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Everything posted by fcnich

  1. fcnich

    Pizza Pizza

    Well today i tried my first pizza on Esterdahl..... Crust 1 cup warm water (110° F) 1 tblsp yeast 1 tsp sugar 1 tblsp plus 1 1/2 tsp exra virgin olive oil 3 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan 1 tsp salt Put yeast in small bowl with a small sprinkle of sugar, let proof till frothy about 10 min Add all to mixer except the flour, start mixing and gradually add flour till you have a slightly sticky ball. Put a teaspoon of vegetable oil in a stainless steel bowl, smear it around in the bowl, put dough in bowl flip over so both sides have some oil on them, cover with plastic wrap and put in oven at about 100 degrees and let rise till doubled in size. Punch down and knead a bit, dough is now ready to be rolled out for pizza crust Pizza Sauce (this makes enough for a few pizzas) 3 tblsp olive oil in in large fry pan 3 cloves garlic, minced Brown garlic in olive oil Add 28 oz Italian peeled tomatoes w/basil 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp sugar 1-1/2 tsp oregano 1/4 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp fennel seed Break up tomatoes and cook over medium heat to high heat, stirring till thick about 15 min. Roll out dough, add sauce to top of dough, put on whatever toppings you like, and cheese on top of course! Ok had my kk at about 500 degrees, with pizza stone in and hot. Put pizza on stone and cooked for 10 minutes. The crust was fine except on one edge where it did burn a little, i may have had the dough too close to the edge of the stone, (see picture). The bottom of the crust was perfect, just light brown color. I used Frontier lump, gave the pizza a slight charcoal flavor, with the exception of the burnt edge, it was quite good! Well i guess my second pic of the finished pizza is once again too big to upload, its 501 kb, someday i may figure this picture thing out!!
  2. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Really primeats! do you sell it or is 2 pallets for personal use? I live about 3.5 hrs west of you on the Mississippi, would like to get some of this coco charcoal if possible!!
  3. Re: Ok, got a tracking number Woo Hoo whiz, the excitement builds!!
  4. Re: First and second cooks. Bit of a learning curve for me also, but the kk is very forgiving i found! A little oil on the grills before putting the meat on i found works well. Wait till you sear a steak... its outstanding!
  5. Re: KK in crate on patio - HELP with a few questions Congrats, hope you enjoy it as much as i do mine, only had mine a couple weeks!!
  6. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! I would be interested also....
  7. Re: Jammies for Esterdahl Patience Whiz, its worth the wait!!
  8. Re: Jammies for Esterdahl No security fence, just maybe a short corner fence so she can just peek at the neighbors and wink!!
  9. Re: KK in crate on patio - HELP with a few questions you may need a neighbor to help
  10. Re: KK in crate on patio - HELP with a few questions AT the base of the pallet there are 2 screws in each leg. Unscrew them mine were 3/8 ths. then you can lift the entire crate up and off
  11. Re: Jammies for Esterdahl Ok got a pic too, finally took a picture less than 500kb!!
  12. Just received a cover for Esterdahl from Johnnyboy ([email protected]) First class service and top quality product. Thanks John!! For anyone who has a kk or is getting one, i highly recommend getting one for your kk! Lots of colors to choose from also
  13. Re: KK *should* be here by the weekend! Hello, you did do a wonderful thing for him, great idea but hard to keep it secret! I found Royal Oak lump charcoal at my local Walmart! Make sure it is made in the USA, some is made in South America if you wish to use lump. Its burns hot but also faster than briquetts
  14. Re: Bison Brisket and Pastrami Hey thank you Michael, i will give it a look!
  15. Re: Bison Brisket and Pastrami Yes i did cut across the grain, still slingshot material. BUT.... the pastrami was great!!! Thanks to the kk i am sure. I never did have very good luck with brisket, was not real bad, but i knew it could be better. Thanks Dennis for your cooker, its the best
  16. Re: Bison Brisket and Pastrami Took both pieces out of Esterdahl at 6:45 pm. Both cooked to 195 degrees internal. The bison was very moist as i hoped, but i could use the slices for a slingshot! So what is my delema now?? Should i have cooked the bison to a higher temperature to break down more of the connective tissue, or did i just have a poor quality piece of bison?? Oh well i still have the pastrami in the fridge cooling, will let you know on that a bit later!
  17. Ok guys and gals, took out a corned beef and the bison brisket last night, put a rub on both, wrapped the bison in bacon. Put them on Esterdahl around 1 pm. They hit 165 degrees about 5 pm, took them out and foiled both plus added 1 cup beef broth to the bison, back on now and cooking..... will let you know later how it went, oh and a picture i hope!
  18. Re: Bronze Behemoth Game On! 2 Hey Mike, a jar of what?
  19. Re: Bison (buffalo) grilling tips Yes burgers are great, just cook them like beef burger. As for more see my post "Bison". A nice person sent me directions for bison brisket!
  20. Re: Turkey on KK Hello Madmedic, Did you cook it in the roasting pan, or right on the upper grill?
  21. Re: My kk arrived !! Well you must be proud of him. I wish him a safe deployment and all in his unit
  22. Re: My kk arrived !! Yes nice visit from John, (Johnnyboy). We ordered one of his covers, he had the chance to actually measure one in person!! ha ha. John is a nice guy also, said he will give my some extruded charcoal to try out, what a guy!!! Guess i will have to give him some pulled pork when i get my cover!!
  23. Re: My kk arrived !! Hello Michael, I was in the Navy, Vietnam Vet. Boiler Technician 3rd class. Served aboard the U.S.S. John S. McCain DDG 36. So you saw the tattoo??? ha ha ha
  24. Re: 8 Pork Butts/shoulders on the KK Thank you MadMedik. I assume the results we great?
  25. Re: 8 Pork Butts/shoulders on the KK Hi, thanks for the post. I have been asked to do pulled pork for 100 people, looking at 6 8 pound butts. May i ask how you arranged them on your kk? Had mine a week now just need a little advise!
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