and he has found a new supplier just down the road from where he grew up in Norfolk, England. We can't ignore that karma and maybe, in five years' time, we will be knocking on their door for an extra grill to supplement the KKs. Progress being made with building our KKs. Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is...
  4. Thanks for taking the time to address my grilling question @Syzygies. As I started to investigate gadget world, it finally sank in that I am entering into a new paradigm, one where my BBQ is actually an outdoor oven. That may sound obvious to all you long term KK people but it was news to me. With that mind shift I will be more open to the options that the KK offers. I know you don't like burned chicken fat @Syzygies and I can tell you that that is one thing our Argentinian grill excels at not producing. The v-shaped grill bars collect the fat off your cooking food and drain it into a channel that runs along the front of your BBQ. It does satisfy the primal grilling urge, with a big fire box to the side for burning down wood and a rotary mechanism that allows you to raise your grill surface, spread your hot coals underneath and then work your cooking rate by raising and lowering your grill. But that is soon to be consigned to our past, to be resurrected as and when we have more space and feel the need to supplement our KKs. As for sous vide, I am keen to try this in combo with our KK. Sous vide does do bones well you know. Try the Keller recipe for Southern fried chicken. I forget about the rest of the chicken and just sous vide a pile of wings and use his various batters and coatings - delicious. The fact that we buy whole animals means that there is a range of less tender cuts that will be ideal for low and slow or pre-grilling sous vide. Lots and lots to try out. What fun! Only sad aside is that I won't be doing any of this on Dennis' coco char or coffee lump. A UK KK owner, @KayJab, alerted me to the fact that flammable items can't be shipped with a KK in a split load. Conversation with Dennis confirms that we would need to buy 2000 boxes between us to fill a container of our own. The search starts for a "local" source of similar..
  5. All really helpful, thanks. The gadget angle is one that will take time to explore. I remember reading about the journey some of you have had with getting the MEATER and thinking I'd watch and wait. If they finally come with the block it means they are genuinely on their way with this. We spent yesterday evening cooking on our current grill and it helped me reflect on a lot of stuff. We could have got the fire going earlier with a weed gun and we certainly needed better char - the batch we started with took ages to get going. We were only able to grill for the whole meal, more juggling would have been required to cook a big joint low and slow. And I just know that the KK wouldn't have dried out our beautiful home made chipolatas and that I would have avoided unnecessary blackening of the chicken wings. I'm going to work to refine my accessory list over the next few weeks but @5698k is right. Making the decision to go with the two KKs is the only one that really matters. And, as @Paul noted, I am going to use the fabulous food we'll cook on the KKs to draw others into our cult...
  6. Great, thank you all. Having waited five whole years to make the jump, I am trying to get back in touch with my frugal side. Not working I'll adjust the list and re-post when settled but here's an update on current thinking: coco v coffee - gotta try it for ourselves. Go big on coco, try out the coffee. Persuade friends to buy a KK in a year or so's time so we can replenish our char stock with our preferred choice. roti - the nice people at One Grill responded very quickly to my enquiry about a motor. They offer a cordless motor and an AC adapter if I want to plug it in here in the UK. I did see a post where you all recommended getting all the different roti options. Am probably going to go with @Pequod's suggestion for my first venture into this space. is it a baking stone v baking steel question? Not sure I need both? rib rack - why did I ever question this one? Meat on bones all the way. It's now a definite. Thanks @Steve M and @5698k cyber q v digi q v smoke gateway? guessing they are not all equivalents but I need to find out more. Certainly these gadgety options were one of the things that blew my mind when I first encountered KKs all that time ago. @MacKenzie, we have a few different thermometers. Will work out whether the thermo pen does stuff that the ones we have don't. consider what to do about ember blowing kit but not a day one commitment. Drip pan and cold smoker go onto to No list. The Husband thinks others smoke salmon and cheese perfectly well and I can't help but agree. Thank you all, keep 'em coming.
  7. OK. Here we go! Pasted from my spreadsheet but couldn't get formatting to come through. Hope the columns don't go all funny when I press the Submit button. All advice welcome please. Category Item 23" 21" Commentary Definite Grill shaped baking stone ✓ Spare charcoal basket ✓ Charcoal basket splitter ✓ Cover (Meditteranean blue) ✓ ✓ Coco char Get as much coco char as possible Argue in Coffee lump Not everyone seems to think the coffee stuff is worth it Rib rack ✓ Why do you need one? 8" rotisserie with 6" reducer ✓ Remember the roti kit for the indoor oven that you've never used Cold smoker The Husband not convinced Double drip pan ✓ Improvise instead? Understand Baking steel Doesn’t appear to be on the site. Is this the same as a baking stone? No Wings No space Other Dennis furniture Gorgeous but still no space Non-Dennis Purchase Greenwood propane weed burner torch Should up my fire starting skills so I don't always have to wait for The Husband Smoke pot Can't bear to drill holes in my 30 yr old pot. Buy one on eBay DigiQ DX2 Find out more. Don't buy until you've been using KK a whlle Milwaukee compact blower Try old hair dryer first Stainless steel cabinet Get this manufactured locally. On wheels alongside chimney Motor for rotisserie ✓ Search KK forum for options for the UK
  8. Ooooh. I know @tony b, I should have moved on to the accessories discussion by now but I am eking out the pre-sales experience, given I am not expecting delivery before November. I did the pester-Dennis-with-phone-calls trick that I am sure all of us pull at this point. I listened to him properly this time and now know I am 3-4 weeks away from seeing my 21" KK finished. The only consolation, hence the ooooh, is that he let me see a photo of the prototype. It/she is so beautiful. Naked, not tiled. Made me want to hug her across the ocean. Enough excitement for one week. Will hit the accessories next.
