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  1. Made a follow up video describing what you’re talking about here, it is an evolution.
    2 points
  2. Yes. On one hand, people overthink the angle thing, what matters is how often we sharpen, not how perfectly we sharpened last year. I go entirely by feel. It's very easy to feel when one has slipped back to the point where the edge isn't making proper contact, or when one has slipped forward to the point where digging into the stone is an immediate risk. The sweet spot is somewhere right in the middle between these extremes. I work in a quiet room (other than the dribble of the faucet). I use an Atoma diamond stone to smooth the surface of my Shapton Glass stones frequently, often between knives. Perhaps I secretly want to actually wear out a water stone in this lifetime. More likely, when the stone is very smooth it gives very good tactile feedback as to how the knife is riding. A just-polished stone is like waterskiing a glassy Adirondack lake at dawn. There is the potential for a feedback loop, here, taking my knives off course: The feel each time I sharpen has everything to do with how I sharpened last time. My chef's knives may have drifted, while for some reason my cleaver sharpening is spot-on. Further evidence for this theory is that I'd already noticed I can get the 8" Fujitake chef's knife sharper than the 10" Fujitake chef's knife. In both kitchens. I'd always assumed it was something different about the knives, but this could be a reproducible experiment coming down to how I hold each knife as I sharpen. A variant on your theory: While the VG 10 core is the same, the cladding varies on the different knives, and how straight each edge is. Both of these would affect the feel while sharpening. I go for "what feels best" while sharpening (an apprentice Japanese woodworker asks how to cook the rice for rice glue? So it tastes good), but this may serve me better on some knives that others. There have been many reasons I've craved a good microscope. This would be one. A really sharp knife is actually more serrated than a dull knife. Whatever we imagine, we're all really just using bread knives.
    1 point
  3. Hurray! The local corn is finally coming in! The best part of summer has begun! Now if only more of my tomatoes would ripen! Tossed on the grill with some chicken thighs, spuds in the foil pouch, and some shishito peppers off my plant. Topped off with a side salad and crusty bread - winner, winner, chicken & corn dinner!
    1 point
  4. With the fresh halibut we got yesterday I made a Peruvian ceviche (which I’ve shared the recipe on other threads before) but decided to pair it today with a Pisco Sour 3 parts Pisco 1 part lime juice 1 part simple syrup Egg white topped with a dash of bitters also got this recipe from the Hotel in Agia Calientes (base of Machu Pichu), kept this piece of paper now for 8 years Side note we made this with “Kusi” Pisco which is my wife’s name. Kusi mean happiness in Quechua and whenever her relatives come visit from Peru they always bring us a bottle
    1 point
  5. @tekobo - as the saying goes, "You can't drink all day, unless you start first thing in the morning!"
    1 point
  6. Very nice looking drink @Troble I can just taste it. Shame it is too early in the day to do anything about that urge!
    1 point
  7. I'd rather drink the Bourbon! 🤣
    1 point
  8. Well today was the day I decided to make the move.. it took removing a section of fence and 5 people but it got done! The 42" in its new home, then nice and cleaned up with tables. Won't be burning it in for a couple of days.. need a bit of a rest.. haha.
    1 point
  9. You bet I did! Funny though, it was a glass topped dutch door.... The bear stood up and spread its arms so my adrenaline was really pumping. I had not been that pumped since a particular firefight in Vietnam, so it prompted me into researching how to get rid of problematic bears without killing it. Man, there is a whole lot of info and bears and I can tell you what doesn't work Bear was between the door and the dog. Dog prudently retreated but unfortunately did not utter a peep to warn me. Neither dog did since I had 2 at the time. They also would not make a sound when the mountain lion was cruising the meadow.
    1 point
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