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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Come hell or COLD weather LOL. About 11 last night I noticed the temp starting to stall and the blower was on constantly. We are out of fuel. This was gonna hurt . Pulled both grills full of wonderfully smokey pork, pulled out the spent smokers and filled up the basket to the drip pan ! Replace grills n pig and wait for pit to get up to temp again. Get my sorry ass to bed with alarms and temps set. 2:30 am brings the beeps so out of bed I fall to pull the done bits. The 2 shoulders were smallest so they came off into the cooler but waited an hour for the hams to get up 5' to 200. 4am the mid sections goes on and by 430 im back in bed with pit@189 and rising. 8:30 brings me downstairs to ribs at 186 but still a bit jiggley so I waited till 10 and 190 to pull them and place in cooler and We done here ! I'm going to need a big bad If I want to keep this up lol. Ultimately do able on the KK but it was only an 88 lb pig and need two shifts but very do able. " poke in the eye with a blunt stick?? no thanks, id rather do a pig in 17' weather with a wind chill to single digits." Payoff is Hopfest Beer tent ans some fine pig, if I can stay awake that long. Thanks for all the words of encouragement and hope i Wasn't too boring, this is as much a diary for the next time as it is a share with you fine folks. PIcs library updated too. Zo0
    6 points
  2. I finally feel like I nailed a sourdough loaf with the spring and shape I wanted. Twas delish. This was 60% hydration rather than 70% and I added a little dry yeast before the final proof. Maybe tells me I wasn’t feeding my starter regularly enough before adding it to the dough? Not sure I want to change this process for now. The other recent attempts have been too dense or too flat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  3. Good to see Tyrus mixing his rubs .I love mixing it's amazing the different flavour profiles that can be made .in my true fashion I decided to add a vegetable rub to my ribs .it may be on the bottom .But it's a start to see if It can progress to the top lol..Ready to go..smoking over jam wood can't wait. 3 hours to be precise. All day everyday love how consistent Ora is Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. Looks great! My opinion: stick with this formula until you’re comfortable you’ve mastered the process, then tweak from there. But if you like it, nothing wrong with sticking with it either. Regarding your starter — if it’s healthy I find one feeding the night before and then another the day of making is sufficient. YMMV.
    3 points
  5. Small 2kg( 5lb) brisket for tonight. Kk got away from me so I’ll check for leaks tomorrow. Crept up to 170c. I might have got lazy putting the bottom door back after the last clean out. Turned out ok after 4.5 hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  6. First, talk with Dennis and he can help you decide on which grill fits you best I looked for some time at the 23 and the 32, read through the forum, talked to Dennis, etc. I ended up wit the 32, personally i think it the most versatile. With the basket splitter I cook for 1-2 but I also can cook for 15-20 when necessary. Never considered the 12 but between those 2 the 23 would get my money, however I would still pick the 32 over the 23 and never look back. The 32 will handle slabs of ribs or really nice sized briskets. Sets up well for reverse searing and will hold a bunch of burgers. Just my thoughts
    2 points
  7. If I could do it over again, I'd go 32. I have a big 6 burner Weber gas grill and I use it once a year now. The 32 BB has a lot of versatility.
    2 points
  8. Very similar to mine in structure however yours has so much, much more detail and it is looking like a gem. You must live in a dry climate and the rain may not be a concern, so I believe you designed the top as a shaded area by placing the rafters closer together for sun protection and leaving the opening exposed to the elements. Here in the northeast weather and rain are always a concern, could ruin your day, like a Florida shower and the event would be dashed. Unfortunately, and with the added expense the roof has to be closed. Nice to see yours coming along so well.
    2 points
  9. Turned out great Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. No complaints ! this was my 3rd pig for these guys and this on the KK was the best, the other two were on one of those caja china boxes. pita
    1 point
  11. That looks great @Basher. I have finally got my leaven to float reliably and look nice and lively. I have been trying a different loaf from Tartine no 3 each week and I find that the high hydration doughs end up a little flatter. Still tasty but not that plump look that you got there. I think I have had most success when I have refreshed the starter twice and then made the leaven. Will experiment more to see if that is indeed an important factor.
    1 point
  12. We’re empty nesters too, and I own both a 23 AND a 32. If I could have only one it would be the 32 hands down.
    1 point
  13. I’m thinking you could vertical roast tacos al pastor with the right set up.
    1 point
  14. Thanks @Tyrus yes we live in San Diego. Rain isn’t an issue the cover is primarily for shade and it will get more coverage after it’s done
    1 point
  15. Looks deeeeelicious, Aussie.[emoji39]
    1 point
  16. Tyrus if you bend his legs in a little and tuck his head, then put him in the rotisserie I think that might work. Might be a little hard to cut and tough to chew.
    1 point
  17. yikes, looks like a 17th century post mortem LOL!!
    1 point
  18. OK, got the pig yesterday and carved it up last night. I cut off the two fore trotters and hacksawed the hinds then proceeded to draw and quarter her. Picshere Getting the head off was the toughest but with my handy axe and hammer, we got the job done. Marinade was done, injection followed then place all the bits in two coolers and marinade and ice on top until just two hours ago. We got the KK going @ 12today to preheat and soak. The heat up basket was pulled @2 and a fully loaded basket with 2 SS smoker boxes with hickory embedded on top with coals from the preheat placed on top and put back into the KK to get going. Drip pans placed. After fitting all probes and putting both shoulders and hams on the grills to size, I placed some garlic inside all the meat. About 2 whole cloves slid inside and underskin no rub. Carry out the grates, thread the wires and plug chit in and we off to the races by 3! PHew. 2 of the 3 signals probes are*#%@!* but too late now. Down to half the thermos I should have but one is on the main grill and one on the lower so I should be ok *heavysigh* Oh, and doesn't bloody signals need to update the firmware?? That went quickly after d'ling the program to do it. ugh. I smell wonderfully smokey now and the KK is up to temp @ 250. If all goes well an she's all done oh what, 2-3 am? ill go down and pull them into the warmed coolers and put the ribs sections on, go back to bed and wake up to a job well done! I hope I let you know. Sj
    1 point
  19. I selected these spices for a flavor profile, sweet and with a little heat. Finished off with a mix of Rufus Teage (Whiskey Maple) and Head (Apple Habernero). Don't know what it is about BBQ sauce but I always take a sip from the bottle, just can't help it. Anyhow here's a few pics to show I actually did the work, nah, no work, it's always enjoyable. Oh, before I forget. You may already do this with your spices as I just stumbled across it's application and how it helps to preserve your spice. The covers on most rubs in larger containers aren't air tight and once open and used turn out the second time around for use as a hard as a brick. I found that if you cover the top with a piece of plastic wrap your spice stays true to form for it's next use. The covers the manufacturer supplies is great for dispensing but air and moisture rob the product of it's shelf life not to mention hardening it like a rock. You may already do this but if you don't it may be worth a try. By the way, that's 12+lbs of ribs, they sat quite comfortably on that top rack
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Only 1 for me Aussie. That’s the first 15 of 30 sold amongst mates. Didn’t think I had that many friends until the lamb call came in! If u were near Brisbane I’d line you up for 1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Surely not Bruce, but you are right. That pasta does look good. These are on their way to my house this afternoon. Raised on chickpeas- protein. Hence the low fat lamb. Can’t wait to fire up some chops on the kk tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. More indoor cooking, it is really cold outside, feels like -25C so the kitchen stove was looking pretty good. Made some whole wheat pasta today and sometimes things just work out and today was one of those days or maybe I was just starving. Those tomatoes are from last summer's garden. They were partially dehydrated and then frozen, delicious.
    1 point
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