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Viking C4 Kamado

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Primo Kamado = $729 Viking SS Shell = $2871. That is one expensive shell.

Yeah really, 2k of stainless. :eek:

Don't underestimate the difficulty and labor to get that stainless to make those curves! If it were easy I would have had a hammered copper unit many moons ago.

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Primo Kamado = $729 Viking SS Shell = $2871. That is one expensive shell.

Yeah really, 2k of stainless. :eek:

Don't underestimate the difficulty and labor to get that stainless to make those curves! If it were easy I would have had a hammered copper unit many moons ago.

Maybe that's why you don't. That fella's been spending his time hammering out these Primo's...didn't have time for that single unit you ordered :roll:

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wow' date=' i guess now you CAN shine a turd...[/quote']


The "turd" in question is a very good cooker. I have two. I would not pay the extra 2k for the SS but the conventional round Primos are excellent.

If I had need of another cooker and weren't smitten with the kk, I would buy a Primo Oval in an instant.

So there.

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i'd considered the primo oval b4 coming here. not really meaning to go off on them in particular. more a jibe at the overall "bolt-y" appearance of the steel-jacketed version. it looks clunky and just seems so anti-intuitive. compare their effort to dennis' hand-hammered copper jacketed version. based solely on that comparison, the steel primo looks bad. not that i'd really consider ANY metal coated ceramic cooker. but if i were, the abovementioned entry would not be at the top of the list.

no slight on the cooking capabilities of the primo; i have no firsthand knowledge, and know a few who love them. sorry i stepped on your toes, curmudgeon :D

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