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Reef's Herb Garden

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My humming bird population has doubled, 2 males have been joined by 2 females. 

Very nice.


I was able to get a matching replacement feeder this weekend. Strangely they don't like the new feeder as well as the old. Maybe it's the new plastic. They eat from it but definitely seem to prefer the old one. No worries once my population gets around 20 they won't be so picky - LOL


Something you might be interested in ......


A few years ago me and my son did a sugar content test. Regular strength, extra heavy on the sugar and extra light on the sugar. The conclusion we came to is the sugar strength definitely effects how fast they drink it down. Extra heavy on the sugar and they drink it slower. Make a light batch and they'll drink the feeder dry really fast. Needless to say I now make the batches a little heavy on the sugar content.

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I have read is a bird book  that the mix should be 1:4 sugar to water and you can feed more sugar at the start of the season before there is lots of feed from the flowers. Higher concentrations are  hard on their livers and should only be done at the start of the season. 

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Both good to know.

A friend and I were sitting on the deck Saturday evening and I saw my first hummingbird of the season. It flew within a few feet of us and then darted into the trees. It had a green body with a red breast. Stunning. Need to dig out my feeder from wherever it's stashed in the garage - or get a new one.

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On 5/23/2016 at 0:31 PM, MacKenzie said:

I have read is a bird book  that the mix should be 1:4 sugar to water and you can feed more sugar at the start of the season before there is lots of feed from the flowers. Higher concentrations are  hard on their livers and should only be done at the start of the season. 

I have the same problem with mixed drinks.            1:4 Booze to water...............................any stronger and it is hard on my liver!!!!  :smt045


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Tadpoles galore. We found some eggs last time we cleaned the filter (sorry no picture). We looked them up and they were toad eggs, which makes sense because we have a few toads running around the garden. Anyway here are a few of the tadpoles from those eggs.


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Wait until they all start croaking.:)

We already had 3 croaking in the garden. So loud you need ear plugs. So loud it drowned our my music and I play really loud crazy rock/rap.

I made those statements literally not figuratively.

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Love the pictures!

There must be a dragonfly boom this year. We have at least a dozen that have been sticking around our yard for about two weeks. I hope they stick around all summer and eat the skeeters and gnats.

I love the dragonflies too. The little ones hang out in the garden all day. As dusk approaches the big ones start flying/eating overhead. As it gets darker a few bats come out to eat. I've often thought about putting up some bat houses to try and get a bigger bat population. Bats are ferocious bug eaters and basically won't mess with you.

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