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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Curly

    Rib Eye heaven

    Those kinda look like the bones after I've eaten ribs
  2. The pan it cooked in was full of drippings so I transfered it there to deal with the gravy...now go cook on the Pink Panther
  3. Curly

    Rib Eye heaven

    He'd just knock the antlers off and wipe it's but and it eat. This may be LeadDog here, what's he doing on my front porch?
  4. Curly

    Rib Eye heaven

    What...you got something against venison Well, my wife hates that thing too. We were enjoying our rib-eye yesterday evening and she was facing the back door and she said, "Oh no, he's throwing that thing all over the place in the back yard". He was out there having sport with it. When I saw it out there by the porch this morning I drug it down the hill. We ran a errand and when we got back it was on the front porch by the door...he wants it inside where it's safe from the scavangers. I really doubt the wife will let that happen
  5. Curly

    Snow pics

    OK, I'm catching up a bit. We had snow for 2 days max. The 3rd day there was not a trace. Here's Chubby ready to travel Here's the first snow pic of our house Katie's snow man I had to build a little house for our new kitten...because Chubby tormented him. He's about to outgrow the door. We are finally able to start on the stones for the foundation...looking good!
  6. OK, It's been several months since my software was broken. For those non-believers who doubted my MadMaxTurkey, here she is. And the pepper mill was my Christmas present
  7. Curly

    Rib Eye heaven

    Re: Card Reader Well, I am cheap...but what the heck is a card reader anyway. I thought that was the thing you put the punch cards in the old days. Anyways, I uninstalled Mozilla and Kodak Easyshare, and then re-installed Kodak and it works. Now I need to re-install mozilla (and pray it still works) because I still have a problem with IE that only allows 1 window at a time open. OK, now wozilla is re-installed so I can actaully have 2 windows open at a time...or more I went out to feed Chubby and he was munching on this by the front steps. We knew he had it around somewhere cause the other day he brought a leg up and was knawing on it.
  8. Well, of course there are no pics so I can't really claim this cook, but we ate some killer rib eyes today from that whole ribeye I bgt from Sams yesterday. One of the best. We had some big shrimp too, one a them apeteasers kinda thingees. And I have a couple of butts smoking away for manana. Well, they won't get finished off tomorrow cause it's just me and the purdy thang, but they'll be done manana. I plan on re-installing mozilla toninght to see if that helps my camera software problem.
  9. Now Curly went and made me mad. Here let me smack you around with this small little stick. Sheesh man, I only said 'small' cause Sanny said 'small'...if I said "small AND SELECT, ELITE EVEN" would you not be mad anymore? Anyways, small ain't bad...if we're just talking about the lump bidnez
  10. Is that a good thing? What if he likes bein small and select? Elite' date=' even. Keeps the riff raff out, after all. [/quote'] Well, if he wanted the riff raff out, it's kinda to late for that cause we all know about him If he wants to stay small, he should either stay away from TNW's lump database, or, send them a bag of coal and say it's his lump so that he'll get bad marks
  11. And you still wouldn't be able to buy it because it costs to much to ship to you. Come on dude, it ain't all about me...this is for your fame and fortune. If it makes it to the TNW Lump database (the only and very famous lump review database) and gets a high score, you'll have to suppliment that fork lift with a fleet of 18-wheelers to be able to get the orders out fast enough. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lump.htm
  12. LeadDog, You should send TheNakidWhiz a bag of your charcoal so he can get it tested and on the lump database. That way everybody in the world will know about it
  13. That's no problem...if they show up, feed them...they literally be eating out of your hands from then on.
  14. I'm still jealous of the tiles on that cooker. Hey, the meat looked great too (and I'm sure it tasted great), but that's just childsplay when you have a machine like we have (and DJ don't have...just thought I'd add that). Yeah, he's probably ordered one by now. Well, maybe he ordered the same color as you did and it'll get terribly damaged in transit and I'll have to come down to Fla, or over to Ala and pick it up for rehab. One can always hope! Wish I coould get my camera software fixed so I could post pics again. I just bgt a 15lb whole ribeye (to be sliced into thick steaks), a couple of butts, 3 racks of spares, a big pack of thick pork chops. Doggit man, I gotta get home and grill something, I'm making myself aweful hungry.
  15. Welcome Mister NitPicky, come on in and share your pics and stories.
  16. Curly

    Dirty Rice

    OK, now I'm gonna have to think this over another 6 mths. Dude, nobody posted for a week so I threw something out there, aigth
  17. Bunch of Eqyption pyramids is all I see.
  18. Curly

    Dirty Rice

    I'm gonna need to make some of this, this week-end. Looks fantastic.
  19. I can just imagine King Tut cooking a pig on Ole Yellar somewhere in that vicinity
  20. The KK cooker color police want to know what color you are getting and all of the rest of the details. Did Dennis send you a picture of it? You have to share with the rest of us you know. Ah, did you miss the picture of the Copper Kettle!
  21. Re: Nice Calzone Sanny No wonder Snooks didn't come...he's used to K'd food and now you try to push the stovetop stuffing on him
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