  9. Awesome! This made me laugh a lot, as I had thought of selling the earrings to fund the more extreme end of my KK fantasies. Happily The Husband was generous - both in giving up his Argentinian grill dream AND funding two KKs when he had originally offered me one. So...the earrings are still in the safe and will come out for the KK's' arrival.
  10. Thanks for the book recommendations @Pequod and @Flht01. I have been able to locate them all on amazon.co.uk so all is well with globalism. Concept of an English twist on barbecuing is funny. I am actually a Nigerian masquerading as an Englander. So you will be getting an African British twist on things when I finally get my hands on a KK. Did I say all was well with globalism?
  11. I see you have edited this post Pequod to say chicken is the fourth meat. I glanced at your earlier post during a particularly dull meeting and I thought you bald statement of "Chicken!" was an assessment of my level of courage. Yes, thanks, I was looking for Syzygies' post.
  12. Thank you all for your welcome and encouragement. Waiting game now. First wait is for Dennis to finish work on the 21" so we get a view on the actual size and price. Hopefully that will be in the next week or so and we will have pictures of both the 21" and the 23" tiled in our colour choice. Can't wait! Unless things happen super fast, we may need to defer delivery until Nov as we are away for most of October. In the meantime we have been preparing for our new KK. Picked up half a cow from a farm on Friday (we didn't just run out and saw it in half - this was planned and it had been hanging at the abattoir for a tasty three weeks). We cut up extra thick steaks and looked online to see how you Americans cut the brisket for barbecuing. All the cuts are now vac packed and in the freezer, waiting for their future encounter with a KK. Also making some salamis, all good and garlicky. Looking forward to the time when I can actually smoke my bacon and sausages. Two bits of advice sought please. Dennis talked about the four standard BBQ cooks but I was too focussed on matters KK to pay attention to what they were. I think he said pork butt, brisket, ribs and ....? The American style BBQ is a world that is new to me so any advice about what cuts to do and any good recipe books would be gratefully received. The other bit of advice is around navigating the forum. I am bit of a social media phobe (no Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, no whatever the latest thing is) and this is my first venture onto a forum. And what a forum it is! My trouble is, i found a great post about accessories, the one where the guy listed the type of heat proof gloves he uses and the fact that he uses plant pot bases in place of a KK drip pan, but I can't find my way back. Do you recognise the post? Is there a way of book marking within the forum or should I just bookmark into my browser? And finally, does the search feature work for you? It comes up blank for me even when I search for basic words like "rub" at the top level of the forum. Lots to learn!
  13. If I was to summarise all the advice that I have received, I would say that a KK is indeed able to satisfy all your grilling needs but two or three KKs will do it even better and you should definitely maximise your real estate from the start. With that in mind, I should have gone for the maximum I could fit into our chimney space. Having measured up the area, we could actually get a 32" in with a 19"TT alongside sitting on a piece of furniture that would give us good storage space underneath. That would be the logical choice. The good news is that your various posts and utter passion about your particular choices reminded me of why I have loved KKs for so long. They attracted me for their beauty. So I went with what spoke to me. I adore the shape of the 23". And I prefer the idea of another free standing KK next to it, rather than a TT. I love the idea that Dennis has put all his expertise and experience into the new 21". I'll be getting one of the first. It won't be perfect and I am sure Dennis will refine and evolve it over the years but I am OK with that. I will have two new friends in my garden that will take my breath away whenever I look at, touch or use them. I am looking forward to that feeling.
  14. The white smoke is actually coloured cobalt blue pebble. And the smoke is being pushed out by..... ....a 23" and a new 21" Supreme Tall. The latter is a bit of a leap of faith but we trust in Dennis and the fact that his newest grill will be his current best. Thank you so much for all your advice. I'll need a rest now before embarking on the what charcoal, how much charcoal and which accessories investigation. The Husband is happy too.
  15. One, two or three? That is the question. I think we are going to have fun with sketches and cardboard boxes this weekend!
