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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Amongst other things, my husband got me a mini Kurobuta ham from SRF for Christmas. I decided to do a side by side comparison. And of course this wouldn’t have been enough ham for 10 people. I separated the two hams with Mac n cheese on my plate hahaha. As you can see the ham on the right is far more deeply pink than the one in the middle. The kurobuta was not only more pleasant in appearance but it had a much stronger flavor. It tasted like meat more than whatever preserves ham. It was clearly the favorite. So good.
    5 points
  2. Yes, one of many!!! But one of my favorites, by far - not having to get out in bad weather just to get to work!! You know me, plenty of beer/wine/spirits to tide me over through just about any stretch of bad weather. Oh, and I usually have plenty of provisions in the pantry too. But, the nice thing about adult beverages is that they don't require water, electricity or gas to be consumable!
    4 points
  3. So, as you may or may not be aware, on the guru there is a challenge to cook anything you want so long as it comes in at under $3 per plate. I thought this was going to be super hard, so I started watching the circulars for ideas. When chicken quarters went on sale for $.79 a lb my husband waved me down and said he wanted that. So I got to looking through the other circulars to find what else was on sale that would go with chicken quarters. The makings for mango salsa (amazingly ever item necessary was on sale) and brussel sprouts were on sale at sprouts so I headed on out. Here is my sprouts reciept i used everything except half of the onion and half of the cilantro. Then I headed to get the chicken and some bacon. Truth be told, I always have bacon at home, but I didn’t have a reciept from the last time I purchased it. If I do another cook that involves bacon I will just use this price. I feel a little silly buying a new pack of bacon when I had one in the fridge and another in the freezer (although that one is from SRF so I shouldn’t use it in a cheap challenge cook) I used all the chicken and four strips of bacon. Total cost 10.50 when making four servings it averages out to 2.62 a plate. Even though my kids didn’t eat full plates I accounted for them as if they were adults. Got on the salsa right away. seasoned the chicken with salt, Tasmanian Mountain pepper berries, garlic powder, ground mustard and paprika got them on the grill at about 375 then started the Akorn jr for the bacon and brussel sproutsthe chicken was finishing up i brushed them with a little peach jelly mixed with lime juice. I wanted to use honey, but I realized we were out! Oh well the jelly worked well. And dang do they look good brussel sprouts are finished. the risotto was done in my instant pot. I love this thing for risotto. All together now my husband says this was bomb doggity. I have to agree. This was so good and I can’t believe how cheaply I can get food when I really keep an eye out for it.
    3 points
  4. https://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/01/04/18/04/aussie-tradies-competing-in-world-bricklaying-championships Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  5. That was the very last packets I've been able to find. I even went to 3 different stores while in FL trying to find more. I still have a few packets at home Also just to fess up - I bought the double sized bottle of Peach Balsamic for myself - two smiles for double sized bottle LOL
    2 points
  6. Lol. Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  7. Shouldn't be a problem coming up with something. I'll pass along whatever I come up with for dressings. First thought was a nice glaze (with Reef Peach Jam) on pork chops. Jon's sending you a nice treat - Iowa Popcorn makes tasty snacks!! Hear yah, MacKenzie. While not a "bomb," we're supposed to warm up enough by Sunday so that our next storm will be my favorite - Wintry Mix (freezing rain/sleet/snow). (Note the italics to denote sarcasm!) Thank goodness I don't have to be anywhere on Monday!
    2 points
  8. @Jon B. It makes a really tasty oil and vinegar dressing. The trick is finding the right "other" ingredients. Good Seasons use to sell a Balsamic salad dressing seasoning packet. Can't seem to find that version any more. Will keep our eyes open for a care package.
    2 points
  9. Unbeknownst to ya'll, theres a blizzard a blowin out there. But the beast { Colossus } sits contentedly in his house waitin for his duty call and I have a date with a snowblower. Hope your day is going well, Pip Pip ol Chap
    1 point
  10. No sweat Mines so dark you might think it was an abyss. Cookin today Bruce, keepin him warm, but he's gone to have to stay outside. Guard duty, you know
    1 point
  11. Tyrus, it is not you doing something wrong, those folks with the white insides just need to cook more and the white will soon be black.
    1 point
  12. They're still virgins! They all get darker after a few cooks. Sign of a well-used KK! Don't fret it.
    1 point
  13. Brrrrrr I think you should put “the beast” in the house to keep him warm lol.
    1 point
  14. Started on the veggies..ready to go..gave them a sprinkle of this great spice..gave the bottom some purple Crack. .then decided to do something different which worked out well melted some blue cheese.added some spice .and mixed it with a cup of apple sauce and a dash of cointeau and inject the chook..gave the chook a lather of the injection and some dizzy pig Tony b sent me this can't believe I have not tried it yet was stuck at the back...I then gave the veggies a slash of truffle oil..and ready to go..give it a rest. .the veggies look good ..ready to carve..and just a nice simple plating lol. Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  15. Aussie, what a great article that was, thanks for posting it.
    1 point
  16. That's because you sent them all to me lol it does go well with the hand written recipes you sent me .Jon don't be surprised if something rocks up in your post box . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  17. The MEATER customer service seems to be good so far. They swapped out the defective unit within a couple of weeks. It arrived yesterday and I used it on a cook last night. Having had all the connection problems previously, it seemed like a miracle when the unit popped up on Bluetooth with no problems once I had charged it! I think I will set up a spare iPad with the app so that I don't have to leave my phone directly in range.
    1 point
  18. Hey, I cooked a Peking Duck in below zero wind chills - man up and fire that beauty up and grill something!
    1 point
  19. You put that spice on the chicken pretty thick. That's ok cause everything looks so good. Tell me, can you speak Cajun now .
    1 point
  20. Aussie those veggies look yum yum And chicken also Looks delicious
    1 point
  21. Brrrrrr I think you should put “the beast” in the house to keep him warm lol.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Now the Urban dictionary didn't tell that meaning, but I must admit you read my mind about renaming your KK, and that is a dangerous thing. [emoji23][emoji44][emoji44][emoji44]
    1 point
  24. Me, too! The last one on the right is Chocolate Ghost Peppers - you want something that will just about put you into a coma, eat one of those puppies (I've never been silly enough to try it!) I was wearing glasses and gloves when I mashed them up, but needed a mask, too! Started coughing like I'd been tear gassed!!!
    1 point
  25. Search out ckreef's tutorial on pizza crusts - different styles cook at different temperatures and on different levels within the KK. He's experimented more than anyone here with pizza cooks and I consider him to be the Yoda! Don't get me wrong, MacKenzie and others make outstanding pizzas, as their pics will attest, but Charles has been more of a guide for many of us here. Don't sweat the "high" temp pizza cooks of 750F in the dome. Dennis just frets when folks shoot for 900F +. Then, the firebox is screaming hot (>2000F) and doing that frequently can lead to some long term damage. The dome thermometer is sensing the air temp around it, and isn't affected much by infrared (direct heat from the fire). Adding the pizza stone just increases the soak time is all - by a lot! Plan at least an hour at temperature if you're doing more than one pizza (a well heat soaked stone will shorten the rebound time between pizzas.) If you have an infrared temperature gun, it's a great way to tell if your stone is up to temperature and ready for cooking. (btw - I'm a Mechanical Engineer with a specialty in heat transfer.)
    1 point
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