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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Dang Majestic, I think you're back in the land of the living
  2. We had many cricket leagues in Georgia...so I heard from my India friends. RTP has probably got a large population of East Indians...
  3. Al Gore was notified I don't know, but I'll never say anything bad about that site again...for awhile the entire internet was down here at work (I called Al Gore about it, and now it's back up) and I heard a lot of thunder in the background
  4. Gerard, The dogs and cats will no longer do what you tell them, you know they watch the nature channel through his website. Firemonkey, You definately hit the wrong mouse button (Nice ploy, make it look like it was your fault and restore public confidence in TNW.) Curly (failing student in the Gerard school of sarcasm)
  5. Firemonkey, Never, never under any circumstance, say anything bad about his website. Dang man, why'd you havefta go and do that I got in trouble for just failing to notice a good thing about it, here you go POINTING out a negative. You may be banned from...from the whole web maybe
  6. I know, I know, I should really read the info on your site (think I remember actually seeing that stuff now that I think of it) but your site has no soap opera area (like some have) and can get boring at times But I still like the building of the first table saga...with the high points on bracing being the most exciting and my favorite parts. Any way, I'm just trying to post cooking kinda stuff and keep outta any other posts...thus the one above.
  7. I'm sure you meant that in the nicest way. New rule, check TNW, his stuff is not allowed to be duplicated You may want to check with the fellow who made that site...not sure if he knows about your site or not.
  8. Saw this and it looked pretty interesting.
  9. Dude, it'll be obsolete when it leaves the factory...then you'll see my new and improved version a few months down the road and wanna cry
  10. Drunk-J, You need to suffer for awhile without, after how you've treated Gerard.
  11. I really was gonna take pics but I was drolling and clacking my teeth so much I couldn't drag myself away to get the camera. But now that I'm an expert pic poster I promise to get better about that. We had new york strips, baked potato and a salad. It was all great. I was gonna do the 4 lber thing in the post above but when I saw the steaks I started really wanting the eat one bad For manana I have a pork loin that I'm gonna s-cut and flatten out. Store bought rasberry chipotle (Bronco Bob's) with some feta cheese and sliced fresh mushrooms and some brocoli. Role it up with string, and bacon and let er fly. Yummy I don't know why, I just ate but I'm getting hungry again
  12. Murphy didn't take a day off, he never does. He was just merciful Yeah, that was nothing, but I'll bet seeing that first brought up visions of all kinda yet unseen damage. A non-event fix there.
  13. Curly

    first cook ever

    May the force be with you
  14. Nator, Don't feel bad dude...hadta have practically stopped the heart for a few. I'll bet anything Dennis can walk you through it. Get us some pics.
  15. I saw a recipe on the K forum for a 4 lb round of eye that I would like to do this week-end. Sounded good. The searing in a cast iron skillet sounds like the way to go for me...at least of this maiden voyage.
  16. These things are to beautiful to cover up
  17. I've only done one brisket and it turned out very good. I cooked it all at the same time without cutting it in too. I'll probably to as TNW does on my next one...if I can find a whole one I've heard about using for burnt ends...what exactly do you mean by that?
  18. What do you mean? Gerard posted same thing about yours, then yours sold at a great price? I hope that happens with Rons too
  19. Yes, I'll take it definately...it's a K7 right. What are they worth, about $300 and I pick it up. Just funning with ya, I wouldn't go there again, I have a cobalt bluue K7 for sale also. We may be stuck, I posted mine on the other site and it was removed, if I were you I'd at least try over there.
  20. 97 Dang, he looks awful spry for 97. God bless him
  21. Musta fell off a truck and also been used for many years. The firebox, lumpsaver looked like it had many miles on it.
  22. Let's do it Dennis, I'm up for some of that CEL to try out. And I love that Royal Oak too.
  23. Nahh, not with Firemonkey around, he'll find something But that's what I need, I'm terrible about never asking questions.
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