  16. No need for a disclaimer ckreef, I am with you on food for a particular course being ready at the same time time. Where we differ is the fact that I don't mind being in the warm, cooking the sides inside the house, with the occasional trip out to check on a lump of meet on the barbie or even to turn a few sausages. That's a good description of winter barbecuing in the UK. In the summer, I like to take the South American approach. You make your bbq last at least half a day and food comes slowly in waves as you drink and eat the day away, enjoying each new delicacy as it comes. I am pretty sure that, with a combination of some kitchen prep of sides, we can do that with one KK and some of the juggling that Tony describes. The other thing to note is that the special price on the 19" Hi-top Tall is only available to you lucky folks in the US because the stock is already on your side of the ocean.
  17. Spoke to Dennis today. Yes, Bruce, he is one of the good guys. He doesn't think we will need a second KK alongside a 32" unless we really want to do different types of cooks simultaneously. I think resting low and slow while searing easy bites will work for us. Like Pequod, neither I nor my husband practice the discipline we started our working lives in. I now oversee software developments. Made me laugh to think of a KK and the term Minimum Viable Product in the same sentence!! While The Husband does sketches I think I will be hauling out old cardboard boxes to build out a 32" KK shape in our chimney space. Will help to get a 3D feel. Will also look at the cabinets but I am keen to keep most of the KK on display. Which brings me to that all important subject...colour, or as you say, color. You would think this was easy, that there would be a colour that grabbed your heart and would not let it go. Well, depending on my mood I go from dark Cobalt blue to metallic bronze to olive and gold pebble and back round to autumn. We have a garden full of plants and flowers and I kind of fancy the idea of the reflection of the garden in the metallic bronze. This will swing over the next few days and The Husband will also have his say. The journey will be as much fun as the destination. Thanks again for all your input and help. Accessories to follow, before or after white smoke...
  18. That's a good looking combination, FotonDrv. One of our challenges is that there won't be room for wings in our chimney space if we get a 32" and so we will need to have a different arrangement for resting food and tools. The good news is that The Husband also liked all your posts and is now in a place where he appears to be talking about which two KKs we need to buy. No white smoke until the weekend though as he wants to do some sketches to assess the fit. I'm the civil engineer and he's the marine engineer but he gets to do the sketches - go figure!
  19. I have been at work all day here in the UK but have followed your answers with interest and even laughed out loud a few times. Thank you so much for responding in such detail, I already feel like part of your community and look forward to when my profile changes to reflect my acquisition of a KK and promotion to the Owners club. So...my prudent side says buy a 19" hi top tall and get the best use out of that. My other, also prudent, side says buy a 32" and another smaller KK (maybe a table top) and get them shipped to the UK at the same time given that is the inevitable outcome of entering into this world. I am now sold on the 32". Going big would be my normal choice and we have (just) enough space for it. The location is on ground level and it could be rolled into place with enough people to help. I also like Pequod's tip about two zone cooking being a more realistic option in the larger KK. Why now? I am 50 next year and my husband offered to buy me a KK for my birthday. I am pretty certain it will get more use than the earrings that I got for my 40th and am too scared to wear for fear of losing them! A 32" KK will be difficult to drop down a plug hole or leave on a hotel bedside table. All I have to do now is convince husband that his present to me does not need to be augmented by an Argentinian grill but may need to stretch to a monster of a KK. I'll be in touch with an update and yes, I have experienced Dennis' good communication in the past and look forward to converting that into a sale soon. I am so excited!
  20. Thanks Paul I had read the article and lots else on the forum besides. The problem is, it feels like there is a big difference between reading stuff to reinforce the general awesomeness of Kamodo Kamados and placing your bet on your choice of grill for you! I am really interested in a number of things that you have talked about. It's obvious now you say it, but I hadn't thought about the time it takes to rest meat for low and slow cooks. That clearly creates the option for searing smaller items while you wait. It is also great to hear that you have a 16"TT. We have a fairly large Argentinian grill at the moment but we don't use it often. While I like the idea of a 32" for its versatility, I also just want to get into regular no fuss cooking for two and a smaller kamado seems to fit that bill. Views on how you get on with a smaller grill and how others use the 32" for small cooks would be very helpful.
  21. Hi there, I have had an obsession with Komodo Kamado grills since 2012 and am now, finally, on the verge of buying one. My husband and I are having a debate about what we should get and I am hoping you can help to inform our decision. From what I can see on the forum, the solution to having different grilling needs is simply to buy another Komodo Kamado That appeals because if one is awesome then two must be even better, right? However, we have some space challenges and want to be sure that we can do low and slow well alongside quick flash grilling. So, our debate revolves around: 1. Get a 19" Hi-cap tall (great sale price and the hi-cap could be more versatile than the 23") with a custom Argentinian grill alongside for hot grills alongside a low and slow in the kamado. 2. Get a 19" Hi-cap tall, try it out and see if it meets all our needs. 3. Go all in and get the 32" Big Bad and use for low and slow and searing when required but not at the same time. Whichever way we go, I don't see how we can regret it given all options include a Komodo Kamado. This feels like the start of a great journey and I get the feeling we will buy more than one of these over time. Over to you - what do you think?
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