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Everything posted by mguerra

  1. you are correct! 211.2 to 212.8 are the range of BP's for water at 80 feet elevation across the normal spectrum of barometric pressures, so 212 is sure close enough! Here is a BP corrector: http://www.eggheadforum.com/index.php?o ... &Itemid=88
  2. Guide was busy controlling the mayhem, photos came out crappy.
  3. For any fly fisherman out there, I caught my first tarpon on fly! 100 pounder on 40 lb. leader with an 80 lb bite tippet. 12 wt. Sage Xi2, in 4 ft of water on a sandy flat at "Location X" using a Lenny Moffo Black Death bug. It was my sixth day ever to fly fish for tarpon. 30 minute fight. I didn't want a multi-hour fight so really poured on the pressure, using Stu Apte's techniques. If you have been thinking about throwing a bug at a tarpon, GO DO IT!!!
  4. Start only a very small amount of lump to get a lower temp fire. If you start a lot, not even the smallest vent opening will keep the temp down.
  5. calibrate The boiling point of water varies with altitude and barometric pressure. The average BP of water at my altitude, 1700 feet, is 207.5 across the normal range of barometric pressures here. There are very simple boiling point correcting solutions on the web, you just plug in your altitude and barometer reading. Simply plug in a typical lowest pressure number, say 29.50, and your altitude, to get the low reading and your typical highest pressure, say 30.50, and your altitude to get your high reading. Those pressures represent a pretty good typical spread of barometer readings for almost anywhere in the world. Your resulting numbers will be about a 2 degree difference between your highest and lowest boiling points. Average those numbers to calibrate your thermometer. Your number will NOT be 212 unless you live at sea level.
  6. funny Here's a post from the Primo forum: "Hey Primo how about these suggestions. They say imitation is the best form of flattery. Obviously Primo has an original idea with the Oval models. I was thinking what other features you would like to see on the Primo cookers. I’ll list what I would like to add. 1. A better lid top with a daisy wheel smoke adjusted like the BGE 2. Ability to add coals without removing the grates like a hinged grate. 3. A spark screen on the bottom 4. A redesigned fire box to avoid cracking 5. An ash trap allowing you to lift out the ashes (no scraping from under the firebox) 6. Grate level eyelet for meat thermometer. 7. Concave and base lid lips ({lips}don’t know what its called), allowing for a tighter fit without felt." This guy just needs a KK, I thought, since we have all those things except #5. Then, a couple of posts later, he says: "Most of my idea came from the Komodo Kamado cooker." I was stunned that the moderators let it stand! They jumped my ass for talking about KK once before.
  7. neat idea Those are very cool cupcakes! Here are some graduation cupcakes:
  8. stolen There is a thread about a stolen Primo. They are a little more "stealable". It was on a porch on a public beach. KK should be VERY unlikely target for theft.
  9. Say Yes to Pensacola!!! Blue Angels practice at Pensacola: July 13, 14, and 20. Full on airshow July 4. Go to Pensacola!!!
  10. briskie Qundoy, try this: http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... e+cardamom
  11. 102nd idea Here in Texas, peaches are ripe and in season now. Grill those babies! Then top them any way you like with sauces, ice cream, whatever. Fantastico. The last batch I topped with melted butter, brown sugar and cinnamon all blended together in to a paste and drizzled on grilled peach halves.
  12. game fish/ food fish Please throw the smallies back, and eat the perch. Obviously there are enough smallies to harvest some, they are legal to take and there is a limit. But still, they are such fine sport! And the walleyes taste so much better. Just one fisherman's opinion.
  13. what do you use? What do you then cook the oysters in? Something cheap and sacrificial? A really cheap Wal-Mart steel grill could be considered almost throw away.
  14. effective dimeter The Primo Oval Junior weighs 95 lbs and has 210 sq. inches of grill on the main grill. 210 sq. in. equals just over a 16" effective grill diameter for a round grill. A 13" round grill would be 132 sq. inches. So it should be possible to design an OTB or variant that comes in at, or just under, 100 lbs., yet larger than 13" effective grill diameter. A required feature would be to include carrying handles, or attachment points for detachable handles, so as to make it portable. Can you imagine being able to haul a KK around to cook at parties and other gatherings away from your house? That would be way cool!
  15. your method! Precisely as you have recommended in the thread linked below, using two 2x4's passed through the rope loops. One person at each end of both. So four people. And you MUST PAD the 2x4 where it contacts the tiles! Also, it is easiest to remove all the innards and the top before lifting off the pallet. Photos here: http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=523
  16. food safety Just used it on a roti chicken! It may seem way overpriced, but it is a super tool for instant temp checks, when you want your lid open as briefly as possible.
  17. convergence My thought was to scale everything down, wall thickness, stainless rod, everything smaller, thinner, lighter but still KK quality. Only one or two grill levels. Not a long tall egg, but more like a Primo shaped like an OTB or similar. I wanted a Primo Oval Jr. as a secondary but then thought I would much rather have a KK! But something just small enough to be barely portable. Which the 19.5 is not. Funny thing too, they have a thread going over there about a guy who is having replacement parts made up one-off in stainless. So they are thinking about modding their grills to be more like KK, while I am thinking about having a KK sort of like their Junior!
  18. secondary It's good to have something to grill on while a low and low is in progress. The metal grills are a little easier to grill with than the KK, but I noticed that since I started grilling on my KK, I don't mind the slight inconvenience. In fact, I have not grilled on my Meco since starting grilling on the KK, unless the KK is in use for a L&S. Then it's great resource to have on hand, esp. for a party. I was bugging Dennis to make a cooker that is analagous to the Primo Junior, 100 lbs. max weight, to use as a travel/ secondary. Something smaller than a 19.5. He said don't hold your breath! But if a whole gang of us want something like this...
  19. Ouch! Sorry to hear about the red wine problem, that is a serious blow to your gastronomic possibilities! We drink a fair bit of Bordeaux weekly, and it is a sublime pleasure. Probably you have already tried this, but pop some ibuprofen and drink some water and see if that allows you to enjoy the vino sans headache.
  20. Thermapen, the best! Just used a new Thermapen to check some chicken/spinach/feta sausages. There is NO way I wanted to undercook chicken sausage! You really can't tell by looking, if they are done. I stuck my Thermapen in there when I figured they were about ready, and they were 200. So that is slightly overdone by temperature and that is in fact exactly how they turned out, texture-wise; slightly overdone. It's not cheap, but wow, instant read! An absolute must for chicken, sausages and other ground meats, if you are not using some other thermometer. I actually could have used one of my other remote thermometers, but they would be less convenient because I was moving the sausages around on the grill, and flipping them.
  21. single bock, double bock?! I'm not at all beer knowledgable, but had a luscious little brew called a double bock, Celebrator. In fact, it was so good I bought a bunch. And I don't usually drink beer, except Guinness now and then.
  22. oh boy I might have been tempted to keep it! That is a seriously disappointing situation. Hopefully you have some sort of grill around so you can cook something, have an adult beverage, enjoy the weekend, and hope for the best next week!
  23. some like it The Drybag system is apparently VERY popular with the members over on another BBQ forum, (which I am not frequenting much anymore...)
  24. laying odds Frankly...maybe.
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