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I Smelled like Smoke

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I smelled like smoke, butt they loved me just the same! Cooked two butts indirect starting Friday night. Rubbed them down good the day before. Total cook time was right at 19 hours (internal meat temp. ~190) Turned out really great Gave a bunch to neighbors and bro-in-law. Burned at 235 for a long time, one observation was that KK temp drifted too low (~180 early Sat. am). She wasn't out, but I think the remaining coal was really hot because it may have been too spread out. I wound up putting 2 hand fulls in the center of the basket to get her up to 225. Next time, I'll arrange the coals more carefully.

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How 2 load her up for the long and slow..

I pour all the charcoal into a big wash basin or box.. sort it into large, medium and small pieces.

I first put the large pieces into the basket then fill the spaces with the medium followed by the small like a big puzzle. The secret is to have as much surface area of the pieces touching so that they will light each other..

I then fill a charcoal starter with smalls and once they are all burning red, pour them evenly over the top of the mound, use tongs to ensure there are some burning coals all around especially up front and around the edges where there is less airflow.  I cheat and use a hair drier to speed the spread at first.. When I have charcoal burning all over I close her up and never worry about running out..

Loading this way ensures the coals can always burn into the new fuel..


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Re: How 2 load her up for the long and slow..

Sounds complicated. I pour in a huge load...then torch the top just enough to get it lite...then close it and let it stabilize. I usually let it run about 2 hrs to make sure it's stable at the low-n-slow temp. Then I load in the meat. It drops when you load in the meat, but refrain from adjustments cause it'll come back :D:D

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fire died twice

At 15 low and slows I am still a newb, but I have noticed a difference in Cowboy lump and Kingsford Lum (the only two kinds I have around here). The Cowboy lump has burned out on me on two cooks. By this I mean I had the bowl full and the fire went out after burning a small cave in the lump. But with the Kingsford lump, which is lumps instead of scraps, I have had no problem just dumping it in right out of the bag. The puzzle technique is something I'll start using if I have another burn out!

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Re: fire died twice

At 15 low and slows I am still a newb' date=' but I have noticed a difference in Cowboy lump and Kingsford Lum (the only two kinds I have around here). The Cowboy lump has burned out on me on two cooks. By this I mean I had the bowl full and the fire went out after burning a small cave in the lump. But with the Kingsford lump, which is lumps instead of scraps, I have had no problem just dumping it in right out of the bag. The puzzle technique is something I'll start using if I have another burn out![/quote']

Around here, the Walmart carries Royal Oak lump which is really good. Also there are several outdoor pool and patio places that carry BGE charcoal which is also made by Royal Oak. I have also had troubles in the the past with both the brands you listed (worse being the Royal Oak for me). But it would certainly be worth while to do some hunting around for other possibilities for you - maybe even look into mail order for Wicked Good (not too much more than Royal Oak).


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Even though it is heresy, the Mexi-K style coconut lump works extremely well in the KK. It gets very hot or burns very steadily for a long (24h +) time. Dennis, it would b great if you could import this stuff.


Minus the mold :shock:

I hear they are charging extra for that now? Must be just for the discrete connoisseurs - hehe. :shock:


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Even though it is heresy, the Mexi-K style coconut lump works extremely well in the KK. It gets very hot or burns very steadily for a long (24h +) time. Dennis, it would b great if you could import this stuff.


Minus the mold :shock:

I hear they are charging extra for that now? Must be just for the discrete connoisseurs - hehe. :shock:


With prices like the ones being discussed lately, it must be roquefort lump or something. :o

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