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I have been given the green light to sell!!

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So for those that know me from the other forum you may remember an argument/disagreement that Mrs. bosco and myself had.

I wanted to sell the gasser.... She wanted to keep it. I really haven't used it all all in 2 plus years. Maybe once or twice. It was a very expensive gasser and I stored it in the shed on her this spring. She put her foot down hard and refused to let me sell it.

After a while I lost the battle and pulled it out for her. She never used it once but really not worth the battle over something so trivial.

Well today we were winter ozone the yard and began putting things away. She said to me "I think we should sell the gasser". I tried to keep my composure and not spit out I told you so. I responded with well if that's what you think then I will list it!!

I can't wait to get rid of this thing, may not be the best timing right now as we are going into the fall winter season. My dad is going to store it for me if it doesn't sell until the spring.

One less thing to have junking up the yard. It is not really junk, it's a 2500 gasser lol but I don't need it.

Once the KKs come that gives me 5 Kamado cookers. Time to really think hard about what I need to do. It is ridiculous to think I will need this many cookers.

My KKs will be what is used. I think I can live with three grills.... A 16" kk may just pop up in the spring now

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