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New Member - Question about OTB Supreme

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I've been lurking here for awhile admiring all of your nice Kamados :)

An older KK has come up for sale within driving distance, and I was hoping to find out more information about it.  It is being advertised as an 'OTB Supreme', which I gather is a precursor to today's 23" Ultimate model.   The unit has been in Storage and is dirty but looks to be in pretty good shape.   The ad says it needs a new firebox, but I think they mean a new charcoal basket.  I've attached some photos.

It would be a pain to get it home, but the price (asking $1200) seems right.

Any thoughts on this model?  Will I be able to source a replacement charcoal basket, if that's what is needed?  Any details on what an OTB is and what features (guru port, rotisserie bearing, etc) that it might have?   I've read that this model evolved and went through several generations before the 23" Ultimate repalced it, can anyone tell from the photos what version this is?

Thanks in advance for your help.







Edited by kcheves
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If I'm seeing the last picture correctly, the hinge pin is missing. If this is so, I'm surprised the lid hasn't fallen off! I can't see the spring, was the lid heavy? Did it stay up by itself? If I'm correct, be very careful with the lid what ever you do, whether you're just inspecting or moving the grill. These parts will have to be replaced immediately. If you can look at it again, simply remove the grates and see if there's a stainless basket in the bottom. If no, that's likely what's missing, or take a photo of the deep interior and post it here. Parts are available, and $1200.00 is pretty cheap. It never hurts to make an offer though.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I heard back from the seller that it is the ceramic firebox (she says it is 2 pieces) that needs to be replaced.  She was quoted $250 shipped to SoCal.  I check with Dennis to see if this is accurate.   Thanks

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If you get to see it in person, try and spin that top damper. I see a lot of corrosion on the threaded rod. Nothing that a little WD-40 wouldn't fix, but just another test of how well/poorly this grill was maintained.  Dennis can supply all the needed parts. Just make sure that the body and interior aren't damaged. As Robert noted, a damaged/missing firebox is rather unusual for any KK. It's not something that you mess with once you receive your grill. Most likely, they tried to mess with it after they had used the grill for a while, and the firebox becomes brittle with exposure to heat. Hence, the reason that you don't mess with it - ever! 

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Looks like this has been in storage for quite awhile also this is the old grout that was used as opposed to the new one that is used know but

@DennisLinkletter will be able to shed more info on that 

1200 is a good price but i would go lower you will have to replace spring and pin get better latch and perhaps a basket or fire box depending on condition i am thnking you might not have a basket 

Does seem surprising that the lid was open in that pic but no pin or spring unless it was old pic any rate you need to go see it

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  On 7/30/2017 at 9:07 PM, ckreef said:

That listing came up on kamado guru. If it's in reasonable condition that's a great deal. Even if you spent another $500-$600 it's still a good deal. 



That's where I saw it.  I'm waiting to hear from Dennis.  It's 2 hours from me, but I'll go look at it if all the replacement parts are available.

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As I said in my Email.. I'm guessing she thinks the firebox is broken when we shipped it in two pieces. I think you might be able to do better than $1200 because it was $2200 new in 2005.. That was 12 years ago.. only $7 a month depreciation?

I have no idea what a firebox would cost because I've never sold one without a grill.  I've had fireboxes that were wedged into grills so tightly that when the customer tried to remove them they broke but never on their own without water damage.  That must be one of the very first grills we built with the CNC metal.. we called it a Supreme Plus.. but I'm amazed it still has the old 1/4" SS rod front latch.. CNC hinge but not CNC latch?  We can update that easily..    Don't worry about the chimney shaft it's 304 stainless and may have some surface discoloration but will be structurally sound.
As I said CALL ME!  I can get you everything..

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  On 7/31/2017 at 4:58 PM, DennisLinkletter said:

As I said in my Email.. I'm guessing she thinks the firebox is broken when we shipped it in two pieces. I think you might be able to do better than $1200 because it was $2200 new in 2005.. That was 12 years ago.. only $7 a month depreciation?

I have no idea what a firebox would cost because I've never sold one without a grill.  I've had fireboxes that were wedged into grills so tightly that when the customer tried to remove them they broke but never on their own without water damage.  That must be one of the very first grills we built with the CNC metal.. we called it a Supreme Plus.. but I'm amazed it still has the old 1/4" SS rod front latch.. CNC hinge but not CNC latch?  We can update that easily..    Don't worry about the chimney shaft it's 304 stainless and may have some surface discoloration but will be structurally sound.
As I said CALL ME!  I can get you everything..



Thanks for the detailed reply, but I missed out on this KK.  You WILL get a call from me someday discussing an order, I'm just not ready at this time.

Best Regards,



San Diego, CA


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