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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2017 in all areas

  1. Here she is in her final resting place. Having trouble posting uncrating pics...more to come.
    3 points
  2. I put the cover on. I hate to admit it, but I have wondered out to my patio a few times and took the cover off so I could look at it and touch it. I can't wait to cook on it.
    2 points
  3. Last night my wife wanted pork tenderloin. I decided to butterfly it and spread cream cheese on the inside followed by some powdered ranch dressing, thyme, basil, salt, purple crack and roasted garlic (I saw this on a website somewhere and thought it sounded good. On the Guru maybe). I rolled it up then laid out bacon strips on the butchers twine and tied it up. I put some butter pecan rub on the outside then into the KK at 350 degrees with a chunk of pecan and hickory. I pulled it at 145 degrees. It turned out amazing!!
    1 point
  4. A couple of racks of spare ribs are cooking now. I'm also going to roast some peppers and eggplant for my wife. Didn't get any pics before the ribs went on. Will post the finished product.
    1 point
  5. It's here! It came about 1/2 an hour after my post, long before 9am, so I've spent the morning unpacking, setting it up, getting my stuff out of the cellar and putting it in the cabinet, cleaning the KK and starting a fire for tonight's dinner. Dennis is making me a cover to keep it nice. I'm also probably going to order a custom slide-out shelf from this outfit that sells them. I bought a bunch for my kitchen when I moved in and they are great. The cabinet is really deep and there is no way I'm getting down on my hands and knees every time I need some equipment. Thanks Dennis, for continuing to make such wonderful things. Here are some picks of this gorgeous cabinet.
    1 point
  6. That terra blue is super sharp looking!!!
    1 point
  7. Epic. I'd sit there with a nice bottle of wine and wait it out over an evening to see it unfold. The wonders of nature never cease to amaze me!!!
    1 point
  8. No, no - no, no, no!! Aussie version of a Hot Pocket!
    1 point
  9. KeithB, that pork tenderloin cook looks delicious.
    1 point
  10. I've been aware most of my life of the idea that the best "ground" meat is hand chopped, and I classified this as a bit over the top. While I'm no stranger to "over the top" (we grind our own flour, well worth it), I'd been blocking out this idea out of some misguided sense of self preservation. Nevertheless, I do have some amazing (Shapton Glass) sharpening stones for my knives. On Sunday, I bought a 3 1/2 rolled beef roast from one of my favorite butchers. A non-standard name, but the end they cut me was from near where rib eye steaks come from. I cleaned it up completely, removing all fat that wasn't marbling, saving 2 1/2 lbs of "steaks". These I cooked sous vide, then finished over coffee charcoal from Dennis, then sliced against the grain keeping the four distinct cuts in separate piles. It was a contender for the best steak of my life. Aside from the discarded fat and tissue, I salvaged bits of meat to make one hand chopped burger. It too was amazing. Remember that one simply needs a burger to hold together as it cooks; the juices congeal, so this takes less than one would think. In comparison, any grinder (even working with partially frozen chunks and a prechilled grinder) makes a massacre of the meat. Hand chopping has a lightness impossible to realize with any grinder. My protocol, moving forward, will be to plan for burgers and steaks, from one purchase of a hunk of beef. We were at a ranch party near Mariposa, CA two weeks ago where they served rib eye steaks to 80 people. How much reinforcement does it take for the idea to stick that ribeye steak is two cuts, and one is actually spectacularly better than the other? This was a big enough pile of meat served for anyone who wanted to get this idea straight. The dream scenario would be to rob this cut for steak night, and hand cut the rest into great burgers.
    1 point
  11. Scarry - I'll take American pop can biscuits any day - LOL
    1 point
  12. Very nice. Mrs skreef brought a kitchen aide mixer to the marriage. My cheapie stand mixer went immediately to the shed. I married her for her mixer - LOL - j/k
    1 point
  13. Aussie, pretty colour and just wait until you grind your own meat for burgers. :):):) You will never go back to store bought ground meat.
    1 point
  14. Wanted to something differently today so decided to make mac and cheese in the rice cooker. Turned out nice and tasty. Only had white cheese on hand so that is what I used, 2 different cheddars. For the ribs I just needed to sauce them and warm them up. Added some crispy onions and set the dish under the broiler for a couple of minutes. The sauce was one of those leftover sauces that I made but didn't label.
    1 point
  15. Last night both Mrs skreef and myself got home from work at 8 pm. With the 4 am alarm clock just around the corner we needed something quick and easy for dinner. Pull Apart Pizza for 2 did just the trick. Pepperoni and green peppers with homemade sauce for dipping.
    1 point
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