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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Hmmmm, when the little hairy kid becomes a man, we best scatter
  2. Oh yeah, them would look real good in my cabin. They would go real good with the hand peeled logs.
  3. I really did know that ashes were (something1) and that you should keep them away from (something2) I just didn't know what the somethings were. TNW, you need a link on your website for this you know How else we gonna know this stuff?
  4. I used to do that too...well, until a huge crop of Pork Butts started growing No, but seriously, I've heard the same thing so it's probably not a bad idea.
  5. Come on Jas, don't call my grill ugly sssshhh (I'm trying to sell it)
  6. Yeah, well geography was never my favorite subject alright
  7. Yeah, he was in Japan too. Probably left a lot of unhappy Kampers and a lot of debt. Could that have had anything to do with Pearl Harbor and Hiroshema?
  8. I just put on 32 legs (Tsunami Spin rub) and a few country ribs. The legs are mostly for my lunches, I food saver them and take em into work in 3-packs. Of course, I'll have a few for tonight with some of the ribs. The ribs have a little of this and a little of that for rub. I usually slow cook the chicken when I have the time...yummy tender. The ribs will be slow cooking also until it's close to dinner, then I'll crank it up to 350-400 or so to get a little crispness to the outer layer. Food My Daughter took these. Some frogs playing leap frog (she's 7 1/2 so that's what I'm sticking to). And our cat thinking about her next ,meal
  9. I guess I got no excuse on never posting pics now that I've got that new skill. I did ABT's like the Porkchop way (except no sugary rub(, they were very good. I did steaks and Baked potato instead of ribs. UmmmmmUmmmmm
  10. Curly

    Edit & Delete??

    I like the ability to edit, cause I usually don't look up until I've posted it. And then I see all of my typos.
  11. Hippo birdy two ewes. Celibrated 51 last week. More that half a century.
  12. Gerard, The guys on the K forum know their stuff...remember you were one of them at one time. Yes, they are nice folks, just a few bad apples (Gecko for one) who probably invested to much into RJ. Hey, but they think we are the bad apples over here too. As we've said, it's all about the bad CS, nothing more.
  13. That's the exact combo I plan on doing Saturday...dang, wish it was Saturday.
  14. I used a wok as a coal basket for 2-3 years without it burning out. Just a home-depot wok, nothing special. ( a huck wok as it was then called)
  15. 50 Do they freeze good, or are you a big eater
  16. Dude, I haven't heard anyone use the word coeficient (sp?) since college. Now my heads starting to hurt again.
  17. As long as everything was properly fumigated, you should be fine.
  18. I agree, it would be better on the home page under Contact somewhere.
  19. Somewhere I saw a pic of some folks lifting a K or KK with straps that had loops for their hands to go in. The straps looped under the grill with a hand on each side. It looked lke it would be pretty handy indeed, although I couldn't see anyone getting it up more than a step or 2 that way. Anybody remember ever seeing that?
  20. I've heard that when the bird turns it allows the juices to distribut more evenly. So it makes sense that even with ceramics, the rotisery could improve results. Never done it, so it's just hear say.
  21. 3 or 4 hrs on a Boston Butt. Would have loved to have seen and tasted that. Don't seem possible to get the fat outta that hunk a meat in that amount of time. Although I have done 12 hour butts when I let the temp spike up (asleep on the job).
  22. I brought in some of the pork I smoked this week-end. I heated it in the micowave and was eating a bowl full at my desk and the smellers were commenting. They can't stand it when I do that...makes em go out and get BBQ (not as good though)
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