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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Going, going, GONE! Aright folks! Thanks for making it work out! All the plugs are gone! -=Jasen=-
  2. ThreeDJ16


    Re: Trial spearation, brisket style
  3. Update! 1 - clear w/wire hole 3 - black w/wire hole 4 - clear solid 2- black solid
  4. Aright, Last Couple Left! OK, time to put this project to bed. Here is what I have left (and will not be making anymore): 1 - clear w/wire hole 5 - black w/wire hole 4 - clear solid 4 - black solid My wife is glad this is over with as I am pretty messy pouring silicone - hehe. But it was interesting and a good learning experiment. I appreciate everybody's responses and hope all are happy with what they received. -=Jasen=-
  5. Exactly, I don't understand why Paul is seeing the reverse. Few things I am confused about with his post. He is saying he has set the Guru at 340 (was that the temp readout or setpoint?). Another is he is saying top rack (main grill or upper top rack). All these things can factor in. If the meat is actually on the top rack, then a large mass of cold meat near the Tru-tel would bring it's temp down. But who knows. Really, all that matters is to test them both out where you are happy with them. Next is trust them and cook based on temps you are happy with them indicating. That is the part of learning any grill, trial and experiment till you get the results you want with the temps indicated by your devices. None of the equipment we are using is really that accurate anyway as there is too much room for error based on placement, air flow patterns and food position. -=Jasen=-
  6. These are my thoughts on using different temp indicating devices. First off, being they are using completely different methods for accomplishing temp measurements (one is mechanical one is electrical), there are bound to be errors between them. The response times will be different and other factors will influence differences. I would guess if you clipped your Guru probe to the Tru-tel tip and let the grill heat soak for an hour, the reading should be close. A reasonable test to see how accurate each device is, would be boil some water and check the temp as soon as it starts to boil. If you are happy they are correct, then don't worry about having all thermometers reading the same. Cook with the one or the other. This is what I do, if I am using the Guru, I do not even look at the Tru-tel as the Guru is where the meat is and I trust it. If I am doing a higher temp cook or not using the Guru, I am happy with Tru-tel reading even though I know it is higher than the grill surface (usually 25-50 degrees hotter and varies with how long the grill has been going). -=Jasen=-
  7. Yup, we are stealing in on The Naked Whiz's territory. But I thought it would be nice to have a section just dedicated to informing everyone of those cools gadgets out there. So please, see something cool, post it and/or review it for us. Personally, I hate missing out on the cool stuff. Let's just keep it relevant to cooking and post the product name in the subject. I will try to move posts located elsewhere in the forum that fits this category as time permits (or rather as I feel like it - hehe). -=Jasen=-
  8. Re: Bumping I should have mentioned that I'm asking this because I'm curious about operating a KK strictly on gas near 800 F for baking pizzas in a continuous-use scenario (a restaurant). The operative phrase in my question was "safely operate." On Jasen's burner conversion thread, he says that 525F is very reasonable and safe with a low pressure regulator. Doesn't say if 800F is possible with J's conversion, but only because he didn't see the need to test that high. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... 3878#13878 There's a separate thread where Dennis shows a dangerous, will-void-your-life-insurance-Darwin-Award-nominee scenario that can "easily bury the needle at 800." http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... 1160#11160 So the question is, what will it take to safely operate the KK at 800F? Ok, the temps I posted were probably the max you will see with low pressure and this burner. The burner is a low pressure burner and not made for higher pressure gas so it burns more efficient in the low pressure region. Another thing is if you increase the pressure, you are increasing the volume of gas being pumped into a relatively small and enclosed space. That is not a good thing in any safety book. You could look into getting a higher BTU rated low pressure burner for the situation. Adding some lava rocks in the basket would also be a good idea to help burn any off gases or unburnt fuels. I might also add that there is a significant loss of heat when opening the lid at high temps and will have a longer recovery time with gas only (not an issue at home, but might be a problem in a business situation). Any reason they just could not find a fairly neutral charcoal to burn instead? Have Dennis custom make a cooker with a charcoal feed hopper/door in the back and ash trap door on bottom since it would be in a production situation. -=Jasen=-
  9. Re: Nice Work I don't believe it is cast in, but actually grouted in. So very doable, but still a PITA. -=Jasen=-
  10. Re: Bumping Actually there are several more lengthy threads on the subject. The last of which is where I converted over my burner to all NPT fittings. In it I give the temperatures achieved and approximate times, damper settings and felt it could be safely accomplished due to the fact only low pressure was used. Check out the burner mod topic in the KK features and accessories and there are more thread in the KK 411. -=Jasen=-
  11. Sure, bringum on down to Ga and we can have one in my vast backyard - hahahaha. Would be kinda cool though. -=Jasen=-
  12. I make a similar paste for using when cooking, except with fresh & dried pepper. I take whatever varieties of dried peppers I am in the mood for and re-hydrate them. Then scrape the good stuff off the skins and mix with crushed fresh jalapeños, ground cumin and salt. The cumin gives it some nice smoky flavor. This stuff is great making sauces, salsas or whatever needs a kick up. -=Jasen=-
  13. I think Dennis normal time frame for "not already made" from the factory is about two weeks to make and get ready for shipping, 29 days on the water, around two weeks in US customs and then 1 week or less to be delivered. BTW, welcome to the forum! -=Jasen=-
  14. Dude, that is one sweet little grill for camping/fishing trips. I have seen a larger version (cannot remember the make), but never one this small. Cool! -=Jasen=- AAARRRGH!! Just looked at the price on the web site - WOW - they are proud of that little dude - $140!!!
  15. That is why everyone recommends shoulders or butts for the first cook. It is hard to mess one up. -=Jasen=-
  16. Noticing I am seeing you talk about pulling out the slide damper for adjustments on a low and slow. Use the knob instead. You only need a very small opening (say 1/8" - 3/16") on the largest portion of the opening on the bottom vent, and 1/4 or less turn on the top vent to maintain the 225 vicinity. Though for the ultimate in "no worries overnight cooks", get a Guru. Plus it is a fun gadget to play with. Using it, you would completely close the bottom damper and every so slightly crack the top - no more! -=Jasen=-
  17. Yup, the new sleeve bearing is a replacement for the needle bearing on the latch (only on the GenII). -=Jasen=-
  18. Man, I love left over turkey sandwiches - Mmmmm. I have never tried smoking just the breast before, you have inspired me to give it a try soon. -=Jasen=-
  19. Lookin' good dude! Those are some sweet side tables!!! Nice tweak on the rotis shaft too. -=Jasen=-
  20. Nice lookin' breast! So, was it as tasty as it looks? -=Jasen=-
  21. Re: Smoke&Spice's "Sweet Sensation" rub Yeah, when I saw 1/4 allspice then adding more nutmeg and cinnamon I was like WOW, this is strange. I might get brave and try this one. -=Jasen=-
  22. So, what is your point?? hehe Jealousy will get you no where! BTW, OBT stands for Oktober Beer Tasting (in my book anyway)! -=Jasen=-
  23. Re: Damn! Never forget that fact either - hehehe! -=Jasen=-
  24. Re: ?? Mwhwhahahaha! Bahahahahahaha! Unless my browser is not working correctly, I see no recipe in this post. It was posted in the "Sauces, Mops, Sops, Bastes, Marinades & Rubs Give up that secret sauce to us? (Recipes Only Please)" section. So I moved it to the link section, since all I see are links to spice merchants. -=Jasen=-
  25. Moving to link section since it contains no recipe. -=Jasen=-
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