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Everything posted by Curly

  1. You should PM TLINDER. He lives in Aarau, Switzerland. Might be a long ways off, but may not. Sure he'd feed you well. He's from a long line of BBQ'ers. Here's his wesite: http://www.linder.li
  2. I also found it on ebay, before there was a forum.
  3. Well, looks like you nailed the ribs And yeah, like PC said, burgers can be done low too, just takes a lot longer. And If I'm cooking a butt or ribs and want burgers I'll do them low. But usually I do them at about 600-650 cause it's fast and they are darn good. They are good low too...just take longer and definately not better.
  4. Yeah, at 350 4-5 minutes isn't enough. I can get mine to 650 and then 4 minutes per side plus a 4 minute dwell (after shut down)...and they are still medium rare. I will clarify that these are 1/2 lb patties. So 350 may be enough on a very thin patty.
  5. I remember doing something very similar in one of my very first real interviews. It was one a those gang interviews and I was very nervous. I just went on an on cause I was stumped and wanted to fill in some space with a lot of words. The words were hooking together into sentence (I think) but I'm pretty sure the sentences were not really about anything relevant to the question or maybe even the job. I still blame those mean people cause they just sat there silent for VERY long periods of time and I was young and the silence scared me...like I felt like I shoulda always been the one to jump in and fill it Man, it was painful, this video brings back a flood of memories. So really, it may have something to do with the water in South Carolina. At least she has her looks to fall back on...I had nada
  6. WoooHooo 1K for Sanny! I'm not half way there, 'course I haven't made a habit of burning myself in various places either... Yeah, she got prolly bout 300 posts outta that burn den she? Sanny, that's a captivating avatar
  7. Nah, nobody's mentioned it here until today. It gets mentioned all the time but this is where we put those indispensable tools like grill cleaners, chili cookers, and draft control devices. Yeah, well we haven't mentioned forks here either. Some things you just sposed to know about
  8. Yah, but just that one, and it got teeth marks in it, too! Maybe you need to get another one with a hole in it, in case that thing with teeth attacks again. I'm way ahead of ya little lady...got me a fresh supply. I know I'm just feeding the man's beer habit, but the plugs work...when they can be found.
  9. He eats our spicey left over's but I doubt even the Chubster will like pepper oil, sounds pretty warm. I may try that if I'm EVER IN A WELL-STOCKED supermarket. I live in Union SC and work in Spartanburg SC. Definately not one in Union, maybe something in Spartanburg, but prolly have to wait on a road trip.
  10. Curly


    He could be a fiend Or maybe a relative Or just someone in need of a place to hang out Or maybe on of DJ's relatives
  11. Re: Did anyone see this? I love her don't you? She pretty and such a bright young girl. That was way over my head personally cause I don't really know about those foreign things. She lives right close to me too. Man I'm proud she's from my state.
  12. The careless words that all of us ex-K owners have uttered from time to time are usually intended for the owner and typically directed at his poor level of Customer Service.
  13. Good point, we do need to remember the feelings of those that still own a K. I still own one, although I was fortunate enough to get a KK, so my K is gathering dust. Well Dennis, a trade up program, that's the ticket
  14. You better hide the KK when the buyer comes...you might loose the sale! Too late! He already paid me and I used that money to help pay for my new KK!!! Buyers regret will be seeping from his pores
  15. Re: It's here!! Chewlookinat, Curlydeer? I don't see a pool (new or otherwise) in those pics. You chewin on some local plantlife, or somethin? Hey, it's there, in the last pic...all the way to the right.
  16. Re: Camping in the RV Where you goin, John? Fun place? Will be when they get there and get the grill goin
  17. Re: It's here!! I think I just realized that I watched (through your pics) your pool being built...sweeeeeet. (I'm pretty sure...do you have a web site that documented it?) So, whataya think? You've had a K7, how does it compare?
  18. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=67160&fr=yvmtf
  19. Yep, as a matter of fact she's my first cousin or sumpthin. We's gittin hitched next week after the baby is born too.
  20. If you're talking about this:http://www.snopes.com/science/mars.asp, no it's not. And, as far as the lunar eclipse, thanks for the photos cause we were overcast this AM. Hmmm, I also remember reading that about Mars. Seemed like a reputable source, although I now can't remember the source.
  21. Where nobody is. PM me if you want to see a Blue OTB. You may get lucky and get to see it sitting beside the K7.
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