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Homegrown Pineapple

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Start with the ripest pineapple you can find (as yellow as possible).



Cut the top off. (I think you could do this without cutting the top off)



Hold both ends and twist in opposite directions until you have just the leafy top.




Peel leaves off one at a time going around the top until you have removed 3 or 4 rows.




Plant shallow in potting soil. Water generously and place in full sunlight.



This is one we started a couple of months ago. The leaves with brown tips are original growth. Lots of nice new leaves. It's growth is really starting to kick into high gear now that full summer is on us and I imagine the roots are starting to take hold.




This fall will have to bring them inside like house plants. Next spring will replant in a bigger pot and put back outside.


Middle of next summer I'll cut an apple in half and put it in the middle of the upper leaf area. Cover with plastic overnight. Next day remove plastic and apple. The chemicals emitted from the apple will trick the pineapple plant into thinking it's time to grow a pineapple. Hopefully by end of next summer I'll have homegrown Pineapples ;-)


Will occasionally update this thread as the months go by. There are more complicated methods for doing this but looking at the pictures from the one a couple of months old this simple method works just fine.

Reef's Bistro

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Charles, you are one truly patient man.  To wait a year or better for a pineapple  ... that's the definition of patience my Friend!  As for me, I'd just go buy one!

Not patience - a creative way to use the scraps from the pineapples we buy ;-l


And they are sort of kewl looking plants for the sitting garden.

Reef's Bistro

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