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David Chang

separating point and flat from brisket?

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It’s not really difficult. Start with a sharp knife, and begin by working on the thick fat on the side toward the point. Just work your way into that, follow the fat between the two muscles, and it will be fairly obvious. I’m sure there’s YouTube videos out there, I just haven’t looked for one.

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60 day tallow age brisket got pulled today. did a messy job and ended up with two pieces on the point. which i’m ok with because its way too big to consume for my wife and i. the flat was over trimmed so there is a lot of burger meat and tallow rendering going on. this was much more difficult than the videos led me to believe. flat is now pickling and the rest i might freeze because i have no time to cook these days.. the house smells like a slaughterhouse.






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On 7/2/2023 at 2:35 PM, David Chang said:

this was much more difficult than the videos led me to believe

I didn't like to say, when @tony b and @5698k both said it was easy, that I have always found it hard to separate the point and flat on a raw brisket.     I guess practice helps and I do this so rarely that I approach it with trepidation every time.

P.S.  Your results look good.   

Edited by tekobo
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separated another brisket tonight and i think i'm getting better at it... but the meat yield after fat trim is terrible. 

this 6kg prime brisket which costs me $96 USD in HK with next day free delivery is not bad? 

ended with 3.4kg fat trimmings. i guess i'm making tallow this weekend...🙃







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I suspect you have taken off more fat than you need to @David Chang.  I tended to have a bit of a fat cap left on the few briskets that I have cooked and that helped with the taste too.  I just did a search for an Aaron Franklin brisket prep and he cleans the underside off well but leaves a fat cap on top.  Is that the same for you or are both sides of your brisket clear of fat per your photos above?

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6 minutes ago, tekobo said:

Sounds interesting. I have some wagyu fat I haven't figured out what to do with. Maybe beef fat fried chips/fries?  How do you render  your tallow?

i am trying the 2 guys and a cooler shelf stable tallow recipe. apparently, the key to making it shelf stable is to add no water (as opposed to many recipes that call for added water) 


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I've not made it from true scratch, but I buy the Wagyu tallow online then cold smoke it in the KK. Lots of uses - like cooking potatoes (looking at you @tekobo) and slathering it on steaks instead of butter! And, it's "original purpose" - to smear on briskets when you wrap them in the pink butcher paper - ala Franklin BBQ. 

Edited by tony b
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i had to wait for my mason jar sealer to finish this so here we go…popped the hard tallow out of the metal bowl. scrapped off any brown bits and moisture. melt over a bain marie and transfer to jars. waiting for the tallow to cool before i vac seal them. im hoping i get 1 year in the cupboard. but i probably will consume it before that…





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