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KK How-To (Please post your suggestions here for a Q&A!)

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the BEST freakin' spochkickina$$ chicken I've ever had

I swear to you...there was a little gremlin inside that KK for a good hour just injecting that chicken with juices...swear to you!!!

I've NEVER had such juicy grilled chicken before...and I've had my share of chicken.

...I barely even prepared it. Just a simple rub in the fridge overnite, then onto the grill today. Even bought the "organic" no salt added chicken...

...just WOW...I'm putting my baby backs on in a about 5 minutes if I can get the temp down low enough...I don't care if I'm going to eat them by midnite!!!!

SOLD SOLD SOLD on this grill!!!

I did take pictures, but my computer ate them somehow (no pun intended). But I can tell you it was fall off the bone chicken!!!

oh and I forgot....my dog has NEVER gone this crazy over a dish that we've made. something in the smell alone set her off. Had to break out her special treat to keep her occupied.

time to go ribbin'!


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See now wasn't that easy???

Hey inacoma go to your front door quickly theres a band of people there, ITS YOUR NEIGHBORS!!!!! They want food!!! Now you have to cook for the whole neighborhood.

funny you mentioned that...started drinking with neighbors around 5pm and didn't quit till 2am or so. Man, rough nite :)

...but we were all around the KK while doing so, with a 1/2 rack of baby backs on it (yeah, small rack...wanted to learn to use the grill before putting too much meat on it). Basically everyone got one rib and they were very impressed...as was I. Of course, they had to rib me (pun intended) about the cost of the grill etc...some of them had to get "used" to the look of the grill...but in the end...the drunkards showed their true sides and they ALL loved it :)

Today I have some "chicken only" eaters coming over and I am about to do 3 spachcock birds...each with different rubs...should be nice. Gonna try to hold of on the drinkin' tonight ;) should provide good leftovers for the rest of the week too :)





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Same Trouble

I had exactly the same problem with my first cook attempt last night. I got the lump charcoal started in a chimney and filled the center ring only with it. I closed the lid and I opened the lower door and the top vent all the way. For the lower door, I slid it out on its tracks. The temp rose very slowly and did not get above 275. I ended up cooking inside. At that point I could not imagine being able to sear at 600 degrees. Next time I will try more charcoal and fill the basket instead of just the center ring. Keep the suggestions coming.

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Re: Same Trouble

I had exactly the same problem with my first cook attempt last night. I got the lump charcoal started in a chimney and filled the center ring only with it. I closed the lid and I opened the lower door and the top vent all the way. For the lower door' date=' I slid it out on its tracks. The temp rose very slowly and did not get above 275. I ended up cooking inside. At that point I could not imagine being able to sear at 600 degrees. Next time I will try more charcoal and fill the basket instead of just the center ring. Keep the suggestions coming.[/quote']

get rid of the smaller basket...fill the entire bottom up with lump. slide the bottom damper OUT about 1" or so...open the top damper a bunch of turns, watch the temp shoot up! then work the ratios to get the temp down to where you want. remember, you get this thing hot, it takes a while to come back down :)



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I am having a little of the reverse problem.. Hada full bed of charcoal and about 1/2 chimney dumped on the charcoal.

I am having trouble getting the temp below 260.. Draft door is fully closed

top only 1/8 to 1/4 open.. Had the full bed of charcoal because I did not want to be relaoding in the middle of a long pulled pork roast.

It seems like I could get the dome about 1/32" more closed.

Perhaps air intrusion there but it is hard to see . Is there any adjustment on the Latch ??

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But the good news is that it's an easy fix.

I am having trouble getting the temp below 260.. Is there any adjustment on the Latch ??

Hello Rory,

Good to hear your up and cooking... When you press down on the handle does it move down at all? If so your latch is not adjusted properly.. This can happen from the gasket being a bit compressed or just less than adequate quality control on my end.. oops sorry.

But the good news is that it's an easy fix. The latch has two adjustment notches. Loosen the two nuts and tap it down a lil bit, then retighten them a bit.

The first notch should just catch when the top is firmly closed. From that point you will need to push down on the handle and push in the latch to pull the top down tight.. Always push down when you want to open the cooker..

Dennis :wink:

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And the fun begins

So let's add fuel to the fire (no pun intended). If I want to cook steaks, you know ... grill something it is high heat. Fill that bad boy with lump pull the door on the bottom out 3 or 4 inches, crank the top way open and fire her up! Heck I can get to 700/800 degrees in no time.

