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Everything posted by Curly

  1. The wife just picked me up a 22lb chuck roll at Sam's in Spartanburg for 1.89 (or so) per lb. So, I get to do my first one starting tonight. I also saw brisket at Super Walmart in Spartanburg for 1.39...almost bought it too, love the flavor of brisket But decided to wait. And to all those who don't yet have a foodsavor (or similar)...you gotta get one. Today I brought in country ribs that I did a few weeks ago, man were they delish I usually cook about 30 or so legs and vacuum pack them in 3's for lunch, and I always have bags of pulled pork, or ribs or something that's been cooked. Now I'll have pulled beef...oh yeah! Nothing EVER goes bad when it's foodsavered...it's good for years in the freezer. Not that it stays there that long, but there's NEVER a freezer burnt item.
  2. We could probably open a tile store and make a lot of extra dough I'm starting to wonder if Dennis is gonna make us move this thread to a different forum. Cruzmisl, the rule of thumb is this. For every person you convinced to buy a K, (I convinced 1) you have to talk a person out of buying a K. What they end up buying is of no consequence. So, the 7 friends (if they can still be called that) don't count, unless they are gonna buy another K, and you convince them that may be a bad idea. I found someone who was already convinced that a K was for him, I pointed him this way and he canceled his order of the K, and put in an order for a KK. The fact that he ordered a KK was very nice, but the canceling of the K order was what wiped away my original sin So you have some sins to be forgiven...wow, 7, that's a lot, you have work to do It's hard to believe with the business you sent his way, he still ignored you...shameful
  3. I don't use a heat deflector on spatchcocked. But then I don't on pulled pork either. To each his own, you'll have to decide what you like, because once you get the temp control down a little...you have it This is gonna be a whole lot different that than dry stuff you pull off of the steelie
  4. It'll take you a few times. My biggest problem was understanding that you only need a little lump to be lit for a low and slow and you should start it plenty early.
  5. You don't really need to get the chimney all ashy like you do with briquets in a steelie, just get them lit good. That lump spreads good, if there's air going from top to bottom, it ain't gonna go out. If you are wanting a 650ish kind of sear temp, then get them all the way lit. Yeah, as you know it's much easier to climb up than it is to drop down in temp. For instance, tonight at 10pm I'm gonna put on a chuck roll. I'll start the fire at 7 or 8pm and have the top and bottom almost all the way closed and let it take as long as it needs to stabilize at 225ish. So take as long as you need to get up there, without overshooting, cause it's a bear to bring it back down Once you taste hamburgers off the KK, you'll retire that steel thing for good. The KK will do anything the steelie will do, and better.
  6. Well then thar ya go, she was starvin for air
  7. I don't have a KK yet, with the improved door, but I believe Tcoliver was saying you really need to pull that door open to get enough air for 350. That wheel is probably only for tweaking the temp on a low and slow, 180-275 degree heat (approx. of course). That may be the problem.
  8. What do you mean when you say bottom 1/2 open or full open? Are you pulling the door out or are you turning the wheel to full open?
  9. That looks just like what I bought from Harbor freight a few years ago. It's connected to a large tank that goes to a gas grill
  10. What a guy, you can forget anything of mine anytime you wish
  11. Huh, that ham's cooked already ain't it. Anyway, I've never done one...thought those were the red hams that you eat cold at thanksgiving...love it
  12. hmmm, I heard salmon was different, but who cares...if it's good, eat it
  13. Hmmmmm.350 shoould be pretty ease to get to , even with only the basket full. Did you have the top damper open at all? How about the bottom damper?
  14. Drunk_J, Is that a rope or an electrical cord that's going down the side of the house?
  15. I haven't cooked any salmon in a long long time. Used to do it all the time...the I found out red meat and salmon had about the same cholestral I do love fish though, blackened mostly
  16. Well, clean er up and let's see what it would look like in real life...whataya, got a real job or something I do like the look of that one.
  17. A little grainy, but better than the other. Need to blend the color where it goes into the blue...or something.
  18. How hard is it to put something there? Can you put the latest thing you did with the Komodo dragon between Komodo and Kamado and see what it looks like?
  19. No way dude Well, maybe way OK, OK, definitely way. We have coffee and donuts, a counselor will be with you soon, just lie on the couch over there and close your eyes for a while, your KK will arrive shortly
  20. Sorry DJ, I have to agree with Sanny, does look like a salamander.
  21. Welcome to the site. Start posting and sharing your cooks. We're a new site so have some growing pains going already with changes, but feel free to join in. What part of the world are you from.
  22. Dang Kumar, that's gonna be fun to cook on. Love my tools too, know what you mean.
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