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Everything posted by Curly
Re: Recipe?? Well shoot, if ya don't then ya made something other that paella
Re: Paella experiment Me neither...but I may try now.
OK blterman, Approach the bench. There are a few ground rules...none a that legaleze stuff aight? If you and Sanny (our single, attractive resident attorney with a wonderful wit who loves animals and has recently ended a dead-end relationship) wanna take it offline that's fine, otherwise, let's see some pics of your cooks. OK, let me rephrase that, let's see some pictures of the food you cook, and the cooker. We call it food porn, and it's perfectly legal Now, if you object to something, and DJ overrules, it's over got it? No snide remarks or funny looks or nothing...he'll kick you right outta his court room in a minute. Just remember, if DJ says it's's irrelevant Now, have at it...oh yeah...welcome to our little corner of the BBQ world
Re: Them eats look good.. Well, that's not Peter Pan, but I did have to throw away a jar of Peter Pan that started with was half empty already which kinda tells me it was alright cause none of us got real sick lately.
Re: Does the bread taste like smoke, coal, fuel? I let most of the smokey part get over with, didn't taste smokey at all.
Those shrimp are really good with nothing but cocktail sauce
Tonight I cooked a couple of the ribeyes I cut from the whole ribeye I bought a week or so ago. We also had some chilled shrimp a salad and a loaf of bread. The bread was a frozen loaf from the grocery store, the 2nd time I've done bread on the KK. I probably took it off 2 minutes early or cut it before I should have (or both) cause it was a bit doughy. But even doughy bread when it's hot and slathered with darn good. Then, while eating on the too early bread and shrimp, I left the steaks on a tad long and they were definately more done than I like them. But I told the wife they'd probably be just right for her. But the wife is coming around. She used to always want all of her meat burnt, but over the years as we'd eat, I'd give her a taste of my medium rare and she'd ALWAYS say it was better than hers, yet always want her's well-done when we cooked or ordered at a restarant. So I asked her if she liked it this way and she said not as good as usual, it's a tad too done, I like them more rare. Yeehaw.
Ya know...I think I got hit with that same spelling error the last time I posted about this subject. I hate ya'll
Yep, it's a good thing they don't want to sell them.
If the truck can back up to the 2 steps it may roll right off. When I bgt my K I loaded it on a small pickup and backed right up to my porch (2 steps at the old house). My friend failed to show up (I never fed him any good cooking either) so I had to walk the crate off the truck, break it down and roll the K off the bottom of the crate in it's wheel chair by myself It's doable alone if you can get kinda level with the back of the truck. But, on the KK I had 6 steps and a helper who was very alergic to labor...but also smarter than me . So he grumbled and complained the entire time we took it off the motorcycle lift and flipped it right side up (just the bottom half mind you). Then we rolled it a couple hundred feet or so around back on 2 sheets of plywood while he cried. And about the time we got to the steps and he faux lifted his portion (which didn't move) he said, "I have an electric wench at home, I'll be back in 10 minutes". So, I screwed the plywood to the steps and an eye-bolt into one of the logs at the top of the steps while he went after the wench. It rolled up the steps pretty easy with the wench. I like smart people
Here Here (I know, I know...I don't drink, but lifting a mug seemed very appropriate at the time )
Well heck, it rolls pretty dang easy on level ground...with 2 sheets of plywood one person could take it just about anywhere. It's the steps and hills where you're gonna want more people.
Did Dennis send you the one-size fits all belt with it? Just wondering cause mine didn't have one.
Yeah, back when DJ was on drugs a lot he delete posts that ticked him off, about 800 or so I guess, though I'm not counting
Man, I am drawing a blank on that link you posted? Am I missing something? Ok, ok now I gotta come to Sydney - hehe. -=Jasen=- Yeah, me too DJ...unless the name of the link has anything to do with the number of posts.
I'm (and I'm sure Chubby is) OK with this thread being deleted. For real doh
It's hard to type with my hands over my eyes, but here goes. Yes, it cost a bunch, the "much wanted" rottiseria and the "much needed" new chainsaw are now on hold til 2008. But he's doing great, he's a trooper. I was hoping to see him settle down a bit, but it seems to not be a factor at all. Man, if I had those recuperative powers I'd be in good shape. Now change that dang avatar dude...that's just wrong
Dry Aged primer Stike from BGE forum recently posted this on his dry aging experiences.
Don't worry, he'd block your account anyways...he'll probably lock everyone out when it gets close to make sure
Hmmm, think DJ would come over and weld me sumin up? I bgt 3 of those Misto's for $9.99 each when I started this thread. I recently saw them at Dollar General (or similar) for about $3.00. Crocky man
He could prolly pull one a them sleds
DJ, I meant to put this in the Lagianna (ypu know what I mean) thread. So why don't you move it for me The boy is still as retarded as he was yesterday befor he was impalled. He's got the snow cone thing on and 100 or so staples and he runs around like he's not hurting a bit. He's stupid enough that he trapped our kitty to the ground in his cone...I mean how stupid is that, he coulda got an eye put out. Here he is. The dang stiches run all the way up under his front leg.
That Dizzy Pig stuff is all great
It is a combination of spices used for Indian Food. Do I see a theme here today? I am thinking the Taliban has invaded the forum? -=Jasen=- Then you need to brush up on your geography. hehe Well, Pakistan was part of India back in the day...there's a few of them Taliban types that migrated from Aphganistan to Pakistan...maybe that's what he meant