Now if you want to slow cook do the same thing in getting it fired up but what I do is close the draft door down to about a coin thickness and have measured turns on the top (I marked with finger nail polish as it comes off) to get to my desired temps. Close it up as you get near the temp so you don't overshoot it. Remember give it time to react ... slow is good!


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First cook - Temp to high

Did my first cook yesterday and had problems keeping the temp down - even with vents barely cracked it (less that 1/8 turn) would run up to 400.

Getting smoke and heat from around the main seal so I tighten the latch this AM - will test again today. I believe I was getting a draft around the main from the loose latch and causing the temp to stay up.

Also, this AM I took a 2 inch SS bolt ($1.25) and slipped/twisted it into a piece of stove gasket I bought ($4.00 at H. Depot). Slide/twist the gasket covered bolt into the roto hole on the right side - it gives a firm fit ...but still easy to remove. Fits flush and flat and with a round top bolt head does not present a problem of catching on anything.

No nut is need and would interfere with the top grill anyway. This should cut down on 95% of the air flowing through that hole. .... So I got that going for me - LOL

You could put a small bit of high temp adhesive on the bolt before you push/twist on the gasket - but let that cure before you put it into the hole!!! Do not think it is necessary from what I am seeing however.

Hopefully this will let me go lower and slower today.

Try this, get only a couple of pieces of charcoal lit (if you are using gas attachment, use no more than 2 minutes). Close the bottom damper completely, then open the low airflow vent to where a quarter would slip in the crack. Then close the top damper completely and open back up the tiniest amount; put your hand around it, when you can feel heat coming out, that is good (you might not even see a crack). Then once you get the grill up to 220 or so, adjust to your desired temp from there.

Now if you wanted a high temp cook, you would lite more lump or use the gas attachment for about 5 minutes or longer. And of course your dampers would be open full. But it sounds like you are having no problems at high temps.


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Funny... I was just having the "how to get to high heat" issue with my cooker. Seems I am conservative with my air flow. And negligent clearing my fire grate. Oooh' date=' the shame.... [/quote']

Sanny, do you have the K fire grate as well as their Lumpsaver? I just use the LS exclusively (no grate here) and light with gas. High heat is no prob; but the cracks it causes are ! :D:shock:

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Thanks Jasen - High Temp

Thanks for the info - been cooking a couple of hours today and able to keep the temps in much better control even with a full load of charcoal.

This thing has so much mass (a good thing) I was too quick on the gun yesterday making adjustments

Got it up to 500 on purpose today then backed it down to 300 no problem - could have taken it down lower - I must have been getting a bunch of air through the main seal yesterday. Holding right at 325 no problem but clearly I could back it down more if I wished.

Thinking about a BBQ GURU anyone using one .... are they that good? Do you close the Hat (top vent) 100% when you use it?



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Re: Thanks Jasen - High Temp

Thanks for the info - been cooking a couple of hours today and able to keep the temps in much better control even with a full load of charcoal.

This thing has so much mass (a good thing) I was too quick on the gun yesterday making adjustments

Got it up to 500 on purpose today then backed it down to 300 no problem - could have taken it down lower - I must have been getting a bunch of air through the main seal yesterday. Holding right at 325 no problem but clearly I could back it down more if I wished.

Thinking about a BBQ GURU anyone using one .... are they that good? Do you close the Hat (top vent) 100% when you use it?



Not that Dennis says it is necessary, but it is a good practice to stay away from those really high temps for a few cooks - just my suggestion anyway. That way you can be assured all moisture has dried from the grill before you crank it up. A couple of 12 hr - 225 degres cooks would be good. But no worries if you have not, just wait a few cooks before you hit the 800 steak searing temps!

Now on the Guru - I freakn love mine! There are a few here who have Stokers that could give their input there, but I prefer the Guru. I have the Procom model so I am spoiled with all the features / adjustments it has. And I like how the guru will mount on the fan to be hidden out of the way. The stoker just looks bulky and ugly to me (just my opinion - so Gerard, do not get your panties in a wad over it). Anyway, just know there are two good products on the market for grill controls. Compare the two and see which has the most feature you want in your price range. If you can get a Procom, the Stoker cannot touch it. Now for those who geek out over the Stokers network connectivity, Guru just might be adding that soon. Though I would still rather control my grill from my remote. I can see some benefit to web based controls for those who might want to keep an eye on their grill from work.

Anyway, my 5 cents (inflation)!


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