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Nightmare Weekend

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My house in Bali was visited by burglars who climbed over the back wall leaving with laptops, cameras, cell phones, Ipods, watches and my loaded briefcase with my passport etc..

Luckily I had backed everything up early last month. Today I bought a very slick new MAC (of course;-) and I've been downloading and rebuilding for hours..

It's going to take me a little while to rebuild my online life.. But I'll be back on track in a day or so..


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Re: Nightmare Weekend

Sorry to hear that, maybe it's time to go with the Caracas-style architecture. When I was in Venezuela on business all the buildings had walls around them with barbed wire/broken glass/razor wire/etc. embedded into the top of the cement. Inside the complex there was often a wall missing in the building itself to let the air flow in - it was actually quite interesting how they did it in some buildings.

Today I bought a very slick new MAC (of course;-) and I've been downloading and rebuilding for hours..

Haven't figured out how to use a computer yet, huh? :D

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Sorry to hear about your losses, It's not just a PITA, but a feeling of being violated. I was fortunate to have only lost my wallet while in B.A., trying to replace everything was a royal pain. Glad no one was hurt, stay safe, time to get a puppy,that will have a big bark!

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One Answer

In Texas you can go through a course that makes it legal to carry a concealed weapon. The weapon of choice is the Glock in 40 cal. Hit them anywhere with one shot and it will nock them down like the WWI 45cal. In Texas if someone enters your home, not invited, you can shot them to kill legally. Hope you can protect your home in Indonesia.

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Re: One Answer

In Texas you can go through a course that makes it legal to carry a concealed weapon. The weapon of choice is the Glock in 40 cal. Hit them anywhere with one shot and it will nock them down like the WWI 45cal. In Texas if someone enters your home' date=' not invited, you can shot them to kill legally. Hope you can protect your home in Indonesia.[/quote']

Beacuse of the divide between the rich and poor here is so vast that the country has been prime for a revolution for years..

Guns are very strictly controlled. Lots of cops don't even have them.

One of the dangers here is to get up and stumble upon burglars who panic and kill you with their knives.. I've not installed the razor wire yet and it is a new experience to take my laptop to my bedroom each night and deadbolt the bedroom door because of the fear they could possibly come back to get more..

Best protection I have is a canister of pepper spray..

After blinding them, I'd have to beat them to death with a teak club I have.. It's would be messy but that would not stop me..

"I'm sorry officer, he kept falling down and hitting his head on the stairs!"

I'm leaving all the light on too.


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Dennis, you were home when it happened! Holy smoke!! That's scary.

Would perimeter security cameras do any good? To get a picture of the guys.

My home was been broken into, but no one was home either time. Not sure what that'd be like. My Uncle does, he played like he was sleeping until he heard nothing, then called the cops. Burglers had stashed stereo, tv, etc in the bushes outside for a return trip. I believe police caught the guys.

Scary stuff.....

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Re: One Answer

In Texas you can go through a course that makes it legal to carry a concealed weapon. The weapon of choice is the Glock in 40 cal. Hit them anywhere with one shot and it will nock them down like the WWI 45cal. In Texas if someone enters your home' date=' not invited, you can shot them to kill legally. Hope you can protect your home in Indonesia.[/quote']

Right-On Cozy!

Blast 'em and then use their bones to make a one of a kind pepper mill :D

I used to keep a similar attitude adjuster in my nightstand, but when my little ones came along, I sold it. The trigger safety on a Glock just wasnt enough if a set of curious hands got ahold of it. Now I may need to beat the bad guys down with your pepper mills if I find them in my house :P

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