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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Been awhile since I did a proper cook so tonight I picked up a couple of filet mignons, rubbed with sea salt & black pepper. Reversed seared in a cast iron pan with Irish butter, rosemary & thyme sprigs grilled some asparagus in the pan while the meat rested roasted baby potatoes with olive oil, truffle salt, rosemary & thyme finished with shredded Parmesan cheese just like riding a bike. Love this meal as it’s so easy in the KK and so much better than going to a steakhouse grilled a bunch of chicken breast after that I’ll use for Ceasar salad/chicken pitas and then chicken bowls with guacamole, corn, black beans & quinoa
    6 points
  2. @Troble - Great minds! Dinner last night to celebrate the 70F day! was steak and asparagus. Direct, lower grate, used the Frog Mat for the asparagus. Plated with melting potatoes with shallot crack sauce, 'shrooms, and side salad.
    3 points
  3. @Troble, I agree getting back into KK cooking is just like riding a bike and you did a great job proving that point.
    1 point
  4. You didn't say how much wood you put in your smoker pot? I typically use 4 - 6 chunks in mine and never have an issue with the amount of smoke produced. As @Poochie suggested, try some different woods. I typically use a blend of a fruit wood (apple, cherry, peach) with a hardwood (hickory, post oak, mesquite) - 2 parts fruit to 1 part hardwood.
    1 point
  5. Cherry is one of the more mild wood flavors to use. It works fine for pork and chicken but for beef, I'd stick with oak or hickory...mesquite if you like an "in your face" flavor. I don't use the smoke pot. I use wood chunks directly on the lump. If you can count them, you don't have enough for a LONG cook. The photo shows the typical amount I use on long cooks. And the photo only shows half the firebox.
    1 point
  6. It was really nice out yesterday so while I worked on a pro just in the front yard I cooked some ribs out back 😁
    1 point
  7. Looks pretty good to me. The taste is all that matters anyway!
    1 point
  8. Couple of recent grill cooks. Love the versatility and grilling room in the 42. In this case fire on the right side only. On the cook with the chicken thighs and breasts I let the bird parts come up to 120 or 130 then moved them down onto the lower grate on the right side to sear before taking them off. Sausages stayed up high but way over to the right over the fire. Veggies in the basket down low are great. Except in this case I didn’t realize the kids wouldn’t like the char on the sprouts as much as I did. Anyway- loving the 42 more and more. Burgers tonight. Can’t wait. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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