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  1. @Tyrus, my husband was very pleased to be told that he is very knowledgeable. Given you were separated at birth, so must you be. We set about thinking about what we could fill the pot with. He thinks it would hold chilli for 200 people. We don't have that many friends. One could probably fry a whole turkey in it. If one liked turkey. Or steam a great big suet pudding. Or, much more safely, fill it with oranges. We are in Italy at the moment and there was a beautiful pan on display in a neighbourhood restaurant that we went to last night. It's for polenta they said. It's not for sale. I may have to sneak back in to steal it. See what you have started @braindoc? I hope you enjoy your journey with copper cookware as much as we enjoy ours.
    2 points
  2. Bought some Caputo Blue 00 flour and tried my hand at making neopolitan style pizzas with my gores. Crust came out thin and crunchy. Had a hard time keeping them temp above 550 for 3 pies, think I need to use better fuel ne f tine bud happy with the results gif the first attempt. Nice change of pace to my NY style pizzas I’ve been making the last 3 years
    2 points
  3. I remember having to dig through different threads to find out about how to cook pizza on a KK when I first started. At the time Charles' posts were the reference set that everyone pointed me to. It's been so long since he last posted that I have temporarily forgotten his forum name. Will go searching in my bookmarks... Ah! @ckreef, how could I forget you? Well, there are some good pizza posts by him, lots of great pizza pics from @MacKenzie and a delightful Chicago Thin thread, amongst many others about pizza, from @Pequod. People like @David Chang are bringing new things to the party and it would be good to have a way to better mine the rich resources on this forum. The search function is OK but you have to sift through a lot of dross to find what you need. Are better ways to use this forum's tools or are there other forum formats that make searching and surfacing information, possibly ranked by popularity, easy and transparent?
    1 point
  4. @David Chang thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed response I will certainly take some of your pointers in mind for the next time. As it stands with this attempt I am not too concerned about the dough not being perfect. It's my first attempt and letting my 7 year old and 5 year old drive does not really produce chef quality results at this point but my 7 year old in particular has been talking alot the past few weeks about how she wants to be a chef and she was and her sister were very invested in these dough balls. If you go back on this thread 3 years or so you will see that I documented my attempts at NY pizza dough and my first attempt there was pretty rough but after getting some sage advise from @MacKenziei made NY style pizza every week for about 4 months and i got to a point where I feel I pretty much perfected that style of pizza. I know how to form dough balls and let them rest. This attempt never got off on the right foot.....my wife and I are headed to Bora Bora tomorrow for our 10 year anniversary so I spent the end of last week (Friday) cooking up a storm so that my mother in law had food in the freezer for my kids for 8 days. I grilled chicken breast, made blogonese pasta, made chicken/quinoia/black beans/corn, mac & cheese with peas and chicken breast and chicken soup. All in the same day, while drinking beers all day. In the evening that night I decided to make this Neopolitan pizza dough and try the recipe from that other thread from Stadlermade. I made the dough balls and put them in the fridge overnight with the intent to make the pizza on Sunday. Saturday morning I checked the dough and it didn't seem right, i looked at the recipe again and it called for .4g of yeast, which I knew couldn't be right so threw those dough balls out looked up a new recipe https://www.seriouseats.com/basic-neapolitan-pizza-dough-recipe and started over. At this point my kids were up as it's Saturday morning and they really wanted to help so i let them help mix the dough and form the dough balls. One of my daughters was putting way too much flour on one dough ball but i figured i'd let her be and we'd sort it out. We put all 3 of our dough balls in the fridge and labeled them with our initials so we could watch them grow. We let the dough sit in the fridge for 3 days and watched it rise every day. I then put the dough out yesterday at 12pm to let it rise and come to room temperature which they did fine and they doubled in size to nice perfect little circle balls. However, I am not a fan of weekday pizza cooks while the kids are in school because I have to have the timing right. I also had a haircut appt at 3pm yesterday and needed to be cooking pizza at 5pm. so what did I do? i put the KK on at 2:30pm, put the stone in, went and got my haircut then tried bringing it up to temp when I got home. I had it around 550 for the first pizza and when my kids got home they were excited to help form the dough and put the toppings on. THey also asked to use the roller which I allowed them to do. On my dough ball I was going to make that one "perfect" however my youngest daughter decided to smash my poofy dough ball with her hand when I was outside and then my oldest daughter decided to start rolling it again like we did saturday into a ball when I was outside so that one got all messed up and deformed. I had run out of fuel and the last 2 pizzas were cooked closer to 500 which i know is too low for Neopolitan but I had no more fuel to add Takeaway for me is to make pizza on the weekend, not use the roller, make sure that i got good fuel and keep temp over 600. But i will try your recipe and pointers and I am sure I will get better at it. it was nice to have a different sytle of pizza crust, we like thin and crunchy so everyone enjoyed it
    1 point
  5. @Troble may i offer you some advice when making neopolitan pizza? the dough does not look properly fermented. if the dough ball is the size of a baseball, it should almost be double the size when its time to stretch. it may be the dough recipe you are using, or perhaps not enough time fermenting. but there needs to be a puff (cornicione) on the crust for neopolitan. this crust is airy and open crumb. it will totally expand once the dough hits the stone. this is a single i pie i made today. i also used caputo blue and some bread flour. i noticed you have trouble with the shape. fret not. you don't need to do any slap stretching or toss dough up in the air like they do on TV. what you can do is heavily dust the dough ball and press down on the ball with your fingers and slowly work the circle while maintaining an even base and even crust thickness. take your time with this. if the shape is poor, it will come out like an amoeba. if things start to be sticky, throw some flour on and keep shaping. if the bottom sticks, through some flour on a pastry card and lift the sticky spot out. the only time i lift the dough off the marble is to put it on the pizza peel for toppings and launching into the oven. i use both my fists to lift it and gently place it on the peel. and lastly, the temperature. i'm cooking on gas in the alfa with floor temp at around 850F. i have done it on the kk at around 650F. I would say 650F is the absolute minimum for neopolitan. but regardless which oven is used, when the dough is properly made it will give you better results. the bottom should have some browning, but not so much there are burnt spots that give you bitter taste. but all of this is made possible if your dough is properly made. i use this recipe a lot (usually scaled to 3 balls). notice the fermentation times. it is usually days long and worth it. hope this was helpful.
    1 point
  6. I didn't know that. Tell your Husband he's a good man and he's well knowledgeable about all decisions involving rare artifacts. It's never about the capture, it's always the chase. Love that POT, it's a beauty and handsomer than mine, but it's impractical unless you have a use for it, unless it's to show. I saw the tin was still complete inside, you never know, one day it could be full again, and you my dear could fill it ................maybe with a Chili, wouldn't that be remarkable. Food for thought, the Fall is a coming.
    1 point
  7. Done some beef ribs love my ribs Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. We have succumbed to temptation. Took a short drive to Duparquet/East Coast Tinning just in time to speak with the owner before he locked up. Here is the outcome:
    1 point
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